TGIF pt.2

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"Hey guys!" I said as I approached Q and Kitty.

"Ari, you came!" Q cheered, "what made you decied to come to the Outdoors Club?" he asked me. In previous years when I attended Kiss I would never come to Outdoors Club, I mean I went once but it wasn't for me.

"Wanna give this club a try again" I replied and he nods.

"Okay, let's get started!" Q anounced to get everyone's attention. "Welcome to the Outdoors club! Let's hope this year is a good year even though we lost some people, let's make the most of it!".

We all started to do streches when I saw Dae appear next to Q. He looks around and when he sees Kitty he freezes. I look back at her to see that she had waved at him. Still in shock Dae walks up to her and starts to talk with her. I walk over to Q so we can both watch what is happening between them.

"What about my mom?" Someone said, me and Q look at each other in confusion, we look back over at Kitty to see that Yuri had appear.

"Why is Yuri here? She hates the outdoors?" I whispered to Q, "and how does she even know about this club?" I added on. Q shrugs before Kitty walks back over to us.

"Q you said she wouldn't be here" Kitty complains,

"I don't even know how she found out" he tells her,

"Hey guys" someone said, I look behind me to see Minho walking towards us.

"Damn it" I mumble,

"What? What's wrong?" Q asked as he looked around us.

"Ohh Minho" Kitty whispers, "she had a little thing for him".

"Shut up Kitty, I do not ok" I replied,

"Hm denial, you totally do" Q said, "but you guys would be cute, enemies to lovers I see" Q adds on as he nudged me in the shoulder.

"Yeah never in a million years".


We all started the hike and when we were about half way Kitty had left me and Q to go talk to Dae. Me and Q were talking when we heard kitty scream. Our heads both shot to where she was to see that she was in Dae's arms.

I could tell by the way he looked at her, he still has feelings for her. "Get off my boyfriend" Yuri shouts at Kitty. Here we go.

Kitty and Yuri started to go back and forth before they started to race up the hill. "Be careful guys!" Q yelled. I look behind me to see Minho and Madison talking. Why is he talking to her!? Wait am I jealous right now?

"Hey I'll catch up with you later, I'm gonna go talk to Dae" I tell Q as I start to run up to Dae. "Hey bro".

"Hey Ari" he said like he was not in the mood for something.

"What's wrong?" I asked, he's only like this when something is on his mind. "Let me guess, you still have feelings for Kitty?". He looks over at me slowly and nods. "I knew it."

"But I can't, I'm with Yuri" he tells me, "but when Kitty started to talk to me, it felt like old times. But instead of talking like boyfriend and girlfriend, we were taking only as friends".

"Hey it's ok, I know for sure she still has feelings for you too" I say,

"If only she knew the real reason why I was with Yuri" I hear him mumble. I wasn't gonna ask him the real reason because I knew it wasn't my place to ask about. It's his relationship.

"It's ok, she's just confused right now. Don't stress over it".


"Ari! You're here!" Q cheered as I walked into his dorm. "Sorry there is no where else to sit" he apologize.

"Don't worry about it, I'll just sit in the floor" I tell him before walking over to where everyone else was. I take a seat by someone's feet and when I look up to see who it was, it was Minho. I should have chosen somewhere else to sit.

"I'm guys how about we move over a bit so Ari can sit" Minho tells Q and Florian. It was only a three seat couch so I have no idea how it's gonna work.

Q and Florian try their best so move over. When I stood up I sat down in the tiny space. I barley fit in it which basically made me sit on Minho's lap. Please kill me.

Everyone's eyes were focus on the movie, Minho had just got done telling us about how his mom was in this movie. I took a glance at Minho, for some reason I didn't look away.

Minho looks over at me and a soft smile comes across his face. We both lock eyes and didn't look away from each other. This felt like how we looked at each other the other day when he caught me. Instead he was smiling and we didn't say anything to each other.

When we heard screaming from the movie we both looked away at the same time. "Umm Ari? Can I talk to you for a bit?" Q whispered to me and I nod. We walk into him and kitty's room and he shuts the door behind him.

"Why were you looking at Minho like that?" He asked and my eye widen,

"Like what? I wasn't looking at him in a way" I respond and he gives me a look. "Stop that! I'm telling the truth!".

"Ari, you are the worst liar I know, I know you were" he said,

"Ok fine, I guess I was looking at him in a way, but it doesn't mean anything" I tell him,

"Yeah sure.." he said before walking to the door and opening it for us to walk out back into the living room.


When the movie ends Q turns the lights back on and everyone starts to leave one by one. "We'll I should go now, thanks for inviting me again Q" I tell him and he nods.

"How about Minho walks you to your dorm" he suggests and my eyes go wide. "It's late and I don't want you be to our alone".

"Why can't you Q?" I asked giving him a look,

"Because I'm pretty tried" he replied fake yawing, "good night guys". Q rushes to his room and shuts the door behind him to leave me and Minho the only ones left.

"Umm.. let's go I guess".


"So uhh how are you?" I asked to make things less awkward.

"I'm fine" he replies and silence fills between us again. We kept on walking before he randomly stopped and turn to face me. "Why were you looking at me like that?" He asked.

I face him as well, "what do you mean?".

"I mean, during the movie. You were looking at me in a way" he tells me,

"No I wasn't" I lied,

"Ari, I saw you. we both looked at each other like we never had before" he says. I go quiet knowing he's right.

"What are you guys doing out here so late!?" A male voice shouts. We look around us to see Professor Lee. "Get to your dorms now!".

I took a glance at Minho before running to my dorm. I think Professor Lee just saved me from that conversation with Minho. But Minho is right, we looked at each other in a way we have never before.

A/N: finally I'm posting, I know it's been a month since the last part but I was in a really bad writers block but I'm hoping to get the next part up soon!

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