Chapter 1: When Will My Life Begin?

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If you haven't read Fury and the Night, turn back now, because there will be spoilers.

Above picture is not mine.


??? POV

My elder brother, Dusk, symbolizes the night. My younger brother, Dawn, symbolizes the day. But me? I symbolize the Solar Eclipse, me being the middle child. Who am I? I am Eclipse, daughter of Winger and Shadow.

I have always wanted to explore the world, I am very rebellious and despised staying in one place. I stayed away from life in a concluded area, and escaped Huttsgalor multiple times before being caught by either Dawn or Dusk.

I am clever, and cunning. I never listened to anyone. I am carefree and brave. I am confident and outgoing. I am restless and cocky. I always objected the worries and dangers of the outside world.

Anyway! Enough blabbering from me! Let's go to my life right now! Right now, I am walking toward Dusk and Dawn. "Did you try and escape again?" Groaned Dusk. I nodded. "Seriously, Eclipse?! Everything we need is right here!"

"There has to be so much more than....this!" I growled, kicking a rock. I hated having to look down at the same ground everyday! Why can't I go do something exciting?!

"Why can't I go do something exciting?!" I asked in frustration, before Magnus came along. I growled at him. "I hate you, too, Flying Lizard," said Magnus, pointing at me. Dusk and Dawn were laughing (Dawn was trying not too)

"How... was that... for exciting?!" Asked Dusk. I whacked his foot with my tail. "Ow!" Shouted Dusk. Dawn smiled and tried so hard not to laugh. I rolled my eyes and flew away. I looked at the horizon, longingly.

"When will my life begin?" I asked myself. (Disney fans will get this reference). "It feels like I am just being cooped up..." I sighed, looking down at the ocean.

"Hey, Eclipse,"

I heard my father, Shadow, say that. He sat by me. "Hey, father," I said sadly, giving a halfhearted smile. Shadow smiled back. "If you really want to go... and I can't believe I'm saying this... we won't stop you."

"Really?! But you did stop me for ages!" I pointed out. "Yes, but today, when we did, Kira told me that if you really wanted to go... I had to let you go." Father said. "Oh, thank you so much father," I said. "You're welcome, Eclipse."

I told my brothers the next day. "You better not die." Dusk said, nuzzling me. "If this is what you really want sis, we'll let you go." Dawn said shyly. I nuzzled him.

And then, hours later, I was packed up and ready to leave, but I saw my family. I looked at them, and they hugged me. "We'll miss you, Eclipse." Said Dad. "I'll miss you too, dad," I said. Then, I straightened my wings...

And started to fly.

This is where my life begins.

Through a Fury's Heart (Rescue Riders fanfic) #2 Where stories live. Discover now