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4 months later..


It's been 4 months since Lisa and I started our relationship. And since then, we were just like a newly teenage couple who first experience to be in love. We always hang out, date, and spent time together but ofcourse we make sure that Liam is with us as well. I want to know be close with that kid and I guess it's not that hard since he was already calling me 'Mommy'.

I just realized then how happy I am to be called 'Mommy' even though he is not my own. I already met Lisa's Aunt who said to be the one that took them in and being their guardian. I also advised her Aunt to visit me every month at the hospital so that she can have her full check up. She was a bit hesitant at first, but for Lisa, I want to make sure that her loved ones were okay and healthy.

Dad was very much happy with the news ofcourse that Lisa and I were already in a relationship. He already instructed Lisa to go back studying again about business so that Lisa can take over Dad's company. Lisa didn't accepted the offer first and said that she'll think about it as she needs to earn money for her and her family. And Dad offered her a new job at the company. Instead of working for 3 jobs, now she's working only one as one of our photographers and she'll be paid double as she earned in her 3 jobs. She was really hesitant but Dad insist and convinced her that it can really help her with her family and she can balance the time just incase she'll study again.

And since we both found out that Lisa is really talented in photography, she became the photographer. She might not be as professional just like other people, but her shots were really good.

And now, we had a lot time to spent together because of many changes. I am still busy at the hospital, working night shifts and even stayinh for 48 to 72 hours at the hospital because a lot of patients that needs monitoring. I'll be a surgeon soon so I better be serious about it.

As for Seulgi, she resigned. I don't know what happened but she said that she'll continue her residency abroad. We haven't talk until her last day at the hospital and I don't have any news anymore about her.

I was checking the records of my patients when my phone vibrated. It was Lisa.

"Smilin' from ear to ear, huh

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"Smilin' from ear to ear, huh." Jennie entered my office with a teasing smile on her face. I rolled my eyes and put back my phone in my pocket.

"Jennie, how -.."

"many times I have told you to knock first?" She said continuing what I'm about to say. She just chuckled and sat at the couch. "You know me, Ji." she continued.

"I know but still.. haven't you heard about privacy?"

"I know that but Lisa was not here. So.."

"Ya!" She never stop teasing me when she asked me if Lisa and I already kissed and I just straight forwardly said yes to her.

Jennie was just laughing and an idea popped into my mind.

"What about the guy you've been seeing, huh? What's the score about him?" Her face got reddened.

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