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We all ran out the room and into the living room still freaking out. "Dae's crazy ex pen pal has broke into our dorm to murder us" Minho says as he is basically out of breath.

"Stop be over dramatic" I say,

"This is my room" kitty said as she puts a piece of paper on the coffee table in front of us. Q grabs the paper and scans it.

"Your listed as Song Covey" Q said,

"So?" Kitty asked.

"Song can be a boys name, that's why you got put into the boys dorm" Dae states.

"What?" She said in shock.

"She did this on purpose, to be close to Dae- and me" Minho said.

"Like anyone would want go be closer to you"I say to him,

"You're standing right next to me right now hope you know" he tells me and I scotch away from him. "Anyways, I told you guys she was hitting on me on the plane ride over here!".

"I was not hitting on you" kitty shouts back in anger.

"Kitty, can we talk?" Dae asked her,

"No- I never wanna speak to you again" she says before walking back to the room.


"I want my necklace back, the one I gave you when your mom died" she says.

"Yeah, umm it's somewhere around here" he replies,

"Somewhere? You don't ever know where it is? Dae that was my moms necklace" I could hear the pain in her voice.

"I'll give it back to you kitty, I promise" he tells her,

"Your promise are literally worthless" she says before walking to the room and slamming the door.

"All of Dae's stuff is in the room, where is he gonna sleep?" Minho asked. Then immediately Kitty opens a door and throws a pillow at his face. This is now how I expected today to go.


It was the next morning and I went to Dae's dorm to check up on him. I knocked on the door. It took a while before someone opened the door. "Hey Dae-" I stop. It was Minho.

"You're just as obsessed with me as kitty is" he says.

"Like anyone would be obsessed with you" I reply before pushing past him into the dorm. "Where is Dae?" I asked.

"He went to go find that kitty girl" he tells me before he sits down on the kitchen island chair and opens his computer.

"Ari your here early" Q said as he walks out of his room rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, I came to check on Dae but he isn't here so-".

"Guys looks at this" Minho shouts, both me and Q walk over to Minho and look at his computer.

"Isn't that Yuri's dad?" I asked and Q nods. From the corner of my eye I could see Minho looking over at me. Why is he staring at me?

"Yo Dae have you seen this video of Mr.Han? It's bowing up" Q said as someone walked into the dorm.

"I bet Yuri is living for this drama" Minho adds on,

"Classic Yuri" I said.

"I don't particularly care" we heard a female voice say, we turn around to see Kitty behind us.

All I want || Minho xo,kittyWhere stories live. Discover now