Chapter 5

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When Saturday arrived, Harley was a bundle of nerves and energy. She usually loves Saturdays, especially the mornings, just lying in bed, taking advantage of no alarm clock. After grabbing her book from the nightstand, she tried to read, but that was a lost cause. All the girl could think about was that night--- the date night.

Setting aside the book, she considered the date and dating in general. After all, it's her first one in a long time, which gives itself cause to be nervous. The last guy she dated, if it could even be called such, was Joker. That should not be the standard for any kind of date, relationship, or anything remotely in the realm of coupledom. That span of Harley's life is the guide for how not to date.

Watching the sun streaming through the curtains, the blonde recalled a Metropolitan Girl article on "A Good First Date." It encouraged women to "keep it light and shallow and optimistic" when talking to a new guy because most "typical" guys didn't respond well to knowing past drama and your life's history.

The magazine also said don't hog the conversation. Get the guy relaxed enough to chat about his favorite and most familiar topic: himself. The article went on to explain a first date, in that there are three parts to it--- entertainment, food, and, if everything goes well, affection. But never give out too much affection. Only a peck on the cheek or hand or a hug would do.

But, Harley wondered, with all these rules, how do you get to know a person, like really know someone? Isn't it better to be yourself and not some superficial version of a person who is more acceptable than the usual, everyday version? Because otherwise, that would be lying.

Dating isn't a game to Harley, not anymore. With all her past abuse, all things love and love-related must be authentic. Dating is the attraction that sets the soul on fire and the gateway for romantic love to blossom. It's better to put your heart on the line, risk everything, and walk away with nothing than play it safe or shallow.

The blonde sighed in frustration and thought about something else. What happens when you offer yourself to someone only to discover you're not what they expected? She supposes that would be a really sucky date. But what if that happens with her, maybe not tonight, but in the future? Eventually, they'll share truths about their pasts, and Harley knows hers isn't stellar. It's full-on sketchy.

Harley took one of the extra pillows on the bed, put it over her face, and screamed into it. Dating is confusing. She tossed the pillow aside, reached for the cell phone, and dialed CC. The girl answered on the third ring, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me. I need help! Come over as soon as you can," Harley told her.

CC chuckled. "I figured you'd be a wreck today. I'll come over for lunch. Is there anything you want me to pick up?"

Harley thought about that. "Yes. A new squeaky clean past. Can you get that for me? I mean, convenience stores have everything, right?"

Her friend replied, "Umm... I'm pretty sure they don't sell that. If they did, the lines would be out the door. But I'll bring chicken nuggets."

Chicken nuggets are not the same as an erased history. They just aren't. But Harley settled for it anyway. After hanging up, she stretched and got out of bed to officially start the day, dressing and making a yummy breakfast of toast, eggs, and bacon. However, the nerves in her stomach were as tangled as a plate of spaghetti, so the food went to waste.

Cleaning always helps her nerves, so the blonde cleaned while waiting for her friend to arrive. It took up most of the morning, but every room was tidied and put back together from various forms of clutter. Pleased with how things turned out, she had just sat down to read when the doorbell rang.

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