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"Where are you taking me?" Kitty asked both of us as she was brushing her hair sitting on our bed.

"it's a surprise, now put on lip gloss" I said as I handed her the lip gloss. She gets up from the bed and shows off her outfit. "Cute!" I say cheering her on.

"Knock, knock" We all hear someone say,

"your date is here" Yuri announces as she points over to Dae. 

"You look beautiful" Dae said to her as he had a wide smile on his face.

"Thank you" she replied as he handed her flowers. Me and Yuri both look at each other and smile.

"ok love birds get out of here and enjoy your date" I said as they both started to walk together. When they were no where in sight I plop down onto the bed.

"Ok now your turn to get ready" Yuri said to me, I look up at her in confusion. She said what now?

"Get ready, why would I need to get ready?" I asked still confused.

"Just trust me, will you?" she begged, she pulled me up from the bed and handed me eye shadow, lip gloss, and blush. "Now go put this on and I will find you a cute outfit". I don't know what is happening right now. I mean what could happen? Only thing I can think of is Minho but that's impossible.

The outfit Yuri picked out

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The outfit Yuri picked out.

"Ok now I need your trust and also need you to close your eyes" Yuri tells me.

"Fine I trust you, but if you let got of me and I bump into a tree your dead Han Yuri" I joke and she laughs.

"Trust me". I closed my eyes and start to feel Yuri pull my arm. First we went down some stairs which made my heat race so much. Then we walked up the path and up more stairs until we made a complete stop. "Ok you can open your eyes now". I slowly open my eyes to see Minho standing in front of me.

"Yuri, what is this?" I asked her,

"I'm not gonna say anything, I'll let Minho do the talking" she tells me before walking away and not saying anything else. I slowly look over at Minho to see him wearing a black and white suit. There were roses on the bed and a bottle of non alcoholic champagne in a bucket with ice.

"What is this Minho?" I asked with my arms cross hoping he would just tell me straight up.

"Look you haven't talk to me in a week, and I know why" he starts off.

"Yeah, because you act like you like me and all, then go off and start having making out with another girl" I interrupt.

"Please let me explain Ari" he begged.


"Look at the party when I saw you, you were the most beautiful person there and I got jealous because I knew a whole bunch of guys would be all over you" he tells me, "so that's why I asked Madison to help me make you jealous".

"Why Minho?" I asked him,

"Because, since the day you came back and I saw you at the opening party I fell in love with you, and I know we hated each other for almost six years but for some reason this time felt different when I saw you" he said. "I knew you would never have the same feelings for me back so I planned to make you jealous by 'being' with Madison".

"You didn't have to Minho" I tell him,

"I know, but what I realized since you came back is that all I want is you, It hurt when you kept ignoring me and I wanted to tell you sooner but you didn't want to ever talk to m-".

Before he could finish I run up to him and kiss him. My arms were wrapped around his neck and he had wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Minho- I started to have feelings for you too. And the only reason why I didn't want to talk to you is because I was hurt. I thought you liked me back but when I saw you kiss Madison at your party I started to have second thoughts, thinking I was stupid for liking you and how you could never like me after all we've been through" I explain to him.

"Well you're not stupid, and you were right about me liking you" he tells me. "I know we have hated each other for the past six years but I love you Ari". My mind starts spinning with words. He just told me that he loves me.

"I love you too Minho". He kisses me again before he picks me up and sits me down on the bed. He grabs the two champagne glasses and hands me one. He pops open the bottle of champagne and pours it for me and him. He grabs the plate of chocolate strawberries and places it between us.

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk, I should have just let you talk instead of ignore you" I apologize.

"Ari- it's ok. I get it, I mean I would be mad if you went off and kissed another guy after everything that happened with us these past few months" I laugh.

"Yeah well I'm not kissing another guy anytime soon. I will be kissing you" I smiled which made him smile too.


I woke up to sunlight beaming into my eyes. I tried to cover my face with my hand as I sat up on my bed. I looked around to see Minho sleeping next to me. Holy shit, I did not just sleep here last night. I look over to the bed next to me to see Dae sleeping as well. I slowly get out of bed as I tip toed over to my shoes. I slowly put my shoes on before making a run for it back to my tent.

When I arrived at my tent I see Kitty already up and getting ready. "Hey" I said trying to act normal. "How was your date with Dae?".

"It was good, but I have to tell you something" she said as she walked up to me and pulled me away from the tent. "So last night Dae told me about how when we weren't dating it felt like his heart was being ripped out" she starts off.

"Ok" I said waiting for her to speak again,

"So when Julianna called me to talk to Yuri, it felt like my heart was being ripped out". Kitty puts her head down. "I don't know what's wrong with me" she cried.

"It's ok calm down, what about Dae?" I asked,

"I don't know, I mean I still like him but I- I think I like Yuri too" she says. "How do I tell Dae this, everything is just starting to get better and I don-" before she could finish she brakes down into my arms.

"Kitty, it's ok. Let's just calm down and we'll talk about this with Q when we get back to KISS ok?" I tell her and she nods while she is still in my arms. I wish I could tell her how Dae is gonna react but I don't even know myself.

A/N: Finally Ari and Minho are together! After everything they've been through. Hope you are liking it so far! More to come!

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