What if

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Stella looked at Kelly as she said "Kelly I'm pregnant". Kelly gasped and felt a little breathless as he heard the news. He never expected them to get pregnant so soon after they got married they always talked about waiting a few years. He also never expected it especially right now while he was away. He knew he needed to be there for Stella but he also knew this is exactly why he wanted to go ahead and take this training course to prepare for the one day transfer to OFI. That will come a little later but now it's unclear just how much later. Kelly stood there silent for a good 10 minutes at least it had to be Stella sat anxiously as she thought before finally asking him if he was okay, angry, sad.. just wanting him to finally say something so she knew where that head of his was. He finally spoke up and said he was okay just surprised and confused why it had to happen now with him away. He knew he wouldn't technically have to miss but about 3 weeks more of it the guilt of it still ate him up and he knew it was going to. Stella needs him right now more than she ever has before and he can't be there. Their whole worlds were changing and he wasn't there to help her get through it.

Later that night as they went out to dinner they finally decided to speak more about it. They immediately started planning what they needed to do upon Kelly's arrival back in Chicago,how she needed to go to med to see how far along she is currently, and what they needed to get before the babies arrival. While they were so excited they were both so nervous still especially when they have no clue what's in store or how their going to do it.

  It was finally time for Stella to go back to Chicago after spending the weekend with Kelly that was spent mostly talking about the baby and what they are excited about doing together as a couple once Kelly got back to Chicago.

The first day back in Chicago she decided to head on over to med where Maggie told her she was 8 weeks along which means she got pregnant about a month before Kelly left to go to Alabama. She went home and called Kelly to tell him how far along she was. They then talked about how big the baby is at this point, how big it should get, who they think it will look more like, and who's personality they think it'll get. They were both over the moon about it.

The last week has flown by with the pregnancy symptoms she was really struggling with finally subsided to give Stella a little bit of a break. She told Boden so she could go ahead and go on desk duty and doing Girls on Fire more as she didn't want to risk anything. Finally getting something she's always wanted just to lose it would absolutely rock her off the rocker especially right now with every other surrounding circumstance right now. Her and Kelly have been planning on how they wanted to announce her pregnancy to the firehouse once he gets back. She got questioned about why she suddenly wanted to be moved but she just lied and told them all she wasn't sleeping well so she felt it was safest for herself and the team to be on something less risky at the moment. They also planned on how they would find out the gender and how they wanted their gender reveal to be.. or if they even wanted one, and how they wanted to tell Jennifer. Everything was perfect until it wasn't.

* 1 week later *
It has been a week full of returned morning sickness and tiredness for Stella. She wishes Kelly could be here for her right now. She also knew though she would be fine. In 1 weeks time Kelly would be home anyway. She also hated to mention anything about her sickness to Kelly knowing he already felt bad missing so much but as the days started to drag on and she kept getting sick she began to get angry at Kelly which she hated and didn't fully understand why. It's not like she didn't know he cared and loved her while also eating himself alive at the fact he's having to miss so much. It really eat at her too at the fact he wasn't there and didn't try to get on home sooner to her once he found out. She wanted and expected him to try to start finding the fastest route out as soon as the news dropped but so far there's been no more urgency than he had already been having to get back. She just felt he could have done more. She also wondered if this is when the Benny in him that his mom told her 5 years ago was in him might have been in him more than she had originally realized. Surely she didn't get pregnant just for Kelly to now show her the Benny in him.. Kelly wouldn't do that to her would he? No it couldn't be could it? It had to be he was just to scared by it all and in typical Kelly fashion decided to stay and not fight to get back home sooner. Always running from the problem as if it would make it go away. Stella just felt something different about this time though that really had her questioning him and their relationship...

As always please feel free to leave advice or suggestions in comments

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