Chapter 14: Family Reunion

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Above picture is not mine.

Hiding in the shadows, two Night Furies named Obsidian and Aurora hid from pirates and thieves. One night, Obsidian was hunting for fish, when he heard a few Razorwhips talking about something that has to do with a group called 'Rescue Riders' and decided to listen in.

"... Did you hear about the new member? Shadow?" asked one of the razorwhips. This got Obsidian's interest as he listened in. "Shadow's been in the Rescue Riders for years now. I've heard his daughter, Eclipse, left Huttsgalor and then came back for a visit." replied the other.

"Yeah. Who knew that Night Furies still existed?" asked the first. So it IS him, Shadow... my Shadow. I wonder... are Twilight, Comet, Moonshine and Nightstar still alive? wondered Obsidian.

Obsidian snuck away from the two Razorwhips, got some fish, and head back to his wife. "Aurora, Aurora! You'll never believe what I just learned." said Obsidian excitedly. Aurora looked up to her husband half-asleep. "What? If it is going into a human village to attack it, I'll hurt you." asked Aurora, glaring at her husband. Obsidian sheepishly chuckled.

"No... but it's something more. Even better!" answered Obsidian. "It is worth waking me up when the sun hasn't even rose?" asked Aurora. "Yes! Aurora... Shadow! Our son, Shadow. He's alive!" revealed Obsidian.

With that, Aurora was wide awake. "What? Shadow? Our Shadow!? Alive!? Where is he!?" asked Aurora. "He's with a group called the 'Rescue Riders' in a town of huttsgalor." said Obsidian. Aurora sighed. "Are Twilight, Moonshine, Comet, and Nightstar alive as well?" asked Aurora.

"I think so. Hurry, we must go at once." answered Obsidian. And with that note, the couple took off, searching for their sons and daughters. When they arrived at Huttsgalor, they saw a human village and something that looked like a lighthouse. "Obsidian," started Aurora. "I didn't know. Besides, it's worth it, right Aurora?" asked Obsidian.

"Mmmm..." hummed Aurora skeptically. "It's humans or never see our sons and daughters again." replied Obsidian. Aurora sighed. "Alright. Let's go get our children back." agreed Aurora. "I knew you'd come around! C'mon, let's go!" said Obsidian.

Before long, the husband and wife saw a male night fury with a male swift wing and their family. Their family consisted of three night lights and a baby who looked so much like Aurora. "Obsidian, do you think that's...?" asked Aurora.

They listened in on their conversation, wanting to learn if Shadow was really alive. "Hey papa, look at me, I'm flying~!" said the baby, giggling. "Great job, Aurora. You're really flying!" congratulated the female nightlight.

"We remember when you guys learned to fly, Dusk, Eclipse, and Dawn. Right, Shadow?" asked the male swift wing. "Yep, I remember that day." replied Shadow. "Excuse me," spoke Aurora bravely, landing next to the family.  "Which one of you is Shadow?" She asked.

"Aurora, get behind me..." said the female nightlight. The baby hid behind her leg fearfully. "That would be me. Why? Do you need something from me, ma'am?" asked Shadow. Obsidian also flew down.

Shadow studied their looks, and realized they looked like his parents. "I'm Aurora, and this is my mate Obsidian." said Aurora, further proving his suspicions. "But my mom was named Aurora and my dad was named... wait..." remarked Shadow, approaching the strangers.

"Mom? Dad?" asked Shadow. Aurora smiled. "You're...alive?" added Shadow. "Yes, son. We're alive." answered Obsidian. Shadow tears up, and tightens his eyes. " are you alive?" asked Shadow. "When you came back, we were unconscious. You were too young to see, and assumed we were dead." explained Aurora.

"So these were the parents you told me about?" asked the male swift wing. "Who's he?" asked Obsidian. "Mom, dad, this is Winger, my mate." answered Shadow. "Hmmm, he looks nice. I hope he's been taking good care of you." replied Aurora.

"Father? Who's...?" asked the white male nightlight. "Dawn, these are your grandparents, Obsidian and Aurora. Mom and Dad, these are my kids. The white one is Dawn, the black one is Dusk, the black and white one is Eclipse, and the black female one is Aurora." answered Shadow.

Aurora teared up. "You named her after me?" asked Aurora. "Yes, we did." answered Winger. "Oh my gosh, she's adorable! Obsidian, we have grandchildren and didn't even know." squealed Aurora. "I'm a grandfather..." whispered Obsidian, stunned of the revelation.

"Shadow, I want to ask you," started Aurora. "Are Comet, Twilight, Moonshine and Nightstar still alive?" She asked. "Yes, they are. They all are." answered Shadow. Obsidian and Aurora smiled at each other. "All of our children are alive, Obsidian." said Aurora.

"Thank Odin." sighed Obsidian in relief that all of his children were alive and well. "Uh, Shads?" asked Winger. "Yes, Wing?" asked Shadow. "They're wild dragons. They're not used to humans yet. Who knows how they're going to react about Dak, Leyla, and Kira." answered Shadow.

"Who?" asked Aurora. "Listen..." started Winger. "We kinda live with humans." intersected Shadow.  Aurora and Obsidian glanced at each other. "We kind of guessed that, considering you live in a human village. All I could hope is that your riders are nice to you."

"Yes, they are." replied Shadow. "Very nice." agreed Winger. "Then I'm fine with them." stated Aurora. Winger sighed in relief. "Twilight, Comet, Moonshine, and Nightstar are going to be glad you're alive." said Shadow. "I can't wait to see them after so long." replied Obsidian.

Obsidian and Aurora settled in Huttsgalor. They refused to have human riders, which was fine with the rescue riders. Eclipse and her friends returned to the Edge, but they would still visit from time to time.

They met all the humans, and liked them. Aurora wasn't too much of a fan of Elbone, though. Obsidian didn't tolerate Cutter's annoying jokes either, and one time almost burnt the poor relentless razorwing.

I'm alive

I didn't know how to end this chapter, so I'm ending it here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Have a nice day:)

Through a Fury's Heart (Rescue Riders fanfic) #2 Where stories live. Discover now