Chapter 34

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Iris grabbed Mags hand making her look at her. Mags looked up quickly with sad eyes before recognizing who was in front of her. As soon as she realized Iris was standing in front of her she hugged her. Iris hugged her back but made it quick, "Hurry get on my back I don't know if there is going to be a second round of them." Mags got on her back and Iris ran as fast as she could back to the doors of the capitol seeing Clive standing there biting her lip. Iris reached the doors and went inside going into a random door and found a nice bedroom. Iris set Mags onto the bed and placed a kiss on the top of her head before walking out of the room. She searched the hallways until she finally found someone in her group, "Boggs, where did you put Snow?" Iris spoke with a determined look in her eyes. Boggs led her to the room where they put president Snow for the time being, "Don't kill him Iris." Boggs told her before he opened the door. "Don't worry I just want a word with him." Iris said keeping her eye on the door waiting for Boggs to open it. He hesitated for a second but opened the door and Iris saw Snow sitting in the middle of the room tied up. Iris slowly walking in closing the door behind her leaving them in darkness for a second until she turned on the light. Snow looked up at her as blood dripped from his mouth. "Why did you kill all those people?" She asked putting her hands on her waist. "Me?" He questioned smiling as more blood came out. "Now tell me Ms. Stoll if I were president why would I drop a bomb killing all of my people?" "I don't know that's why I asked." "Ms. Stoll you do realize I am not the only president around here." Snow said turning his question into a statement. "No I-" Iris interrupted herself as silence came over the room. She started thinking and putting the puzzle pieces together, why would Snow kill his own people the people he has been trying to protect his whole life. Iris looked at him as he smiled at her as his red blood flowed through his white beard turning it red dripping off the ends. She looked at him for a moment longer, "There you go Ms. Stoll." Snow said almost taunting her. Iris rushed out of the room slamming the door behind her. "Iris!" She heard Boggs shout behind her but Iris didn't stop she kept walking and turned into a random room where she was met with another bedroom. Her breath started picking up as she put her back against the door. "No.." she whispered to herself "She wouldn't..." Iris said trying to make herself believe that Coin didn't blow up all those people for no reason. There's no way she caused all that death just for the fun of it. Iris slid down the door, "Yes Iris." Snows voice said as it came booming into her head she covered her ears slamming her head against the door behind her a few times as he repeated it. Suddenly someone tried to open the door. "Iris are you in here?" She heard Clove ask from the other side of the door. Iris squeezed her eyes shut and quickly wiped her tears and put a smile on her face as she opened the door. Clove looked up at her with worried brown eyes, "I'm fine I just accidentally knocked something over but we're all good now." Iris said giving Clove a small smile. "Do you mind if I come in?" Clove asked. "Please" Iris said opening the door wider so she could come in. Clove went and sat down on the bed that Iris hadn't even touched yet. Clove laid down on the bed and waved her hand in the air gesturing for Iris to come lay down. Iris walked over and set her axe down next to the side of the bed then laid down in the soft silk bed next to her. "Go on let me in." Clove said looking down at Iris's arms. A small smile came onto Iris's lips as she opened her arms and Clove immediately rested her head on Iris's chest. Iris rested her hand on Clove side as her other hand went and found Cloves bringing in onto her stomach and holding it. Iris started slowly moving her hand up and down Cloves side. "Calm down." She heard Clove mumble. "Huh?" Iris said furrowing her eyebrows down at Clove. "Your heartbeat it's too fast." Iris realized that her breaths had become faster so she tried to control it by taking slow deep breaths. "Better." She heard Clove mumble making Iris smile. She kept running her hand up and down her side as Clove played with her hand on her stomach. Soon Iris heard as Cloves breath got a little louder and that she stopped playing with her hand. Iris listened to her breaths and shortly fell asleep after her.

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