Going away

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2 1/2 years later:
Kolby is now 2 and still looks just like Stella and acts a lot like Kelly
They've had a baby girl named Charlotte Laverne Severide that's just turned 1  and looks just like Stella as well and so far acts like her too
Kelly has been working with OFI for a year and a half now and is absolutely loving it
Due to her unexpected pregnancy with their baby girl Stella paused her plans until now to focus on her pregnancy
Jennifer moved right down the road from Stella and Kelly and helps watch the kids for them when they need her to
After having Charlotte they decided their family is complete so Kelly got a vasectomy

Today was the day Stella will be heading off to Philadelphia for a week in order to expand her GOF program. She was not ready to leave Kelly or their children as she never has before just making it tougher but she knew she had to in order to continue the growth of her program "call me if you need anything or anything happens" she told Kelly as she zipped up her suitcase "I've got this but will do. Do you have everything packed" he asked "Yes. Will you go put this bag and my other one over there into the car while I go get Charlotte and Kolby up real quick" she asked him "of course then I'll be in to help you" he told her as he went and loaded her bags into the car and headed in "are they both up" he yelled to Stella "no I'm just getting Charlotte up at the moment" she told him "okay I've got Kolby" he told her heading off to Kolbys room "hey wake up buddy we have to get up and get dressed so we can go drop momma off at the airport" he told Kolby as he shook him a little waking him up "I'm not ready to get up" Kolby told him "we have to" Kelly told him as a whole meltdown commenced as Kelly scooped him up "knock it off I'm not listening to this shit this morning we don't have enough time" Kelly told him carrying him into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once they reached the bathroom he finally stopped crying so Kelly put him up on his stool so that Kelly could brush his teeth. They brushed his teeth and headed back to his bedroom to change his diaper and change clothes "this outfit seem good for today buddy" Kelly asked Kolby "yes!!" Kolby yelled it was a striped shirt with khaki shorts as it was spring time in Chicago. They changed and then headed out into the living room seeing Charlotte was in a little plaid onesie. Kelly had on a checkered shirt with khaki shorts on while Stella opted for a Nike outfit so she would travel comfortably "you all look beautiful and are very dressed up. What are y'all doing after you drop me off" Stella asked "going to my mom's for lunch and thank you. You look sexy" he told her as he walked over to her pulling her into him "I wish you didn't have to go" he told her "me too but we both know I have to" she told him giving him a kiss "yep" he replied "Is Charlottes diaper bag packed or only Kolbys" he asked her "only Kolbys do I need to go try to get her bag or you got it" she asked "I've got it" Kelly told her. "Momma pick me up pick me up" Kolby said to Stella standing beside her with his arms up so Kelly and Stella broke apart and she picked him up for a few minutes as Kelly went to grab what was in Charlottes bag and Kolbys bag to put in the car before getting Charlotte and putting her in the car "you look very beautiful today my little lady and seem to be in a great mood" Kelly told her peeping the smile on her face he played pick a boo with her s few moments before seeing Stella and Kolby walk out so he headed around to open the door for them as Stella got him buckled in before giving him a kiss and shutting the door and going to get in her side. As she climbed in Kelly grabbed her hand and they were off to the airport

Once they got to the airport Kelly grabbed their double stroller out and put Kolby in one side as Stella put Charlotte in the other side with their cups. She was going to push them in their stroller and Kelly was getting Stella's bags in his hands and the diaper bags on his shoulder "you look so sexy when your being a dad and husband not that you don't when your doing everything else too but something about seeing you be those two things does something to me" Stella told him "is that how we winded up getting married and having 2 kids before getting a vasectomy" Kelly joked back "absolutely how and why that happened" she replied as he smacked her ass and they headed inside to security before finding her gate. Once they got luggage sat down Stella kissed Kolby and Charlotte and told them that she would be video chatting them nightly and that she loved them adding to be good to their daddy and she would be back soon before Kelly dropped the diaper bags into the floor and grabbed her in for a long hug "I'm going to miss you so much. Thank God for FaceTime or I'd probably lose my shit " Kelly told her "same here I'm going to miss you all so much" she said as they just stood there a few moments before giving one another a kiss "be safe I love you " he told her as she went to head off to her gate "I love you too and I will be you do the same" she told him as she blew them all a kiss. Kelly grabbed the diaper bags back onto his shoulders and pushed the stroller back to their car "y'all please be good for me" Kelly said looking at both of them laughing knowing it likely wouldn't happen as he grabbed Charlotte out first placing her in her seat before heading around to get Kolby in and putting the stroller back in the back. A few minutes later they were off to Jennifers.

The end

* As always thank you for reading 🙏. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this book . *

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