~ 12 ~ Heartbeat ~

191 8 16

~ Crimson ~

Kavehs eyes fell open, yawning, clearing his throat, he looked around. It was pitch black outside, he was still in the hospital room, turning around, Al Haitham was dead asleep beside him, hand resting atop his waist. Kaveh sighed, remembering the events from the day prior. 

It was stupid. But he had done it so many times before without consequence- he was just so used to shallow bathtubs in brothels and drug dens, he didn't realize the consequence. And to think that Al Haitham had to save him, he had only been more trouble for him ever since he found Kaveh in that bar. 

Laying back down he looked to the ceiling, he wanted to cry again, he felt like a burden, that was the last thing he wanted. He was so used to solving his problems on his own he wasn't sure what to do now. 

Al Haitham stirred, sitting up to see Kaveh laying on his back, eyes welled with tears. 

'Oh no I've woken him up- he must be so tired after-'

"Kaveh." Al Haitham whispered, voice hoarse from having just woken up. 

"What?" Kaveh whispered back. 

"Are you alright? Do you need to use the bathroom?" the silver haired one asked, hand pulling the blanket back up over the blondes chest, so he was warm again. 

"No, no, I just... *cough* woke up, I.. uh.. had a bad dream. Go back to sleep, you're surely exhausted after... everything." Kaveh responded, looking to the side so Al Haitham couldn't see his face. The man however, felt how tense Kaveh was, sighing softly, he rolled on his side and pulled the blonde into his arms, holding his head to his chest as he caressed the boys hair. 

"No, just tell me what's wrong, I won't be able to sleep until you do." Al Haitham said quietly, holding him close and pulling the blankets over their shoulders. 

Kavehs lip shook, holding back tears once more. He just couldn't stop thinking, thinking about everything that happened, how much he must have hurt Al Haitham to make him cry. 

"I just.. can't stop thinking, about how you spoke, how you cried.. I feel... awful. I never wanted you to-" 

"Good. I hope you feel bad, so you never do it again." Al Haitham interrupted plain as always. However his hands spoke another story, Kaveh could feel the one around his waist, holding him so their bodies were pressed together, the other, gently passing fingers through stringy gold locks, rubbing his head occasionally before going back to combing the slight knots from his hair. 

Kaveh trembled in his grasp, it had been so long since- anyone held him like this. It gave him a familiar feeling, a feeling of warmth,  a feeling that he was safe. 

"I feel fucking terrible, I never intended to-" 

"Enough Kaveh, it's in the past now, I just need you to move on now, you can't grow if you dwell on the past. Get some rest, we go home tomorrow so we'll take it slow, and...no more baths from now on, got it?" Al Haitham said. Though Kaveh couldn't see his face, he just knew Al Haithams eyes were calmly shut, expression relaxed. He felt Al Haithams breath in his hair, warming his forehead with each gentle exhale from his nose. 

"Now please, I'm tired.. promise you'll get some rest, and that you'll wake up before me, and be okay." Al Haitham said, a slight tremble in his voice. 

"Okay, I promise.. goodnight Al Haitham." Kaveh whispered, arm moving, one under Al Haithams head, the other, around his waist pulling him in, legs intertwining under the blanket.

Al Haithams body heated up slightly, especially around his face, Kaveh felt it, listening he heard the mans heartbeat start to race.

'Oh stop it-'

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