~ 10 ~ Double Fantasy ~

151 6 14

~ Cerulean ~

Golden rays peaked through horizontal blinds, warming the coloured skin that belonged to a certain grey haired man. The change in temperature causing him to stir, sounds of blankets rustling, as he rolled onto his back.

Eyes slowly opened, met with the white ceiling, before they looked to the left corner, seeing a door, right beside him, an end table with his phone and a few water bottles. To the right corner, his closet, then window where the sun shone through slated blinds, then right beside him. Kaveh.

WAIT KAVEH!?!?!?1?1??!?

Al Haithams eyes shot open, body freezing, tensing in response.


Then- the splitting headache that was his hangover, pierced through the front of his skull, his free hand snapping to the bridge of his nose to pinch it, in an attempt to stop the pain.

God no. He couldn't have- he wouldn't have- he didn't sleep with Kaveh last night? DID HE?!?!

Covering his face with both hands now, he tried to recall the events from last night, but first, checked under the blankets. Okay- he was fully clothed. Looking to Kaveh, hues of green spotted the silk pajamas that he had got the blonde. By the looks of things, he was too.

A quiet sigh of relief left Al Haithams lips, before he went back to his previous activity, what on gods earth made Kaveh end up in his bed?

'Don't go... please...'

The words shot through his mind like a bullet, a flash, that was able to trigger his memory from the night prior. Al Haitham had drank away his thoughts- too confused by how he was feeling, and Kaveh..

Kaveh took care of him.

Sitting up, the man took to look at the blonde who was sound asleep, he was hugging one of Al Haithams pillows, face relaxed, eyes gently shut. Curled up in a fetal position under the blankets, blonde hair messy, and brushed away from his face revealing pretty pale skin that looked soft to the touch.

Al Haitham felt his cheeks glow.

Reaching across to gently brush a few stray strands of gold, he couldn't help but feel Kavehs cheek, back of his index finger gently smoothing over the skin. His judgement based on appearance was correct, Kavehs skin was silky, and warm to the touch, slightly glowing fue to his hang over.

Al Haitham felt guilty, the way he saw it, depending on Kaveh to look after him last night was weak, stupid.

But.. holding him in his arms... was a feeling Al Haitham yearned for, and right now he would love nothing more than to indulge in his own selfish desires, but alas he would probably wake Kaveh up.

That and he had a splitting headache.

Being careful as to not move around too much, the man slipped from underneath the blankets and walked to the door. Looking back at Kaveh who hadn't moved an inch, he must have been tired.

Stretching, he took to the hallway, arms raised as he stretched his back, before making an entrance to the kitchen, preparing two mugs for coffee.

Surely Kaveh would want one.

Making it strong just like he used to for him after Kavehs infamous all-nighters, Al Haitham stirred the black brown brew, adding half a spoon of sugar, and some milk. Al Haithams coffee however, was black, strong, bitter.

Putting two slices of bread into the toaster, he took out two plates, a knife, and sunsettia jam. Once the toast had popped, preparing it promptly.

It didn't take long but he brought the plates of toast and coffee mugs back to his room, placing his own down on the end table, then walking around to Kavehs side.
The blonde was still sound asleep, breathing softly, he hadn't moved that whole time. Al Haitham sighed.

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