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A week later..

Jisoo has been very busy this past few days. We rarely see each other as she was staying at the hospital. I guess having that kind of profession really does took your time.

We only talk for a short like if she was asking if I already ate, what I was doing and some kind of other stuff but that only will take just like by seconds.

Just like yesterday, it was again the time that she can go home to our apartment. But earlier this morning, I woke up without her by my side. She did left a letter at the side table.

"Hey, love. I was called at the hospital. Didn't bother to wake you as you were sleeping so peacefully. I'll just have my breakfast there too! I'll text you later if I got time. I love you!"

I just release a deep sigh. It's okay, I understand her. I guess, I need to settle myself with out set up. She is a doctor after all. I need to understand her especially when it comes to her job.

I just texted her Good morning and I haven't received any response.

Since I only have one job now at her Dad's company, I still have a lot of time to prepare breakfast. I went out to the kitchen and spotted Aunt Lena at the kitchen preparing our breakfast.

"Good morning, Aunty."

"Oh, Lisa. You're up so early."

"Got used to it though. I was actually planning to make breakfast for us, but you already did it." I said chuckling.

"You know me.. I'm already old. So waking up so late is already not in my book. Come, you can eat first. Liam is still asleep."

I settled myself at the table and Aunt Lena sat down in front of me.

"How are you and Jisoo?"

"We're okay, Aunty. She was just so busy at the hospital, so we rarely see each other. But we're good."

"Well, that's good. But dear, are you okay with your set up with Jisoo? I'm not gonna pry but her job was very complicated. Are you willing to settle on that?"

"I also think of that, Aunty. But yes, I am okay with it. It was her chosen job so I need to support her. That's the only thing that I could do for her. I know she is also doing what she can to see me and to be with me, but if work calls, she needs to be there."

"I'm proud of you, dear. You are so mature now. Well, as long as it can make you both happy, and if that's not gonna be an issue for the both of you, I'll support you as well. I was a bit worried that someday, this might be the cause of a problem."

"I know you're worried for me too, Aunty. But don't worry, I can manage it. I've been dealing with problems all my life, so I know I can deal with this too."

"That's good to hear, Lisa. I'm actually happy to witness what you have become now."

"Thank you, Aunty. I honestly hope that my parents could see this. I want them to be proud of me too."

"They will be, Lisa."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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