First Day Home

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They were finally after a couple days in the hospital heading home. Stella and Kelly were so excited to be bringing their baby home and neither could believe this was actually their life. If you would have told them even 10 months ago that this would be their life in no way would they have believed you

It was about 12 by the time they got to their house as Stella wanted to stop and grab a quick bite to eat before heading home so they stopped and got something for lunch then headed on. Once they got home Kelly got Kolby out and helped Stella out of the car before heading in. He decided he would wait until Stella and Jennifer got settled in before he'd unload their bags of stuff they took to the hospital and what Jennifer had brought it with her

Once inside Kelly turned on the lights in the living room before going to sit down and getting Kolby out to hold him. Stella came over to join them on the couch while Jennifer opted to go and grab a shower as she hasn't had one since being in Chicago since she's been at the hospital with Stella and Kelly. Stella decided to lay her head down on Kelly's shoulder and stretched out on the couch. They sat like that about 30 minutes before Kolby woke up so Stella shot up real quick knowing it was time for a feeding. As Stella got up and prepared to go to the nursery to feed Kelly changed kolbys diaper then took him to Stella. "I'm about to go get everything out of the car do you need me to do anything else while you feed him" Severide asked "not that I can think of I'll text you if I can think of anything" Stella replied before Kelly left out to get the bags "I guess Stella is about to feed" Jennifer said to Kelly "yes and I'm about to go unload the jeep need me to do anything else" Kelly asked "no but thank you. I'm going to go in the living room and turn the TV and watch some HGTV if you don't mind" Jennifer said as Kelly responded "not a problem make yourself at home". He finally had everything into the living room and Stella was still feeding so he decided to go ahead and grab a quick shower and get into some fresh clothes.

Once out of the shower he walked out of their bedroom to find Stella on the couch holding Kolby as he slept on her chest he decided to take a picture of the sight before heading on to the living room. He opted to sit between Stella and Jennifer "you both good still" said Kelly "yes but thank you" Jennifer replied before Stella also replied she was still good too. Kelly put his arm around Kelly as Stella looked up at him "I love you so much and can't thank you enough for all you have done for us the last couple days or really even the whole pregnancy because you've truly went above and beyond " Stella told him as he looked down at her "no need for a thank you I love you both so much" Kelly said as he planted a kiss on her lips as they both turned to the TV and started watching "Love it or List it" with Jennifer

They all say like that for a while and before they knew it 3 PM had crept up on them "do you want me to cook something for dinner or take out" Jennifer asked them "well I'm craving some Dominos so I was thinking maybe about getting a delivery if that's fine with you too" Stella replied "fine by me" Kelly said "same here " Jennifer replied "anything you need while I'm up" Jennifer asked "If you wouldn't mind grabbing me a water I would greatly appreciate it" Stella said "I would also like a water" Kelly said "got it" Jennifer replied "thank you" was said by both as Jennifer headed over with their water bottles. As Jennifer sat down Stella asked her if she wanted to hold Kolby for a while as Jennifer said yes Stella handed her the baby. After giving Kolby to Jennifer she got on her phone to order pizza and wings and Kelly decided now was the perfect time to unpack their bags so with a little guidance from Stella he got it down pretty quickly.

"Stella I think we forgot to get something " Kelly said coming out of the nursery "what" Stella asked "we didn't even think about getting a baby monitor so we could watch him when he's in his crib" Kelly replied "oh shit what do you want me to do" Stella said " nothing if you don't mind me running to Walmart real quick I can go grab one" Kelly said " sounds like a plan make sure you get one though that hooks to our phones as well" she said "will do". Kelly grabbed his wallet and keys as he headed to give Kolby a kiss on his cheek and Stella a quick kiss before heading to the store "mom do you need anything while I'm there" he asked "if you wouldn't mind I'll pay you back but get me some sugar free coffee creamer" Jennifer replied " no big deal" Kelly said and he was off

While Kelly was gone Kolby had woken up and Jennifer changed his diaper before the baby fell back asleep in her arms "I'm going to go try to grab a quick shower if you don't mind just holler if you need" Stella told her as Kolby dozed back off "okay just holler if you need any help and I'll do anything I can" Jennifer said. About 5 minutes later the pizza arrived and Stella still wasn't back in the living room so Jennifer put the baby in his little bouncy seat and went to grab the pizza and placed it on the table. She headed to Kelly and Stella's bedroom door to check on Stella and Stella assured her she was okay and would be out in just a second so she headed back into the living room sitting down beside Kolby in his seat. About a minute later Stella came out to sit down"Kelly still not back " she asked as Jennifer responded no "guess I'll have to check life360 " she said before checking and seeing Kelly was almost home

Once he was home they ate their pizza and wings then Kelly had to go install the baby monitor system, Jennifer opted to clean up from dinner, and Stella went to feed and change Kolbys diaper before they all made their way back into the living room and decided to sit down and watch some Blackhawks hockey before bed.

8 PM rolled around quick and they were all ready to go to bed "Kelly are you ready to head to bed I'm thinking about going to lay down after I feed him and maybe watching some TV but possibly just going on to sleep" Stella asked as Kelly was changing Kolbys diaper again "that's fine by me. I'll join you" he said "I think I'm about to head to bed myself too if y'all need anything just holler I'll be right over there" Jennifer said before pointing to the guest bedroom and heading that direction. As Stella headed to feed Kolby Kelly decided to go make sure the house was locked up, change into his pajamas,  and brush his teeth before rolling into bed and turning on the Blackhawks game to catch the ending. Stella joined him soon after and went to brush her hair and teeth before changing into her pajamas and climbing into bed. As soon as she climbed into bed Kelly extending his arms to pull her close to him as she cuddled up to him with her hand on his chest and her head on his shoulder "I love you so much Kelly" she told him as he replied with his own I love you before giving her a kiss "how are you doing mentally and physically with everything you went through to get our baby earth side" Kelly asked "Mentally it's weird I'm not to overjoyed but I'm not not happy either I think I would be better if it didn't physically hurt so bad. I'm still very sore but it's slowly getting a little better. My shower earlier took a lot out of me but not am I glad I did it because I needed to feel clean" she said "well I'm sorry it hurts if there's anything I can do just know I will" he responded "oh I know and am so thankful for that me and our baby boy got so lucky with you" she told him "the same could be said for you" he replied before they turned back to the Blackhawks game before tuning into an episode of ridiculousness before Kolby woke up needing a diaper change which required a whole outfit change so Kelly got his clothes out and changed his clothes while Stella got his diaper then she fed him while Kelly headed back to their room, turned the TV off , and climbed into bed. Stella quickly joined him in bed as she climbed in she noticed Kelly was dozing off "good night I love you" she said as she scooted into Kelly's arms "good night wake me if you need" he replied as they both dozed off.

*As always thank you for reading and please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments. Hope y'all like it*

The next chapter will be about their first family Thanksgiving

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