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Finally I'm back in Korea! After 3 years of being in the states I get to finally be back home!

I started to walk to the entrance and exit doors of Inchon air port when I had bump into someone. As I look up at her she looked like she was lost. She was about my height and was wearing a light blue sweater. "Sorry" she apologized.

"It's ok" I say as I walked away and out the doors.

"Over here Ari!" I hear someone yell. I look around me to see Dae waving his arms in the air so I could see him. When we both saw each other I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Look who's all grown up" I teased as I start to mess his hair up. He smiles as he pulls my arm away from him.

"I miss you too Ari" he adds, "now let's go, I can't wait for you to see Q and Minho again".

I groan, "Ugh Minho" I said as I rolled my eyes and Opened the door,

"You still hate him? It's been years since you last saw him" Dae says as he closed his door.

"Yeah I still do" I say,

"I don't get why you hate him so much" Dae says, "you just need to get to know him".

"Come in Dae, he's self centered, and he's mean to me, he hates me and I hate him so it's even" I say crossing my arms.


As we entered KISS I walk up to the check in table where the lady gave me a paper what told me where I was gonna be staying. "Ok I have to go, I'll see you at the welcoming party" Dae says before walking away.

"Bye" I shout, I started to walk around and see that nothing has changed since 3 years ago. "Ari your finally back!". I turn around to see Principal Lim in front of me.

"Oh Hello principal Lim" I say, then bow to her, "how have you been?" I asked.

"I've been good, can't believe your back" she said. "How was the states?".

"It was fun but I miss Korea, I'm glad I'm back too" I say and she smiles.

"Well I have to go, hopefully I will see you at the welcoming party" she said as she walked away. Suddenly someone walks up to her. I tried to get a good look at who it was. It was the same girl I bumped into at the airport!

Wow I am seeing this girl everywhere. She looks so familiar though. It's like I know her from somewhere.


As I walk into my assign dorm I saw a girl in the kitchen watching her phone."Hi I'm Ari" I tell her, "I'm your new roommate".

"Hi I'm Madison" the girl said. She has red hair and was a bit taller than me. "Can't wait to be roommates with you!".

"So which one is my room?" I asked and she points over to the door on the left. I nod before walking to the door to open it. When I walked in a saw that the bed was in the left and there was a desk right across from it. I place my bags down onto the ground and flip down into the bed. These beds are still super comfy.


As I walked into the welcoming party I see Q and run up to him. "Hey long time no see!" I say as he turns around. His eyes widen and a smile lights up on his face.

"Ari you're back! And you look good!" He said giving me a big hug. "I missed you so much, how have you been?" He asked me.

"I've been good, I missed Korea so I came back" I say.

All I want || Minho xo,kittyWhere stories live. Discover now