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I was on my way now to deliver the flowers to a sudden event. Good thing, Mina let me to deliver it since we don't have much customer as of this time.

I was getting anxious, to be honest. I'm only wearing a simple jumper and just a white shirt. But who cares anyway, I'm a worker and I'm gonna deliver their flowers.

When I got there, I was welcomed with the even designer. She introduced herself and her name was Nayeon.

"Thank you for being so early here, Ms. Manoban. I really need to start working on decorating this flowers."

"Don't mention it. And please, just call me Lisa. I'm not used to be calling Miss." I said scratching my nape.

"Lisa it is then. And call me Nayeon."

"Sure. Uhm, let me help you get all the flowers down. Where should I put it?"

"Oh, just at the side. My crew will be working on it. Would you like a drink or something?"

"Oh no, it's fine. But thank you. I also need to go because I have another job."

"That's very generous of you. Anyway, here's my pay."

"But the flowers were already been paid. Can't accept this."

"That's my tip for helping me and for delivering it on time."

"Well, thanks then. Anyway, I have to go now. Goodluck with the decorating. I know it'll be fantastic."

Nayeon chuckled.

"Thanks for the motivation, Lisa."

"If you need flowers again, make sure to by it on our shop, okay? See you around."

"Sure will. See you, Lisa. Drive safe!"

I was getting in my car when I noticed a beautiful fountain. It's not bad to just take a look, right?

I took a peek and dang, it was so beautiful. Even their garden looks so lovely. I could sit here all day and admire the sorroundings. I can even read a book and enjoy my coffee if I have this.

I chuckled to myself and just shake my head. This will not gonna happen to you, Lisa. Snap out of it.

I was about to go when I bumped into someone. Good thing I catched her before she falls down on the ground.

"Is bumping someone really your habit?" She said.

"Sorry?" She just chuckled and fix her dress.

"I bet you don't recognize me again." I intently looked at her and that's when I realize that, it's her. The woman I bumped into with the hot coffee, the woman Liam bumped into as well and now I bumped into her again.

I scratched my head and just smiled nervously at her.

"Sorry about that. But hey, I do recognize you. I just encounter a lot of people within the day because of my jobs."

"It's okay, I understand. Why are you here, anyway? If you don't mind me asking.

"Oh. I delivered flowers." I checked the time and it's almost the end of my breaktime. Mina will scold me again. "Sorry, I have to go. I need to go back or my boss will fire me. Bye!"

I quickly run but I think I heard her called me. Sorry, gorgeous. Let's meet again soon.


It's funny how we keep bumping into each other but we never got to introduce ourselves. I really want to know who she is. Does she even have a social media?

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