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As I walked into English class I see Dae sitting with Yuri in the front row. Then I saw Kitty sitting alone behind them. "Is this seat taken?"
I asked and she slowly looks up at me.

"Oh no go ahead" she says. I place my bag in the ground and pull the chair out to sit in it.

"I didn't know you came back from America Ari" Yuri said as she turned to look at me.

"Oh yeah I got back yesterday" I reply.

"We'll it's good to see you again!" she tells me before turning to face the front of the class again.

"You too Yuri!".

"You're friends with her!" Kitty whispers to me and I shake my head no.

"I wouldn't say we're friends but we just talk sometimes" I tell her, "don't worry, I like you better". We both chuckle before putting our attention to the Professor.

Me and kitty attention was on the Professor before we both saw Dae and Yuri whispering to each other. I slowly looked over at Kitty and saw that she was furious. Before she could say anything the bell rang and everyone rushed out the classroom.

"There relationship has to be fake right?" Kitty said to me as she was walking besides me in the hallway.

"I did see him carry her on his back this morning, so I'm not really sure" I say.

"This doesn't make since at all" she complains, "your his sister, you can get him to tell the truth".

"Yeah no, I already tried. Sorry kitty" I tell her and she sighs.

We both walk into chemistry and I sat next to Q. "Hey, you saw Dae and Yuri this morning right?" I ask him.

"Yeah I did, I can't believe Kitty thinks a fake relationship" he responds.

"I mean she could be right by the way Dae pulled his hand away from hers at the press conference" I said.

"POOPY BABY" we hear kitty shout. Me and Q's eyes widen at each other before our heads shot to where Kitty was sitting. She was sitting next to Minho. Oh shit.

"Professor I like to change partners, now! I don't wanna be next to the Portland Stalker! " Minho demands.

"Fine, everyone chose your partners but quickly, chemistry doesn't do it's self " the professor says and everyone starts to scramble around the classroom.

"Ari please switch with me" Kitty begged,

"Yeah no, I hate Minho as much as he hates me" I say.

"Come on" she begs again,

"Fine" I groan grabbing my things and walking over to him. I sat down next to him slamming my binder onto the table. I do not wanna be here right now. I could feel him looking at me but I didn't look back at him.

"So you are obsessed with me" Minho says having a smirk on his face.

"Look I'm only here because Kitty asked to switch with me, other wise I don't wanna be here right now" I tell him,

"Why are you even friends with her? She came here to stalk your brother, there's a reason why she's call the Portland Stalker" he replies and I roll my eyes.

"She didn't come here to stalk him ok, she came here to be with him" I said,

"Ok fine, what ever you say".


"Kitty what happened?" I asked her as I waked into the apartment.

"Dae- he found out that I told our class about Minho and poopy baby and now he's super mad and said he can't trust me then told me he's gonna assign me a new tutor because he can't me mine anymore then before he left he gave me my moms necklace back and turns out he's been wearing it this whole time" she cried.

"Oh Kitty" I say sitting next to her in the couch and then go into hug her.

"It's ok, I cannot cry. I have to take this photo. It's a Song Covey tradition that my mom started and I'm here for her" she said. "I just can't get it right".

"Here I'll take it for you" I say grabbing her phone from her. She stands up and I do as well. As I snapped the photo we heard the door open. "Go away" kitty yells but it was Q.

"Sorry, I heard what happened. You doing ok?" He asked Kitty.

"No but I'm not gonna cry" she said.

"Sorry I know your sad about Dae and all but I wanted to tell you guys,  Florian followed me on Instagram today!" Q said and we all light up with smiles.

"That's amaz-" but before kitty can finish she drops a book on the floor. When I went to go pick it up I saw a hospital bracelet.

"Kitty what is this?".


"Dae" I shout as he walked into his room. "What happened today with Kitty?" I asked even though I already new the answer.

"It's a long story but Yuri told me that Kitty told a lot of people about Minho and the Poopy baby and I told her that I can't trust her and I gave her mom's necklace back and walked away" he said.

"Yuri told you?" I said and he nods. "How does Yuri even know, she's not even in that class".

"I don't know, maybe one of her friends were but all I know is that Kitty told everyone like Minhos biggest secret and he's super embarrassed" he said.

"Well I mean he kinda deserved it, he kept calling her Portland stalker all day" I tell him and he gives me a look, "why don't you just talk things out with her, explain everything?".

"I can't, I promise Yuri I wouldn't tell anyone, not even you" he said as he put his head down. "I'll just give us some time apart".

"I get that, you're doing this for Yuri. You're being a good friend".

"Thanks Ari," he said before giving me a hug. "Now you should go back to your dorm, it's late" he says and I chuckle.

"Yeah yeah" I say before walking to the door. As I open the door I turned around to tell Dae something when I tripped and started to fall. But before I landed on the ground I felt someone catch me.

"Look who's in my arms" Minho said as I looked up at him. I could feel my heart beating and my face getting hot.

"Oh be quiet" I say as I got up from his arms and pushed him away from me, "Bye Dae" I shout before closing the dorm door behind me. Why do I feel like this? I must be staring to get sick, right? 


As I walked into my dorm I see Madison sitting on the couch watching TV. "Where have you been so late" she asked.

"I was at my brothers dorm talking to him" I say as I start to head to my room.

"Was Minho there?" She asked me,

"Yeah why?! Nothing happen at all I swear!" I asked trying to act calm.

"What calm down, was just curious" she said before going back to watch the TV. God why did I just say that!? Nothing did happen, all he did was catch me and I was just feeling a bit hot. That's all.

That night I was staring at my ceiling. I kept thinking about Minho and the way he was looking at me when he caught me. I have to stop thinking about this, it's not good. I hate this guy. I have for six years.

All I want || Minho xo,kittyWhere stories live. Discover now