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It was a few days after Chuseok and I had stayed in Dae's dorm since. It was only for a while because Madison had all her friends over for a sleepover.

I was eating cereal while sitting on the kitchen island when I saw Minho's abs in my face. "Aww come on, not when I'm not eating" I complain.

"Hey, it's not my fault you can't handle this" he said pointing at his body. I get up from my chair and walk up closer to him.

"you're right I can't". His eyes go in shock. I jump onto him and he holds me by my thighs. I could see the way he was looking at me, it was like he was looking at the stars. We lean in closer about to kiss, our first kiss finally with no one interrupting us.

"AHHHHHH" I scream at the top of my lungs as I sit up from the couch. I look up and see Minho sitting on a chair by the kitchen island. "AHHHH" I scream again.

"What?! Do I have a pimple on my face?" he asked as he touched his face. What kind of dream was that?!


"I just want to talk to him, but Alex said that not everyone on my timetable. So now I'm just wondering about Professor lee and-" But Q interupts her.

"how about, instead of fixating all this Alex drama. We talk about what were are gonna wear to Minho's madness party". I choke on my coffee.

"Party?! Minho?!" I said,

"What's wrong with that?" Q asked me,

"Nothing, just forget I said about anything" I said looking away.

"She likes Minho, she just confirmed it!" Kitty says and I look over at her, "also why were you screaming so loud this morning? You woke all of us up" she complained.

"Oh umm-" but I stop. Do I tell them I had a sex dream about Minho. "Nothing, just a bad dream" I lie.

"Wait you like Minho for real now?" Q said and I nod. He looks at me and Kitty back and forth.

"told you I'm quite the match maker". "And Minho is having a party?" she adds on.

"Yeah, are you two going?" he asked, "this could be your shot Ari" he said nudging me in the shoulder.

"Sure why not, I have nothing better to do" I say and Q smiles. "Kitty please go" I beg her.

"I don't want to, most likely Dae and yuri will be there" she says back,

"But you have to, it's the party of the year, and Yuri is definitely gonna be there she's DJing " Q explains.

"plus Dae doesn't go to things like this" I add on.

"but what if he does, with him and my mom's necklace and Yuri".

"Kitty, you need to get over him, and that's coming from this twin sister" I tell her, "please just come, you'll have me and Q".

"Fine, I need to get over him anyways" she said with a smile.

"Great, we have to find you someone to kiss tonight to get over Dae" Q said as we all got up from the table.



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