Chapter 2

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The screams went on for what felt like forever as Iris looked around for a way out. She had gotten her "treatment" a few times already. Snow said she was getting better but all it did was make Iris's head feel fuzzy like her memories were there but she couldn't make them out. Just then Snow walked in again, "Alright, ready for a another treatment?" He asked with a grin on his face. "If I may ask how long are we going to do these treatments?" Iris asked trying to be nice but she didn't know why he held so much power over her. "Oh not to worry I just need to fix you first then we will be all done." Snow said happily as the doctors started walking in. "Not to be rude but why do I need fixing I feel fine?" "Oh Iris, you are perfectly fine it's just your memories that need fixing, they are a little messed up." Iris nodded then look down as the doctors got everything ready and brought in the box of trackerjackers.

One of the doctors came and pushed her head back then injected her with something into her neck. She tried flinching away but the doctor held her head still. After she got the shot her body wouldn't move no matter how hard she tried. Then four doctors surrounded her as they started the treatment. One put a nasal mask on her and the other three started putting shots in her arms and legs. Once they were done Snow told her to close her eyes and she did as he said as white covered her vision. Iris still didn't give into the pain as she kept from screaming. Memories flashed through her head of Clove. But each memory was bad, it was how Clove left her to die to the fog or how Clove didn't help Iris when she was getting attacked by piranhas. Iris couldn't hold it in anymore as she started screaming as the pain got worse and the memories seemed more real. They went all the way back to the first games of how Clove almost killed her. Iris felt a growing hatred toward Clove as the memories got worse and more real. Suddenly the white stopped and Iris opened her eyes and stopped screaming. "It will get better with time. I promise." Snow said as he lifted up her chin to look at him. "Now I am sorry to put this on you right now but Caesar is wanting to have a meeting with you." "About what?" Iris asked still being unable to move. Snow let out a breath as he looked at Iris, "Well...... actually I think it would be better if I tell all of you at once." Snow said dropping his hand from Iris's chin. The doctors were already about done putting everything up when Snow told one of the guards to untie Iris. Iris's eyes got wide as she stared at the floor. "But boss" one of them said in a deep voice. "No buts I think she has earned it." Iris heard the man sigh as two of them walked over started uniting Iris.

Iris hands dropped to her side as they got done untying them. Once they got done with her ankles Iris fell onto the floor infront of her on her hands and knees. The guards picked her up and made her stand but when they let go of her she fell back over. "Help her you lunatics." Snow said harshly. The guards came and picked her up and walked toward the door as he feet drug the ground.

They brought Iris into a small room and set her onto a bench then tied her hands behind her back. All the guards left including Snow. Iris was in the small room by herself and she couldn't move. She decided to just lay her back and head against the wall. She closed her eyes but quickly reopened them when a group of people came into her vision. She looked around the room for a second then closed her eyes again and saw the same group of people, but they are all supposed to be dead. They all stood perfectly in a line and at the end of it was little Max waving at her. Iris smiled and and mentally waved back. Beside Max was Gabe staring at her with his lopsided goofy smile. She chuckled at him then looked and saw her mom next to him. Wait but her mom wasn't dead she looked at her confused as her mother just smiled then blew her a kiss. Iris did it back but still looked at her confused. She was brought out of her thoughts and opened her eyes when the door opened. The guards drug another person in here and sat them right next to Iris and tied her up too. Then they left just as they did before. Iris had a little bit of strength and looked over to see Johanna staring at the ground infront of her. Iris felt a pang of sadness in her heart seeing Johanna like this. Iris didn't know what to say because right now small talk was not an option. "You know I can feel you staring?" Johanna said never taking her eyes off the ground. "Yeah I- well I was trying to- actually just nevermind." Iris said as she looked away from Johanna and at the door infront of her. Iris heard Johanna chuckle, "I never though this would happen to me." Johanna said picking her head up and placing it on the wall behind her. "Yeah well I didn't think I was going to get my name drawn but here we are." Iris said still looking at the door infront of her. Johanna sighed and went to say something but the door opened again interrupting her. They guards shoved Porter into the room. They then smashed his face into the wall and tied up his hands and legs. They forcefully sat him down on a bench on the other side of the room. Iris and Johanna looked at him but quickly looked away because they didn't want their legs tied up too. The guards walked away and went and stood by the door.

   Iris got a chance to look at Porter he was skin and bones, looked like he hadn't eaten in days. His hair was all ruffled and he was covered from head to toe in dirt, it looked like someone has threw him into the mud. Porter looked up at Iris and made eye contact. Iris didn't look back down but only gave him a confused look. Porter just dropped his head back down and looked at the floor emotionless. Just then the door opened and Snow walked in, "I have gathered you all here for a very important reason." Snow said looking at all of them. "There are two victors who got out of the arena but not by our hovercraft. Someone has started a secret organization who has plans to take us down. There has already been attacks on the capital. Just the other day district five came and blew up the dam that held all our power." Iris looked up at Snow when he said that her own district had been the cause to so much chaos. "And sadly we had to get rid of them because they were a threat to us." Iris's eyes instantly started water because even though all her memories were foggy she still had some and that was at district five with her family. "Now Caesar is wanting to meet with Iris to talk about the dam. It will be on live TV so that is why we are giving you a boundary." Snow said looked at Iris. "What kind of boundary?" Iris asked lifting her head up to look at Snow. "Well we will give you a script that you need to stay within, now it doesn't have to be exact but it needs to stay along those lines." Iris sighed then nodded her head looking back down. "Alright perfect now Iris we need to go get you ready for TV." Snow said as the guards came and picked her up. This time Iris was able to stand herself and she walked back to her own room waving to Johanna from behind her back. She went and sat back down in her chair but the guards didn't tie her arms and legs back. Snow came in with another cartoon character with blue hair and way to much makeup. He walked up to Iris and put out his hand. "Hi I'm Herno it's splendid to meet you." Iris looked up at him then looked over her shoulder at her hands. "Right sorry." Herno said as he quickly put his hand down. "Iris." Was all she managed to get out. Herno looked at her and gave her a smile. Iris looked up at him and tried to return his smile but it was very weak. "We need to get her a shower first." Herno said turning and looking at Snow. Snow nodded his head as the guards came and got Iris once again and brought her to a bathroom.

    "We will be right out here if you need anything." Herno said as he closed the bathroom door. Iris looked into the mirror then flinched when she saw how badly her face was cut up. But she didn't know what it was from, she decided to overlook it and just get into the shower. She turned the water on hot and got in. The water was so hot it felt like it was searing her skin. She let it run down her back as she closed her eyes for a second. But she quickly reopened them and started washing herself when she saw her mother waving at her. She got out and put a towel around her as she brushed her teeth and hair. She opened the door a crack and spoke. "Um I need clothes." Iris said as Herno tried to open the door. Iris stepped back and Herno rushed in and closed the door behind him as he walked over to her with a dress.

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