Chapter 14

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You can't force love. It's either there or it's not. If it isn't present, you admit it and keep moving on. But if it is, then you fight like hell to hold onto it. And that's what Bruce did. He dug so deeply into Harley's emotions that in sating any thought of curiosity, he found love.

It didn't come to him with the Heavens opening up and raining down, nor with shooting stars. Love came softly and unfolded naturally out of companionship. It revealed itself like the chapters of a beautiful book opening to the reader, beckoning them to read every page. And even then, it was a compelling page-turner that begged not to be put down.

Now, Bruce has no idea how to live without her, the great love of his life. That's why he proposed early, two months earlier, to be exact. He had a whole big to-do planned, complete with a ton of flowers and a performance from the cast members of Wicked. The Bat knew she loved that musical, but none of it mattered because the moment felt right. Because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the remainder to start as soon as possible.

He supposes love is like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Chemistry and all the things that make the couple unique are the peanut butter on both ends of the bread. And the jelly is the love between them, the glue that holds it all together. Romance is another thing entirely, like birthday cake. Everyone should have lots and lots of delicious birthday cake, as far as he's concerned, especially with the one they've pledged their love.

But the Billionaire has also learned that love is fragile and sometimes he's not the best caretaker of it, unlike the city he relentlessly defends. That mindset has been changing. And somehow, against all the odds stacked against him, them, they're surviving, not just surviving but thriving. Love has taken something difficult for most people and made it effortless in their relationship; at least, that's what it feels like to Bruce. To him, that's a miracle.

Here's the thing: love, the Dark Knight has come to understand, is more than three words uttered before bedtime or leaving the house. Actions strengthen love because actions and gestures of devotion speak louder than any words ever could. The best gifts come from the heart, not some department store.

And that is where he's drowning currently. With only a few days until Christmas, Bruce had already given Harley the most heartfelt gift he could have offered--- the promise of his heart and a life together. Everything else pales in comparison. So now what?

He's not the best gift giver to begin with, usually opting for gift cards or cash. Money can't buy love, but it can buy other things. So, what could he do? What do you do for the woman you love, who scatters sunshine wherever she goes? That's the trouble with asking yourself these types of questions. The subconscious always responds, "Figure it out, idiot!"

While Bruce was figuring out Harley's gift, she was lunching with CC, bags of gifts scattered around the table like child's toys everywhere. CC sat there staring at a bedazzled ornament she had bought with disbelief. "I didn't realize there was such a thing as a must-have ornament of the year. And it doesn't look as must-have as they say it should."

The brunette held the decorative ball up and spun it around by its ribbon. Harley laughed and motioned with her fry to it, "Yeah. All the snobby ladies of that social circle who invited me to Christmas tea earlier in the month spoke highly of it. They were all ahhing over the thing, and I just sat there like no. I'd rather have our pretty, festive, nearly traditional trees at the manor over the on-trend ones any day."

The two continued their lunch of burgers and fries, discussing holiday plans, with Harley reminding her friend, "We have the pre-Christmas Eve Wayne Foundation party on Wednesday evening. We need to find the right accessories for our dresses today ---"

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