Hard times

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Kolby was officially 8 weeks old today . Stella and Kelly despite wanting sex still have not because Stella doesn't feel like she is ready for that yet and Kelly respects that and will wait until she's ready. Kellys been working shift and then going to restore a few boats on the days he's off from the academy and shift which has put Stella doing even more around the house and even more with Kolby. Stella felt guilty for any part of her being mad at him for it though as she knew he was doing it for their family and still helping around the house and with Kolby every second he got free but she couldn't shake the anger. She didn't sign up to do it with him until he decided to go pick up every job out there by choice not by need. She signed up to have the same husband and father he was in the beginning the one that wouldn't dare do something that would make him lose a minute he didn't have to with them. And after 4 weeks of doing it it finally exploded.

Kolby hasn't been feeling well for a few days and Stella has been dealing with mastitis this last week and felt like she was coming down with the flu . While Kelly has spent most of his time working and when he's at home acting like a concerned father and husband but Stella wasn't sure with the way he was contradicting himself through working. Today was a shift day for Kelly but Stella had enough and the overwhelm took her over so she called Kelly and demanded he get home because he was needed more at home so he went to clear it with Boden before telling him he was putting him off for the next few shifts at the academy and firehouse giving him a week off. Kelly rushed home thinking something was wrong and technically he wasn't wrong it just wasn't how he thought it was. "Kelly I've had to much of your all the time working bullshit while you leave me to tend to everything at this house and our baby. I understand you try to help the one day a week and few hours you give yourself a night free but it's not cutting it I need your help this is not what I signed up for" she told him as soon as he walked through the door stopping him dead in his tracks "Stella I've always worked doing what I'm doing now for the most part. I took time off from boats when you were pregnant and first had our baby so you can't act like this come out of left field" Kelly replied "I never said it did Kelly but it's also different now. Before when you were doing it we didn't have a child or this big of a house we just had the little loft and I was just as busy as you were so we had even responsibility for everything. I've had breast mastitis for a week now and Kolby hasn't felt good in a few days on top of me now feeling like I'm coming down with the flu all while balancing everything around here and getting myself ready to go back to work" Stella responded "I can't help what I do for a living Stella and I'm here now so what do you need done" he responded "the hell you can't. To do boats is your choice something that is completely up to you. So is the academy if you didn't want to do that as much that your choice to do the only thing you can't control is the firehouse and how you have to work 4 days a week. We have enough money for you to do that or I think I would have more compassion for it. As for what I could use your help with our son is a start get some of his feedings that I have pumped, play with him and as far as the house goes clean the guest bathroom your mom is coming into town so also the guest bedroom, the nursery could use a good dusting, our bedroom is a mess, and we have 2 loads of laundry needing to be done" she replied "okay I'm on it" he said as he let what all she said really sink in. He headed to their cleaning closet to get what he needed in order to get the guest bedroom and bathroom set up. After he did that he went to get the duster and get their bedroom and the nursery before organizing Kolbys rack where his diapers wipes and spare change of clothes sit by the time he finished that Kolby was up again just fussing so Kelly went and got him from Stella so she could relax and went and walked around with him until he went back to sleep Kelly set up the baby monitor and put it in his pocket as he laid Kolby back down in his crib as he headed their bedroom to get it clean. He decided since Kolby is still asleep he'd go ahead and clean their bathroom. He finished the chores up and noticed a few bills still needing to be paid so he decided to get those wrote up and ready to mail before telling Stella he'd be right back he was just running the bills to the mailbox for the mail woman to get later she just nodded as he walked out. When he returned he saw a few dishes in the sink and decided to clean those and put em up before going out back to call Boden just needing a man to man talk. Kelly told him most of everything Stella told him earlier as he wouldn't say all of it because he didn't want Stella thinking he was telling her business "Kelly I want you to really think before you respond and if you immediately respond I'll just tell you to think again but if you were in Stella's situation and she was doing the exact thing your doing would you be okay with it" Boden asked "not really. I would probably feel the same way just being completely honest" he replied to Boden "exactly so why do you expect her to be okay with it" Boden asked "I guess I just haven't thought about if it was me instead I stayed in my shoes selfishly" Kelly told Boden "go help her and be the husband and father I know you can be because I've saw it and I'll see about getting you to where you only work 1 day a week at the academy leaving him with 2 days a week off which is more than his none off now. Kelly decided after his talk with Boden and realizing they truly would be okay with just his one day a week with the academy and 4 days on shift at the firehouse along with Stella when she returns in a few weeks. About the time he got off the phone he heard Kolby start to fuss so he headed back in "Stella I've got him" he told her as he headed to Kolbys room. He had a whole different time with her when he came in and she took notice especially with how pissy he was earlier.

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