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It was the day after Minhos big party and we all got busted. Thanks to Kitty being super drink we all had to get a punishment.

That whole night before I was crying thinking about how stupid I was thinking that Minho could actually like me. Thing we might actually have something. I mean we have been enemies for almost 6 years. Why now would he have a stupid crush on me?

Worst part is that Madison (the girl he kissed in front of me last night) was my roommate.

I was laying in bed scrolling on TicTok when I heard a knock on my dorm door. I groan as I pulled my blanket off of me and got out of bed. As I open the door I see Professor Finnerly.

"Hi, sorry to bother but you have Saturday detention for last night" he said as he was standing outside the door.

"Ok, I'll get ready" I said in a low tone. I could see his eyes. It looked like he was a worried.

"Are you ok? Did you drink last night too?" He asked me.

"No I'm not that stupid, something happen last night and- actually never mind". I couldn't even get myself to say I basically cried myself to sleep. "But I'll get ready, bye Professor Finnertly" I closed the door and sigh walking back to my room.

I get changed when I hear my phone ding. I went to look at it to see who it was. It was Kitty.

Kitty: hey, sorry about last night but I need to tell you something important.

Ari: it's fine , you can tell me at detention , see you there.

I went back to my closet and tried to find out what I was gonna wear. If I'm really this sad about the whole Minho thing, I must really like him. I don't think I've even been this hurt about a boy before.


Ari's outfit

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Ari's outfit

As we all arrived at the library I sat down at a table with Kitty. Dae was sitting with Yuri and Q was with Florian. "So what did you need to tell me?" I whispered to her.

"I had a sex dream about Yuri" she whispered back. My eyes go wide and my jaw drops. I wanted to shout because it was crazy. Yuri out of all the people?

"You like Yuri!? What about Dae?" I asked her.

She shrugged, "I don't know, I mean dreams mean nothing. But I'm pretty sure Minho had a sex dream about you" she added on.

"Who cares, because I don't" I say, going back to writing on my paper. I could see her look at me in confusion.

"Ari, did something happen I don't know about?" She asked. I could get myself to tell her.

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