SNAFU pt2.

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"You're almost there Kitty, just three more days!" Dae tells her.

"We need a break" Q says as he pulls her off the counter,

"I could pour water on you to help with the sleepiness" Minho suggested and we all laugh.

"What we need is music!" Yuri says,

"We need coffee, who's coming with me?" Dae asked.


"What Florian is cheating on Q!?" I yelled and they all tell me to shush. "That's impossible though".

"Look for yourself" Minho said as he showed me his phone. It was a picture of Florian with another guy at the bridge.

"Look we can't believe it either, but we have to tell Q, it's the right thing to do" Dae says.

"Yeah it is, he's gonna be so heart broken though" I said and we all sigh.

"He's gonna have to find out sooner or later" Minho said. This doesn't seem right, why would Florian cheat on Q!? None of this seems right.


"How are we gonna tell Q about this?" I asked as Minho, Dae, and I walked together to our next class.

"We'll figure a way out" Minho tells me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey guys! Sit with us!" We all turn to see Q waving at us. And as always he was with Florian. We all glanced at each other and hesitated before walking over to their table.

"So Florian, how's studying been going?" Minho asked him, "did you stay in all night?".

"Yeah, all night" he nodded,

"Interesting" we all say together in Korean, "we needed a break so we went for a coffee run" Minho continues giving Florian the stare.

"Well I better get back to it, see you later" Florian says as he got up and left.

"Bye!" Dae shouted,

"What is going on with you guys? Why are you all acting weird" Q asked, we all looked at each other again then sighed. Minho takes his phone out of his pocket and shows Q the photo.

"I'm sorry Q, we didn't know how to tell you" I explained. Q goes quiet and doesn't say a word. My heart broke for him, I can't believe Florian actually did this.


"So Q told me he wasn't cheating, he was getting the exam answers from a past KISS student" I tell Minho. "But it's still wrong though".

"Yeah, I hope Q is doing better though. Maybe him and Florian are back on good terms now" he replied and I nodded in agreement.

"Can you check to see if my phone is in my purse?" I asked him since he was closer. He nods and heads over, I turn around to grab the cups of tea I made for us and when I turn to face Minho again I see that he has a mini red box in his hands.

"Ari, what is this?" He asks, I quickly put the mugs down onto the counter and rush to take the box out of his hands.  He extends his arm up and I jump to grab the box.

"Minho please give me the box, you're not supposed to see that" I begged and he starts to laugh.

"Just tell me what it is then I'll give it to you" he said,

"Fine, it's your birthday present" I finally confessed, "if you open it it's matching bracelets for us". He drops his arm down and opens the box . He takes the bracelets out and grabs my arm to put the bracelet on me. He puts his on and looks at me.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. I make eye contact with him too, before I knew it he kisses me. We both pull away and smile at each other before I walk away back to the counter. He follows me but grabs my arm and turns me to face him to kiss me again.

I lean on the counter wrapping my arms around his neck. "Ahhh!". We pull from each other slightly and quickly turn our heads to the door. "Gross guys, my best friend and sister" Dae says. 

We both look back at each other and laugh, "sorry Dae" I tell him before going back to grab the mugs for me and Minho. Dad goes to his room and me and Minho end up smiling at each other.

I never knew I would be this happy with him, but here I am, the happiest I've been in a while with Minho.


"Ready to go?" Minho asked me as he stood outside my dorm door. I smile and nodded before walking out closing the door behind me. Minho interlocks his hand in mine and we make our way to the talent show.

"I can't wait to see Kitty and Yuri do their traditional dance!" I tell him, "Yuri told me they've been practicing a lot for this".

"I'm excited for it too, see if that Kitty girl can actually dance" he says and I laugh. We both take a seat across free m Q and Florian. By the looks of it Q still seemed mad.

"Oh look they are coming on stage" I cheered, everyone started to clap. The music starts and the girls start to do the dance. "Does something seem off with Kitty and Yuri?" I whispered to Minho and he shrugs.

As we continued to watch, Kitty ran into the firework and her dress caught on fire. "Fire!"
Someone shouted. Everyone gets up from their seat and run out of the auditorium. We both see Kitty starting to struggle and looked at each other quickly. Before I could do anything Minho runs first and jumps into the stage.

I stay back and watch Minho help Kitty. He had taken his jacket off and put it around her to stop the fire. I look behind me to see Dae rushing up towards me. I look at the stage again, but then my heart dropped. Seeing the way he was looking at her, he's never looked at me that way before.

I looked over at Dae to see him already looking at me. He could tell I was hurt, and I could tell he was hurt too. Dae breaks the eye contact and runs up the stage. I see Minho get up, but he doesn't face my way. I felt a tear drop come down my face, then I realized I was crying.

He looked at her in a way he never looked at me. Am I overthinking it or does it mean something I don't know about? Minho walks off stage and comes my way but I walk away so he wouldn't catch up with me. "Ari!" He shouted.

"Leave me alone Minho!".

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