Chapter one

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Just a story I wrote for fun
Enjoy ;)


Alright people let's do this one more time ,my name is Renee Roger I was bitten by a radioactive spider, i have cool ice powers .and for the past three years I've been the one and only spider-Ren, you guys know the rest.

My father doesn't know, we don't exactly have the best relationship since my mom died when I was ten, you can see why I didn't tell him he's not going to understand , being spider-Ren is a big responsibility that I'm willing to take in order to save the city.


I was exhausted today ,I fought a lot of villains before and AFTER school, I'm pretty sure I'm a sleep depraved person all I want to do is sleep but my body doesn't seem to agreed with me.

I opened the door of the house, it was dark like always and dark          my dad was sitting on the couch watching something.

"Hey dad" he didn't respond as always.

"I got an A+ in biology" he glared at me ,i felt small under his piercing gaze so I left.

"I'll-I'll just go...g'night" i quickly walked to my room and closed the door not feeling hungry anymore ,i let out a long sigh.

Her father has alway a weird obsession with perfection ,and ever since her mother died that obsession only got worst, while other kids her age were playing with toys she was learning different martial arts in China.

A twelve years old girl and a man that looked in his forties circled each other as the girl analyzed her opponent like her father tought her noting all his powerful and weak points and that's what she was doing for the past rounds.

She made the first move and kicked him in the stomach, he caught her arm when she went for a punch and gave a punch of his own, she quickly got up and went to attack again she managed to land a few hits until she was on the ground again breathing heavily trying to get back up.

The man's eyes met the cold eyes of her father who was sitting on a chair watching them like a hawk.

"That's enough Jack she's tired" the burnette shook his head and looked at his daughter who was now standing wiping the blood off her nose.

"I say when it's enough, Renee come here " the said girl limped over to her father looking down at her bruised knuckles.

"Look at me" she obeyed.

"He may be stronger than you but you're smarter and faster use that to your advantage, what do you want?" He said looking her in the eyes.

"I want him on the ground " she replied with determination .

"Is he on the ground? " he nodded.


"Go get what you want"

That day i discovered that my father was doing to me the same thing that was done to him by his father ,even thought i hated it a small part of me was grateful for him ,I won't lie it did help me in my life as spider-Ren but I kinda hoped to have a normal childhood you know. I never understood why he did all those things I don't think I'll ever know.

I stared at the window then turned to my closet slipped into my spider suit, grabbed my headphones and skateboard and jumped out the window swinging around the streets of New York with blinding lights by the Weekend blasting in my ears ,this is one of the rare moments that I finally feel free.

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