I'm sorry

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* Stella is currently 30 weeks pregnant*
The last 10 weeks have been a roller coaster with her nausea with her body aches. Some days it felt like it might be getting better and other it felt like it was getting worse. The last two weeks have been better for her though so she was grateful for the break she was getting from it. As the time got closer for the baby the more excited but also more nervous. They still had a lot of preparation to do in the next 10 weeks. Kelly and Stella had talked and they both agreed that they needed to get a bigger house for their growing family. They had been house searching and finally found and closed on a 4 bed 3 bath right outside of the city. They still had to get it furnished, get the baby clothes and toys, pick a name, take a parenting class, and have a baby shower.

  Stella and Kelly agreed after their next shift they would go furniture shopping to get their living room and bedrooms furnished on their off days. So they did Kelly had to recruit Joe, Capp, Gallo, and Hermann to get it all to the house in one day but somehow someway they got it all there so all they had to do by themselves was put it where it was wanted and to put the beds together. Stella didn't like working with Kelly off shift to much.. or at least not to do things around the house like fixing things and putting things together. That seemed to be something that made Kelly grouchy and he always takes it out on Stella which leads to arguments but she knows he also doesn't like people other than them being in their home much either so she just goes with it and they fight it out.

After they grabbed dinner Kelly asked her if she was ready to start putting those beds together and in place. "As ready as I'll ever be "Stella said as they got up and headed to their bedroom to get their bed together and up so they at least will have somewhere to sleep on tonight since they will be spending the night there tonight so they can get to work on everything tomorrow as soon as they wake up. "Stella I got it you just need to give me a minute" Kelly told Stella "I hate to be the one to tell you but you've been saying that for the past 30 minutes.. maybe if you'd read the directions we'd have it by now" Stella said in response. "Highly doubtful" Kelly said in response to which Stella just rolled her eyes about. She really didn't feel like arguing with him so she just let it be at that. A little while later they began fighting because one of the sides wasn't wanting to be screwed in the foot board part of the bed railing. Kelly started cussing the foot of the bed and Stella said something because she was sick of hearing him bitch at that point and was a little scared for the railing if he was to continue to act how he was with it and she wasn't trying to pay for another one for their bedroom right now after just getting this one. That argument ended when Stella left the room leaving Kelly to figure it out on his own. This is why I hate working with him on stuff like this Stella thought to herself as she went to sit down in the living room on a little pallet they had down on the floor. About an hour later Kelly came out to tell her the bed was put together and the mattress has been slid on all that was left was to put sheets and covers on it along with the pillows. Stella got up and went to get the bed made up as she walked right past Kelly without saying a word.. she was still a little mad from earlier and in typical Kelly fashion he played dumb about knowing why she was annoyed and asked her why to which she told him exactly why. He rolled his eyes and called it bullshit and blabbered for awhile before Stella finally told him she was just going to go to their bedroom for a little while away from him until he could cool down that she wasn't fighting with him about it anymore.

Stella went and grabbed a book to read and sat on their bed reading while Kelly decided it was the perfect time to stage the living room as Stella had shown him where she wanted everything to be in there so he knew she wouldn't make him move the stuff again. He then moved on to one of their guest bedrooms to put that bed together and get that mattress on then it was likely to be bedtime for them both. Kelly had no clue where he was sleeping tonight because as of right now Stella still hasn't come out of their bedroom since going in there and he knew when she gets like that it best to just leave her be until she comes back around.

By the time Kelly finally got it finished it was 10 PM. Stella still had not come out again yet so he wondered if maybe she had fallen asleep and that's why as she's been in there since 8 and she doesn't typically stay in there that long. He cracked the door open to the sight of her wide awake reading still and asked her "can I come in" "I guess that will be fine but don't get any ideas you just need to go straight to sleep tonight" Stella said in response. Kelly walked on in and he hated that she didn't even want a good night kiss or to cuddle tonight but if Kelly's learned anything since being married to Stella is that some nights he's just lucky to even sleep in the same room as her so he was just glad that was the case. He got his teeth brushed showered and changed into his shorts he sleeps in before going back out into the kitchen and grabbing some of the strawberries and whipped cream they had brought with them as it's something Stella normally eats as a late night pregnancy craving and grabbed him a bag of chips to eat as one then headed back to their bedroom.

He got back into the room and gave Stella her snack to which she told him thank you and that he didn't have to to which he replied that he knew but he also knows that's her typical craving and wanted to make sure she still ate it tonight rather whether she was mad at him or not. He went to re brush his teeth after eating the chips before climbing into the bed. He kinda forgot she told him to do nothing but go straight to sleep tonight but a piece of him remembered and hoped she was more over it then she was letting on so he leaned up to kiss her good night before telling her goodnight and that he loved her then told her "I'm sorry about earlier"  to which she accepted his apology before going on a 10 minute at least rant about how she hates doing stuff like that. Kelly understood he wasn't the most delightful to work on with that and he would much rather be into it with someone else than his wife so he texted Gallo to see if him and Violet would come over tomorrow. Violet to help keep Stella company and help her get everything where she wanted and all the beds made and plush pillows and blankets where she wanted them they also had to get some of Kelly and Stella's clothes to start putting in the dressers too while Kelly and Gallo got the beds put together and went to get TV's for the living room and bedrooms. Gallo and Violet agreed and said they'd be there at 8 AM sharp. Stella put her book down and laid down to doze off to sleep as Kelly rolled over and put his arm around her arms so he could hold her as tight to him as he could these days before kissing her head and telling her good night he loved her again. Stella just smiled before dozing off to sleep.

* As always feel free to leave suggestions and feedback in the comments and as always thank you for reading hope y'all enjoy it*

* Next chapter will very likely be them having the house done getting baby clothes and toys alongside the parenting class *

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