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"Woah what is wrong?" I asked Kitty as she walked up to me. Her eyes we half closed like she hasn't been getting any sleep at all.

"Minho told Professor Lee about how I got assign to a boys dorm and he gave me a new one and my roommate is a mess freak" she says, "I'm barley getting any sleep, I'm falling all my classes and can't even study" she complains groaning. "Have you ever seen a Jenga tower of pizza boxes?".

"Damn sounds tough Kitty, just ask to switch" I say as we started to walk to chemistry.

"I already tried Ari, but Professor Lee said that all the other girls dorms are taken, so I'm stuck with that mess freak" she says. "What if I move in with you".

"I would love that! But me and Madison have our own rooms with one bed so if your ok with sharing or sleeping on the couch the you stay with us".

"It's ok, those bed would not fit two people. But ugh what am I gonna do, I can't spend another second with in that room or with her" she groans.

"We'll figure something out, we always do".

We entered chemistry and went to our assign spots. Sadly I was still pared with Minho.


"Ok class, today you guys will start a project and you will be working with your chemistry partner" the professor announce. Me and Minho both looked over at each other and I groan.

"Looks like we're working together" he said with a smirk on his face,

"Guess so" I respond,

"You should come over to my dorm" he said, my eyes widen. "You know to work on the project, get a head start" he explains.

"uhh, sure". Why did I just say yes? I mean this means nothing, we are just working on a project, that's all.

The bell finally rings and I rush to grab my things so I can talk to Kitty. "Ok something is wrong with me" I said as approached her.

"Why? Are you sick!?" She asked and I shake my head no.

"Last night when I was taking to Dae I tripped and fell and Minho caught me, and that's all I could think about when trying to sleep" I tell her, "then he invited me to his dorm so we can work on the project together" I finish off.

"OMG you like him!" She yelled and I sush her up.

"No I don't, you are crazy Kitty Song Covey" I said, "never in a million years will I like him".

"Well by what you just told me, sounds like you do. I wouldn't be surprised if he likes you too. I see the way he looks at you" she tells me. Looks at me?

"He doesn't look at me in a way" I said, "we've hated each other for six years, why now would we like each other?"


My hand were sweaty and I approached the door. I take a deep breath before knocking. Ok here's the plan we do the project and nothing else. God I really hope Dae or Q is there is it's not just us two.

When the doors opens I look up and saw Minho smiling at me. "Hey! Come in!" He said as he moved out of the way to let me in. I take a seat on the couch placing my bag next to me. "So let's get started!".

"Oh um- ok" I replied as I start to dig through my backpack for a pencil. This is weird, he's being nice all of a sudden. What is happening?

"Well looks like we're done!" He said as he laid his head back onto the couch. "Want some water, juice, anything?" He asked as he got up.

"Umm- no I'm fine" I replied. Something has to be up, there is no reason why he's nice to me all of a sudden. Unless kitty is right about him liking me, but that's just non sense.

When Minho comes back he sits down and opens his bottle of water. "Minho-" I start and he looks over at me. "Why have you been so nice to me?" I asked, ok I had to. I need to know the real reason.

"What do you mean?" He asked like he had no idea what I was talking about. "I haven't been nice to you" he lied.

"Come on just tell me, I wouldn't care" I tell him. He sighs before placing his bottle of water onto the coffee table.

"Fine." Then he stops, it was like he was debating on if he should tell me or not. "It's because I-".

"Ari thank god you're here, I have some great news!" Someone said as they barged into the dorm. I look behind me and see Q with Dae. "So I'm having a movie night here tomorrow night and- Florian is coming!" Q cheered.

"That's amazing Q" I cheer also, I looked back at Minho to see that he was staring at me. I quickly turned back to Q to let him finish taking.

"Yeah and I was wondering if you would like to come?" He asked,

"Is that even a question? Of course Q!" I tell him, "Dae are you coming?" I asked and he shakes his head no.

"I can't, I have things to do with Yuri" he said. "But I hope you two have fun".

"I'll be there too!" Minho said and we all look over at him, "I'll be fun to have a movie night!".
I was gonna ask if Kitty was coming but decided to, we'll because Dae was here.

"I should go now, I have plans with a friend soon" I tell them all, "see you guys tomorrow!". I grab my backpack before leaving the guys dorm. I have to tell Kitty about this.

A/N: Finally I am posting the next part, there will a part two to this episode because I think this chapter is pretty long already. Thank you for almost 150 reads I know it's not much but I am really happy so thank you all again! You

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