SNAFU pt.1

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It had been a few days since the trip and everything seemed normal. Kitty and Dae were really cute together, it was like the crush for Yuri had gone away.

Me and Minho decide to be boyfriend and girlfriend, which is great because I really like him. And Q and Florian have been good as well. Everyone is happy with there relationships.

"Morning!" Kitty said as she went to hug Dae. Dae spins her around and when he put her down he kissed her. Minho groans.

"Is this how me and Ari are Q?" Minho asked and Q nods, "but we are a much better couple" he whispered to me. "But guys, it's to early to be so cheery" Minho tells them.

"I am this cheery, not because I have the most perfect boyfriend in the world but, it has come to my attention that I am failing almost all my classes" she said as we all got up and sat down at the kitchen island.

"Well we are gonna make study plans and everyone is gonna help you" Dae said to her,

"I'm very busy so-" but before Minho could finish I hit him in the shoulder, "Owww".

"I'll be happy to help you kitty!" I tell her, "I can take chemistry! It is my best subject".

"I guess I can help with Korean, she does need lots of help with it" Minho says.

"I can take biology" Q adds on.

"Great! I can take the rest of the subjects" Dae said, "thank you for your help everyone".

"No problem, and Kitty you're in great hands, Dae has been top of our class each semester" Q says.

"Or I will fail out and have to leave my true love and disgrace my mother's legacy which is even greater than I thought" Kitty said. "So no pressure" she adds on before we all clank our mugs together.


"Correct again, Greta job Kitty" I said and she smiles.

"You know Chemistry is just like match making, so you'd think I'd be good at it" she tells me.

"Yeah but the thing is people aren't chemicals, so.." Q says and I chuckle.

"Yeah, once bonded they don't stay untied in fixed proportions" she randomly says. Me and Q both look at each other confused.

"Sorry what's happening?" I asked her and she looks at us.

"Oh nothing, no I'm happy to be with Dae" she told us, "cause I wanted to be with him for so long and now here I am".

"So no more dreams about-?"

"Nope" Kitty interrupts before Q could finish,

"So you're not pushing down an immense crush on Yuri?" Q asked,

"Nope, I'm just trying to avoid her" Kitty replies, "me and Alex promised to not say anything about the whole, you know".

"Kitty are you sure you're avoiding her just for that reason?" I asked and she nods.

"Guys! Yuri was just shiny and caught my attention, but I'm not a raccoon and I chose to look away from the shine" she said. Me and Q both nod before we all hear a knock on the door. We all look at each other in shock and confusion.

"Coming!" Q says as Kitty runs to hide behind the door. I follow Q and when he opens the door Yuri pops out. "Yuri!".

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking back at Kitty who is now walking to the door.

"I just came out to my mom, I'm gay" she tells us.

"Oh my god, welcome!" Q cheers,

"I feel amazing, scared too but free as well" she told us, "I'm also moving in with you guys!" She cheers. I look over to Q and then Kitty to see them in shock.

"Oh hey Yuri" I said as the door opened, "is Minho here?" I asked and she nods moving out the way so I can enter the dorm. I see Kitty and Dae and wave to them before taking a seat waiting for Minho.

"Ari!" Minho shouts as he walks out of his room. I smile before running up to hug him. He kisses me on the lips before putting his arm around me. Then he looks over at Kitty and Dae.

"What is happening? Are you guys a throuple now?" He asked.

"No, I'm gay and I came out to my mom and moved out of the penthouse" Yuri explains,

"Wait, you've been gay this whole time? So you and Dae were in a fake relationship and Kitty was right?" Minho asked and everyone nods. "How are you not mad at Dae? He lied and lied".

"I was but then I forgave him" Kitty tells Minho.

"Wow, you are just as trusting as my dad's bird wife" Minho says,

"Minho!" I yell hitting him in the arm,

"Look Kitty and I are good, leave it alone",

"But I'm not good, you lied to me. I wouldn't do that to someone I care about, let alone a friend Dae" Minho says, "let's go Ari". He pulls my arm and we walk out of the dorm without saying anything else.

"Can you believe it! He lied to me, his best friend!" Minho shouts,

"I mean you have to understand why he did it though Minho" I tell him, "he did it to help Yuri so she wouldn't get outed to her parents".

"Yeah I guess you're right" he responds,

"It's not like he wanted to lie to you, he did it to help Yuri that's how Dae is. He'll do anything to help anyone, am I right?" I asked.

"Yeah you're right" he nodded.

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