Chapter 4

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    Iris forced her eyes open as a pain hit her jaw. She put her hand on her jaw and started rubbing it. "You know who did that?" Iris heard Snow ask from behind her. Iris didn't respond as she got back up and turned to face Snow. "You?" Iris questioned. Snow slapped her in the face again. "No, that is what it felt like when Clove left you to die. But that was only a sliver of it. The rest of my guards will show you what Clove really did to you and make you remember like I do, and see things like I do." Snow grinned at Iris before slowly walking out of the room. He appeared from behind a glass window on the other side of the room. Suddenly she felt someone's knee smash into her back. She instantly fell onto her hands and knees as another guard came up and kicked her in the ribs. She rolled over onto her back as she held her ribs in pain. One of the guards put each foot on either side of Iris. He looked her in the eye before bringing his fist up and smashing it down into her gut making her groan with pain. Snows voice came booming into the room. "Let her get up." The guards backed off and Iris laid there for a second before slowly getting up and grabbing her gut. She looked over at the window that Snow was in as he signaled to one of the guards. The guard came up to her and brought up his fist and tried punching her in the face. Iris moved to the left dodging it just before it hit her. Iris looked back at the guards as he kicked his leg at her. She grabbed his leg and pushed him backwards making him fall over. He huffed and got back up. But before making his next move he looked over at Snow. Snow nodded and the guard turned back to Iris with a evil smirk. Iris slowly back up but she back up so far she ran into another guard. He grabbed her arms forcing her in place. Iris struggled to get out of his grip as she looked over at the other guard which was walking closer to her with a smirk on his face. He was getting a lot closer very quickly. Iris continued struggling it it did no use the guard came up to her and got in her face. He didn't say anything as he just stood there looking her in the eyes and smirking. He brought up his fist and punched Iris in the face as hard as he could. Iris heard a crack then darkness instantly covered her view.

    She opened her eyes and she looked down at the ground and saw a pool of blood she tried to get up but she instantly stopped when she felt a hand on her back. She tried to figure out who it was because the hand was too small to be Snow or any of the guards. She got her knees under her as the hand stayed on her back. She slowly got to her feet and slowly stood up as the hand put a little bit more pressure on her back. Iris stood there for a second confused then she turned around as quick as she could and grabbed the persons wrist then put her fist up ready to punch them until she was met with those soft brown eyes. Iris let go of Clove and backed up as her head started to feel fuzzy again. She hit the wall behind her with her back as Clove started approaching her slowly. Iris squeezed her eyes shut and pinched her nose. Iris's breathing hitched when she felt Cloves breath on her neck. She opened her eyes as her hand fell back down to her side. Clove was staring straight into her eyes, not moving and not saying anything. Iris didn't know what to do or say she was just frozen, then Snows voice started ringing through her head over and over, "Remember who the bad guy is....... Remember your job......... Clove Kentwell is a horrible person." Iris instantly reacted and pushed Clove away from her making her trip over her own feet and fall over. Iris slowly walked up to her as Clove struggled to get up. Iris smirked as Clove finally got up. Iris brought up her fist and punched her hard in the gut making Clove double over with pain. Iris walked over to her and put her hands on her back then kneed her in the face. Clove fell over but wasn't trying to get back up, she wasn't even moving. Iris walked over to her and rolled her over. Clove had blood dripping from the side of her mouth. Iris put her ear up to Clove chest and heard no heart beat. Iris brought her head back up and smiled. She stood back up and looked around the room, it had no windows or doors. Suddenly Iris's head felt dizzy almost making her fall over. Iris tried to fight the darkness coming  over her eyes but it was to strong. Iris hit the floor as the darkness consumed her vision once again.

   Iris woke up with her hands tied to the armrests of the chair, and her legs also tied to the chair. She looked up and saw some of the doctors leaving her room. Iris looked over and saw Snow standing in the corner. He smiled at her, "Ah good your awake." "I did as you asked." Iris said as her voice broke. Snow only smiled once more as he walked closer to her. "My dear, you did do as I asked but that was just the test." "What do you mean just the test." Iris asked confused. "Well when we put you in the room my guards knocked you out then the doctors came and did a special procedure on you so that you would wake up in a world I designed." Iris looked at him dumbfounded, "Wait why did I have to take a test." "Just to make sure you don't become soft when it comes to the real deal." Iris laughed, "Trust me President Snow I won't become soft, not after all the things she has put me through." Snow looked at her then gave her a smirk, "That's good to hear, but we still have to do a few more procedures on you just in case." Iris nodded then Snow walked out of the room and left Iris alone.

   It was oddly quiet there were no screams of Johanna or Porter. Iris looked around the room but there was nothing she could reach or do anything with so she just sat there bored. Iris laid her head on the back of the chair. And stared up at the white ceiling. She started thinking about all the different things. How they destroyed district five and how her mother probably got killed in the doing. Iris's eyes watered and a tear slipped out. Little max running around being happy then dying, Gabe's eyes as Clove hit him in the back with a knife, Threshes eyes as he fell ontop of her lifeless because Clove had killed him. Everything bad that happened to all those people were because of Clove. The only reason her mother was dead was because of Clove leading them to the dam. Iris squeezed her eyes shut as more tears slipped out of her eyes.

   Iris woke up as she heard the door open. She looked over at the door and saw Snow coming into the room. "Sleep well?" Snow asked walking closer. Iris didn't say anything as she just shrugged. "Hmm well I'm sorry about that, but I have come to a decision." Iris furrowed her eyebrows at him. "I am going to un tie you so you can walk around stretch and do whatever you need to do." Iris's eyes widened. Snow smiled as some guards walked in and started undoing the ropes on her wrists and ankles. Once the guards were done they left the room. Snow smiled at her once more then also left the room. Iris looked at her wrist and saw tons of red marks and some of them were even bleeding. She looked down at her ankles and saw the same thing but there was more dried blood. Iris slowly stood up and once she got her balance she started walking around the room examining things. There wasn't much in the room to look at but it was enough to keep her occupied for a little bit. She grabbed a picture and saw Snow and a little girl in it, both of them looked very serious even though it was a picture. "Granddaughter?" Iris whispered to her self. She set the picture down and made her way over to a  window that had bars on it. She was still able to see outside though, and she looked at how the sunlight hit the trees and hills perfectly and made them look beautiful. Iris smiled then made her way back to the chair and sat down. She closed her eyes once more but quickly reopened them when the door came slamming open and someone came running in.

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