First shift back

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The dreaded day was finally here that Kelly would be returning to work and boy was he not ready to leave Stella or Kolby. He had to report to shift at 5 AM so he got up about 4 so he could get everything together he needed for the next 48 hours and hangout with Kolby for a few moments so before he left he gave him a bottle,changed him, and gave him a goodbye kiss as he was headed off to shift he also went back into his and Stellas room to kiss her on the forehead too.

When he first arrived at the fire house he sent Stella a good morning text  for her to see when she woke up he also made sure to include if she needs him for anything just text or call him and then headed in. Everyone was excited to have him back they've definitely missed him around and can't wait until Stella returns too.

At about 7 Stella began to stir awake hearing Kolby on the baby monitor as she jumped up real quick and dashed to get him. He was hungry again so she fed him and got him dressed for the day before heading to the kitchen where she realized Kelly had also made a pot of coffee so she would have some already made when she got up and a common thought came to her again "damn how did I get so lucky" she sat Kolby down in his bouncer as she headed to make a cup of coffee and check her phone where she found Kelly had sent a good morning text as well to which she responded " good morning love.. we love you and miss you already. Stay safe and have a good shift.  Thanks for the coffee". About that time Jennifer woke up and came on into the living room to hang out with them grabbing her a cup of coffee on the way as well. When Jennifer sat down she put her coffee down and immediately picked up Kolby to cuddle with him. She asked Stella how she was this morning to which Stella told her she was good just missed Kelly but was also so glad to have her help and still be able to stay home with Kolby for now. Jennifer told her she understood that battle all too well and it'll all work out. The squad hadn't but 1 call so far and it was now 10 AM so him and Stella have spent a lot of time texting back and forth updates on work, home, each other, and Kolby. Kelly had gone to call her but got sent out on that call so it was going to have to wait as they are just getting back and Kolby is waking up again to be fed and his diaper changed.

Back at home Jennifer got up after a little while of cuddling Kolby and talking to Stella to make some eggs and toast for breakfast so she and Stella could eat that while Stella was holding Kolby cuddling and "playing with him" once breakfast was done she placed him down in his bouncer so they could eat. After they ate she got up and took their dishes into the kitchen and loaded all of them into the dishwasher before going and getting a quick shower while Kolby was asleep and Jennifer was watching him. Shortly after he woke up ready to be fed so she had to take him into her and Kellys room to feed him and change his diaper real quick before heading back into the living room to watch HGTV with Jennifer while the take turns holding him.

It was finally about lunch and squad had just got off another call only their 2nd of the day. Kelly waited until after they all ate before texting Jennifer and asked her if they had eaten lunch yet because if not God forbidding another call come in he would go get them something at Viaggos and bring it so he could stop by and see Stella and Kolby for a minute she told him they hadn't so after they eat lunch at the firehouse they headed off to takeout at Viaggos before heading to Kelly and Stella's with Kelly running in real quick to give them lunch and see them a second with them. He sat down over lunch with them and held Kolby until squad got a call just a few minutes later so he give him a quick kiss before putting him down in his bouncer and giving Stella a quick peck as he headed out the door Jennifer both told him they loved him and asked him to please be safe but it wasn't lost on them who they were talking to.

Stella text Kelly a little while later after checking life360 and seeing he had made it back to the firehouse and thanked him for lunch and asked how the call was he replied it was overall good. There was a woman and a child trapped in a car that had been in a wreck. The rest of the afternoon squad had call after call as Jennifer and Stella turned on some Hallmark and watched it before Stella got up and cooked some steak and beans for dinner and Jennifer unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher for them after dinner. It was now about 7 PM so she went and put Kolby down after feeding him and changing him. She then went back into the living room and finished watching the movie her and Jennifer were watching before locking up the house and heading to bed. As she got in bed she got a call from Kelly so they talked on FaceTime for about 15 minutes Kelly could tell she was falling asleep so he told her he'd see her tomorrow morning and he loved her then they hung up. They had one more call for squad before they were able to finally crash about midnight. He absolutely couldn't wait to get home to Stella and Kolby

At about 5:30 AM Kelly got home and went into his and Stella's room to take a shower and get into bed. When he got into the shower it woke Stella up so she came in there too and chatted with him for a few minutes before Kolby woke up again so Kelly got out got dressed and told Stella to get back to bed he had Kolby and would be back in just a few minutes as he walked on to Kolbys room to change his diaper and give him a bottle. Once he got Kolby rocked back to sleep and placed him back into his crib he give him a kiss and headed back to Stella and his room where he was greeted with Stella still being awake as he climbed into bed "you look so beautiful" Kelly told her "thank you for the compliment but no I do not I look like death" she replied "absolutely not don't talk to yourself like that" he told her as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him landing a kiss on her forehead. Stella climbed onto Kelly placing her head on his chest and laying down as he wrapped his arms around her and talked about shift and how much they missed one another. They laid like that for a good 30 minutes as Kelly rubbed her back. Stella climbed off of him and laid beside him with her head still on his chest and arms still around her as he was now laying sideways as they dozed back off and didn't wake up again until 8 AM

* As always thank you for reading 🙏. Please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this chapter *

Next chapter will be their first family Christmas

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