Starting to feel real

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Stella and Kelly finally had everything in their new home exactly how they wanted it and we're preparing for baby classes the next night since they were on shift tonight. While both Kelly and Stella were nervous it seemed that Kelly was a lot more worried than Stella for a change. Stella felt like Kelly was probably overthinking everything like he has to try to ensure perfection her whole pregnancy.

The next day had arrived and they were heading home before heading to the class. Once they arrived Kelly told Stella while she showered and got changed he would cook them some breakfast and eat then get him a shower and change into a different outfit as well. After eating Kelly was off to get his shower while Stella cleaned the kitchen up and gathered a few more last minute items up to take with them while she was waiting on Kelly.

After he got ready they headed off to baby class "you ready" asked Stella " I guess. I'm kinda nervous for no apparent reason to be honest. I kinda think it may tie into me just wanting everything to be perfect for him and for you and ultimately us. I know inevitable mistakes will happen with both of you but I don't want it to be because of me." Said Kelly. "You being worried about those things says lot about how kind hearted and selfless you are Kelly. You'll be a great dad and already an amazing husband. I know the feeling of fear of failure all to well" Said Stella as they pulled up to class

As the class went out Kelly was becoming more and more anxious as he felt like it was just a little too much to absorb it all in and then go be able to show the instructors that he knows how to do it. He was also scared because what if he gets it right now and then forgets it before the baby gets here. The fear of failure has become really strong since Stella found out she was pregnant. His fear that's always been there to be another Benny has always crept on his mind but now more than ever for obvious reasons it seems to be front and center. As they got ready to leave Stella turned to Kelly and said "this is really starting to feel more real by the minute ".

It was time to show the instructors that they knew how to put in a car seat correctly so Stella and Kelly absolutely nailed it and in that moment Kelly couldn't have been more relieved as he quietly thought to himself he had not been that nervous except for when he asked Stella to be his gf, asked Stella to move in, asked Stella to marry him, and actually marrying Stella. Kelly practiced a few more times just to make sure he had it down pat.

After that Stella and Kelly headed to Walmart and Goodwill to get some baby clothes and lunch before heading home and putting the baby clothes in the baby's dresser then watch a movie.

As they arrived to Walmart they went straight to the baby section and it wasn't entirely clear who got more excited Stella or Kelly it might have even been equal you could never have told for sure though with the way both were acting. Immediate excitement kicked in the both of them as they looked at everything they began day dreaming about where to put everything they still needed to get and all the memories that could be created with those items. They finally got to the clothes and Stella geeked out at all the little boy outfits they had and Kelly thought just about every outfit needed to come home with them. They winded up getting 3 packs of onesies, 4 regular outfits, and 10 random shirts and shorts for him before going to get some more shorts and pants at Goodwill. They stopped at McDonalds then headed back home.

Upon arrival to the loft Kelly toted all the bags of new clothes and just asked Stella to get the door and to meet him in the nursery so that's what she did. They got into the nursery and put all of his clothes up " I can't wait to see him in this more so than the others" Kelly said as he held up a yellow shirt and blue jean shorts with overalls over it "hes going to look so precious in it for sure" Stella said as she turned around to look at the outfit. Stella thought he was going to look best in his firefighter shirt with blue jean shorts. Kelly and Stella loved to debate things like this and couldn't be more excited to see who winds up being right.

They got all the baby clothes packed away and headed to the leaving room to watch "Home alone". Kelly made him and Stella some popcorn as Stella went to get into her pajamas and get comfortable on the couch. Kelly went to change into his pajamas as well before joining Stella on the couch "You look very beautiful" Kelly said earning a blush and "thank you. really" Stella asked genuinely because these days she does not feel beautiful much and how could she be with a big fat belly like hers has become she thought to herself. "Of course you always look beautiful" Kelly said "Why thank you because I certainly ain't feeling so hot these days" Stella replied. "Is it because your pregnant? Because if it's that I guess I may owe you an apology" Kelly asked and joked all in one "Yes. The body changes that my body has had to make while I'm in amazement I'm also really struggling with it. This is not normally who I am look wise" Stella said. "Completely understandable and I'm sorry you feel that way because honestly your hot AF no matter what. I'll try to do a better job of reminding you of that. Your amazing Stella" said Kelly in response. They shared a kiss before covering up and turning on the movie.

* As always please feel free to leave suggestions and feedback in the comments. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and as always thank you for reading*

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