Chapter 3

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Iris walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and with a little bit of makeup on to cover the bruises on her neck. Snow looked over her and smiled. "Ahh yes a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl." Iris smiled and nodded as if she was saying thank you then some of the guards led her out of the room. Iris followed silently behind them looking around making mental notes of where every corner was, where every guard was positioned, and where every camera was.

The guards opened a door and behind was Caesar sitting on a nice looking chair talking to a camera. Iris was led over to the side as Caesar kept talking and eventually said that she will be appearing after a short break. Iris's heart sank as Caesar got up and held out his hand. "Hello Iris." Caesar said a little to serious for Iris's liking. "Hello Caesar." Iris said greeting him back and smiling. Caesar looked at her but never smiled back. "Please come sit." Caesar said bringing her over to the chairs in front of the cameras. There was a guy standing next to the camera holding out his hand. Caesar never took his eye off of him, then the guy pointed towards Caesar and Caesar began talking to the camera introducing Iris. Iris looked over at Caesar and saw how focused he was but he was way more quiet than when she first met him. He looked over at Iris, "Do you have any input on the attacking on the dam?" Iris opened her mouth and looked over at Snow as he gestured for her to go on. "Yes, yes." Iris said looking over at the camera, "I think the attacking on the dam was a mistake. The people doing it didn't know what they were really doing at the time." "But Iris they blew the dam up and ran off." Caesar said as Iris looked over at him. "No they had no idea what they were doing-" "But Iris Clove is the one that lead them." Caesar said cutting Iris off. "No you have no idea what your talking about Clove wouldn't do that." Iris looked away from Caesar and over to Snow who gave her a disappointing look and shook his head. Iris closed her mouth. "Alright Iris I believe you." Caesar said putting his hands up, "if you are alright with it I would like to ask you one more question?" Iris instantly looked down at the ground infront of her, "Yes sorry that is completely fine." "You are apart of district five, why do you think they did this?" Caesar said putting his hand on his chin. Iris kept her eyes on the ground, "Just as I said before I think it was just a huge mistake and they didn't know what they were doing at the time." Iris ended her statement finally looking up at the camera. "Thank you Iris." Caesar said nodding then looking back at the camera and spoke. Iris just sat there and stared at the ground, why was she defending someone who treated her so terribly. Images of Clove flashed through Iris's brain but they were quickly interrupted when she was yanked out of the chair by guards. Iris didn't resist, she let them carry her to her cell, but they didn't take her to her cell. Instead they walked right past it. The guards shoved her into a room with Johanna and Porter sitting in opposite corners. Iris tried to regain her balance as she fell into a wall. Snow walked in, "I have decided to put you all in here so we can keep a better eye on all of you." Snow gave them all a smile before walking out and the guards right behind him. The doors closed behind them and Iris felt a tear fall down her cheek but she didn't know why. She didn't feel sad she didn't really feel anything. She slid down the wall and sat down wiping off her tear. "You okay?" Johanna asked weakly lifting her head to look at Iris. "Yeah I'm okay." Iris asked looking back over at Johanna and giving her a weak smile. Iris looked over at Porter who still wasn't saying a word to anyone he just stared at the ground not moving, to be honest Iris couldn't really tell if he was dead or not.

