I love you

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   Stella continued to just keep getting in her head and fear eating her alive that Kelly might be Benny after all and she only knew one person that would know for sure besides herself and that's the one that used to be married to Benny. That's Jennifer.

She decided to call Jennifer and see if she was up to a chat knowing she needed to either knock these thoughts or start accepting the reality. Jennifer was shocked when she answered and heard Stella on the other end. "Jennifer do you have a minute it's me Stella" Stella said as Jennifer said "Yes of course what's wrong". Stella began to feel her in on everything going on and reminded her of those words she said to her years ago to which shocked  Jennifer as she said "Stella all those years ago when I said that I said it out of bitterness of my own mess with Benny and due to Kelly's ways at that time. Since meeting you he's really  changed since then and everyone can see that. Kelly no longer has any Benny ways about him". Stella felt relieved that reality is what she thought it was and she could calm her thoughts down but she knew to fully calm them she needed to call Kelly and hash it out. Boy would he be shocked at the conversation coming especially not knowing this is the way she was feeling.

She got off the phone with Jennifer and decided to go ahead and call Kelly since he's out of class anyway now as it was late afternoon. As soon as Kelly answered she spilled her guts which absolutely blew Kelly away as that's the last thing he was expecting to hear when he answered. He started immediately thinking of ways he could make this better for her and show her he does care and wants to be there despite at times it not seeming like it throughout this process. Even he had to admit that hearing her be scared he was more like Benny than she thought because of his actions made him feel hurt and maybe even betrayed but he understood as he's being like Benny and the old Kelly and staying away just not why she's been fearing it. There was only one way he could think to fix this.

The next day when he arrived at class he went to talk to the instructor of the class and told him he needed to cram the last week's worth of stuff within a day or two because he needed to be back at home. He wasn't going to tell Stella he's going to come home a few days early as he doesn't want her anymore hurt or disappointed than she already is and plans can always fall through. The instructor agreed to let him do that so that's exactly what Kelly did and booked the next flight to Chicago.

* A couple days later *

Kelly had just arrived back in Chicago so he's heading to the loft but won't see Stella until tomorrow as she's on shift today. He arrived to the loft in a mess and it immediately hit him how tired and overwhelmed Stella must have really been because Stella is known to be a clean freak. The last thing he'd ever expect from her was a loft full of laundry all over their bedroom floor,  a sink full of dishes, blankets and pillows on the couch laid out like they had been used, and a counter full of groceries that haven't been picked up. Now that he saw it he felt kinda pissed at himself that he did exactly what he said he wouldn't.. miss a moment and not be there for Stella when she needed him. It didn't matter to him that he didn't know. Especially since he feels he should have because how can a pregnant woman not struggle in one way or another.

Kelly showered and then got to cleaning. He wanted to surprise Stella with the loft being exactly the way they always loved it.. clean and organized. He changed the bed sheets and did the dishes before getting a video call from Stella to which he declined so she wouldn't know but did regularly call her back which made Stella's mind go into overdrive with questions because Kelly never has denied a video call before so why is he now. Kelly talked to her for a few as she filled him in on firehouse gossip and asked about his day then he asked about hers before hanging up to resume cleaning.

By bedtime Kelly was swiped out and felt that he understood again what Stella meant about the loft feeling empty without the other one there. All he wanted to do was cuddle up with Stella to get a good night rest and wake up to her face tomorrow.. only one more night he thought to himself as he text Stella he was going to bed and he loved her to which she replied back she loved him too and goodnight.

The next morning Kelly woke up early and decided to make them breakfast so Stella wouldn't have to worry about cooking anything when she got home. He went over his checklist again to make sure all was done with the laundry and cleaning up. As Stella arrived to the loft and opened the door she stood stunned.. and that's hard to do to Stella because normally she's always one step ahead of you. Kelly ran over to her and picked her up as he kissed her. She finally spoke up after kissing him back and said "Welcome home Kelly it's not been the same without you". As Kelly told her he had made breakfast she told him thank you she'd eat in just a few after her shower. As she walked through the loft she had realized all Kelly had done to the loft and it brought a few tears to her eyes.. Kelly really wasn't Benny after all. She turned around smiled at him and thanked him to which he said "no problem I love you" which earned another smile from Stella with a "I love you too". Stella decided to call Jennifer back and tell her what all Kelly had done for her to surprise her and that maybe after all Jennifer was right about him not being like Benny.

The next two weeks seemed to absolutely fly by and they couldn't be happier. Kelly has spent the last two weeks showing Stella how much he loves her and is excited for the baby while also repeatedly apologizing and showing how sorry he was that he didn't try to get home sooner and she had to deal with it alone. He had returned to FH 51 after a few days of being back and Cruz is back to his normal duties as it is Kelly as the leutinunt. Stella is still and will resume being on desk duty. Today was finally the day that they would find out what the baby will be.

At med they arrived and got called on back rather quickly. Maggie put the gell on Stella stomach before putting the wand there. Stella and Kelly both shed a few tears seeing their baby in there and hearing the heartbeat absolutely melted them. Maggie finally asked after a few moments of letting the soon to be parents enjoy the sights and noise "Are y'all ready to find out what y'all are having" which earned a "ready as can be" from a smiling Kelly and a "absolutely" from a smiling Stella as they looked at Maggie. She said well congratulations Mr and Mrs. Severide "It appears y'all will be having a baby..."

*As always please feel free to leave suggestions and feedback in the comments*

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