Chapter 12: Strong Bond

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Dusk POV

The entire family was sleeping. Or so I thought. Literally just after I went to sleep, I woke up to Aurora chewing on my tail. "Ow! Aurora! I told you not to do that..." I groaned. Aurora giggled and kept chewing. I cringed at how bad the pain was. So this is what a Night Fury/Swift Wing hybrid's bite feels like. Looks like I owe Eclipse an apology when she comes back.

Dawn finally woke up after what seemed like an eternity of Aurora chewing on my tail. "She's teething," he smiled. "What?" I asked Dawn, tilting my head in curiosity. "Something Aunt Summer taught me." He informed. I groaned. Dawn grew up to be as smart as Auntie Summer and Auntie Leyla. Nerd mode activated. Dawn firmly glared at me. "What?! Nothing wrong with being smart." Dawn argued.

"Sure, nerd." I commented. Dawn snarled under his breath. But he smirked and at that moment I knew something was going to come my way. "Family monkey," he said playfully. "Seriously, even Eclipse was better than you, and she left the island 8 times before we caught her!" Dawn recalled. I snarled at his comment. I never liked to admit that I was worse than Eclipse.

"Teacher's pet," I hissed. "At least I didn't steal from Marena and get beaten to a pulp right after." Dawn reminded. I groaned, remembering when I was a teenager and I stole from Marena. I couldn't leave the Roost for weeks. Interrupting our conversation, Aurora decided to bite my tail again, causing me to grimace.

"Yipe! Aurora, can't you bite on something else? Hurt Dawn, the ugliest one, not your handsomest brother, Dusk!" I cried. Aurora didn't listen. "Good girl, Aurora, keep biting on the idiotic dragon's tail..." Dawn teased, purposefully letting me hear it. "Dawn!" I growled, careful to not scare Aurora.

Dawn snickered. "Alright, boys, that's enough." Father said, grabbing Aurora and pulling her gently away from my tail. "Thanks, father," I said. Dawn stuck his tongue out at me and I glared at him. "And I won't forget all of your help, wretched reptile," I whispered sarcastically, careful not to let Dad or Father hear it, or I'd be stuck in a boring lecture all over again.

My youngest sibling smirked at me, getting up from his resting place which is high up in the air. He flew down to meet us all. "Me and your dad are going to pick up fruit with Aunt Summer, Leyla, Kira, and Aggro, and Uncle Cutter, Burple,  and Dak. Don't wreck the place." Father said, looking at me.

"Do we have to babysit Aurora again?! I have a date with Dagger I need to get to today!" I groaned. This is going to be fun to explain to Dagger.  "No, Aurora's coming with us to explore the village," Dad said. I sighed in relief. Looks like I DON'T have to have my leg stabbed by a thousand spikes today. "Dawn, you're in charge," Dad whispered.

I glared at the white nightlight. Even before Eclipse left on her journey, Dawn was always the one in charge when Dad and Father left us 3 alone. And I know why. Me and Eclipse would wreck the place if we were in charge. Dawn was always the responsible one of the family. He was the one Dad and Father trusted most whenever they left us alone in the Roost.

Our parents left us in the Roost. Dawn got his bed ready, and the reptile fell asleep once again.


Eclipse POV

I decided to try and reconcile with Casandra. She must've had the same thing in mind because when I went to the center of the Edge with her, she didn't try and avoid me. "So, I feel like where we left off got ourselves distant from each other." I started, sitting near a nearby tree. 

Casandra nodded. "Agreed. I feel like we should try and reconcile, try to be friends again," she said. I smiled delightfully. "Exactly, so should we have a sleepover?" I asked. I forgot that she isn't used to human - things like I am, because I was raised with humans and she wasn't.

I realized it as soon as she tilted her head in confusion. "A sleepover? What's a sleepover?" She asked. I facepalmed myself. Darn it, Eclipse! She doesn't know most human things you and Razor do! God, darn it! "Sorry, I forgot you weren't raised with humans. A sleepover is where someone comes over to your hut to hang out and stays there for the night." I explained. "So, basically we hang out for the night?" She asked. I nodded.

"Sure, why not? We already do since that wretched Razor stole my stall and refuses to give it back." The white Relentless Razorwing hissed. "Hey, I'll tell Loki that he stole it from you. That Razorwhip will be doomed to a lecture, as my dear old brother Dusk always said." I chuckled.

"You never told me about Dusk." Casandra replied. "Oh, he's my elder brother, and we have a little brother named Dawn who's smarter than me and Dusk combined." I commented. Not gonna lie, I missed my family. Maybe I should visit. I am getting homesick after all. Just a little, though.

"Okay, then. A sleepover it is." Casandra established, taking off at a dragon's speed. I smiled widely.

At Huttsgalor


The gang was gathering fruit. Kira noticed that Aurora was hiding amongst the apples. "Hey, Shads, the cute little girl is hiding," she whispered playfully. Shadow looked and saw Aurora. He nudged Winger and the Swift Wing also saw. The male dragons decided to play along.

"Oh, where could Aurora be?" Shadow asked. "Could she be hiding as an apple?" Winger suggested. Shadow saw her and tickled her with his snout. "There you are, you little rascal!" He said playfully as she climbed upon his head. "You found me, papa!" Aurora giggled.  "We sure did, Aurora." Winger agreed, smiling at Shadow and Aurora.

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