Snow walked in again, "Iris your treatment is ready." Snow said walking over to Iris and offering a hand. Iris took it and stood up walking with Snow to her old room. The door opened and Snow gestured for Iris to sit in the chair. Iris do as she was told as the guards put the restraints on her. The doctors were already in there and had all of their stuff set up. One of them came up to her and stabbed her in the neck with a syringe once again making her go limp. The four doctors came back and started doing the normal procedure on Iris but Iris felt almost different. The light took over once again but this time Iris didn't fight it and just watched as the painful images of Clove flashed by. Iris saw different images of Clove leaving her to die or being mad at her, or breaking her heart. Iris growing hatred turned into a full hatred as more and more images kept passing by. Before Iris knew it was over. She felt blood trickle down her chin. The guards came and undid her restraints and Iris reached up and touched her lip feeling a cut. Iris brought her finger back down and saw blood on it. Just then Snow walked up to her, "Don't worry we will get that cleaned up soon. But first I need a few words with you." Snow snapped and all the doctors started packing up all their stuff and leaving, even the guards stepped out of the room. Iris looked up at Snow as he stepped back and smiled. "How do you feel about Clove." Iris scrunched up her face, "That mutt left me to die more than once. I have no feelings towards her." "Oh not even a hatred towards her." Snow said with a devious grin on his face. "That's all I feel towards her is hatred." "She is a mutt and everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie." Snow said stepping closer to Iris, "She is trying to destroy the world we live in so she can rule and have power." Iris imagined Clove sitting there watching people die and her doing nothing about it. Iris hatred kept growing. "She's a mutt and I need her dead." Snow said as Iris closed her eyes. Snows words rang through her head over and over and she believed it. "Clove is a mutt and I will kill her even if it takes myself dying." Iris repeated as Snow smiled. Snow put his hand on her shoulder, "Good now you know the truth." Iris opened her eyes and stood up as she got face to face with Snow. "I will do whatever it takes." Snow smiles and nodded his head before leading her back to her cell with the rest of them. "Porter, your turn." This time Snow didn't go offer a hand to Porter instead the guards came and picked him up and Porter kicked and shouted. Iris and Johanna just looked at him as the doors closed and they heard Porter faint shouting. Iris looked over at Johanna with a concerned look. Johanna shrugged her shoulders so Iris didn't thin too much about it.

Iris couldn't get Clove out of her head all she thought about was all the memories with her of how badly she treated Iris. Snows words rang through her head. "You okay over there?" Iris heard Johanna ask bringing her out of her thoughts. "Yeah I'm just thinking." Iris said not taking her eyes off the ground in front of her. Johanna hummed but didn't say anything else. Just then Snow and his guards walked in with Porter and threw him against the wall. "Johanna" Snow said still not offering his hand. "Um Mr. Snow may I get out of this dress?" Iris questioned looking down at her dress. "Oh yes of course Iris especially now that we have a new treatment coming up." Snow said with a smile. "Herno could you get in here." Snow said putting his finger up to his ear. A few acorns went by and a man showed up behind Snow. Snow greeted him then the guards picked up Johanna and took her to the treatment room. Herno walked up to Iris and grabbed her hand taking her to a nearby bathroom. "Here babe, put these on" Herno said handing Iris soft clothes. Iris took them then thanked Herno as she went in the bathroom and got changed.

   Once Iris was done changing she went over the the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. She saw her mother standing there with little Max beside her. Iris instantly looked down at the sink and turned on the water and splashed her face with water. Iris looked back up and her scared face looking back at her in the mirror. Iris tried to relax and little bit as she dried her face off then went and opened the door to see Herno waiting on the other side. He smiled at her then walked in and picked up the dress. "Do you need anything else while I am here?" Herno asked before leaving. "No thanks. But thank you for helping me." Iris said as she turned around and made her way back to the cell. She her Herno also turn around behind her and walk away. There were guards outside the cell door but Iris walked up and one of them opened the door as she entered. Porter was still laying on the ground not moving next to the left wall. Iris went and sat on the wall to her left then tried to go to sleep. She curled up her legs as close as she could to her body then put her head in her lap. She closes her eyes and saw darkness. There was no one there no flashing images no people no trauma just darkness. After a little bit of time Iris was able to fall asleep.

     The door opened and Iris shot her head up as the guards brought Johanna back in. Snow smile at her as the guards out Johanna down a little bit away from her. "Ready for the new treatment I have planned for you." Snow said in a cheery voice. A small smile crept onto her face as she saw Snow exited like this. She nodded her head as she stood up. Snow put his hand out and Iris took it. Snow lead Iris to a room with guards in every corner. Iris entered the room and Snow tapped on her shoulder making her turn around. Just as she turned around she felt something hit her face hard making her fall on the cold floor.

   (Usually I proof read them but I got done with this really late at night so I apologize if it doesn't make sense or there are mistakes in it just let me know. Stay safe out there. You guys are the best :)

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