Chapter 9

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   Iris had a hard time falling asleep as the previous events ran through her mind over and over. She tossed and turned in her chair but she never turned her head to face Clove. She could hear the light breathes coming from Clove behind her. Iris rolled her eyes as she sat up and put her elbows on her knees and rested her head on her hands. She sighed as she stared at the ground and thoughts ran through her head, Was Snow okay, Is Clove going to kill me, What happens now, what about everyone else in the building, Clove killed all those people, where are we going, what are they going to do with Grain and Barz? She squeezed her eyes shut forcefully trying to make the thoughts go away. Iris's eyes popped open when she felt a small hand on her back. Iris didn't move as she felt the hand start slowly rubbing up and down her back. Iris sat there for a second feeling the hand go up and down her back. Reality instantly hit Iris and she sat up making the small hand stop moving but stay on her back. Iris tried shrugging it off but the hand stayed. Iris was refusing to look at Clove but her hand wasn't leaving Iris's back. Iris fought with herself before turning to Clove and grabbing her hand and pulling it off her back. Clove looked at he shocked but Iris turned her head right back around and acted like she was sleeping. She heard Clove huff behind her then she started shuffling. Iris felt a hand softly touch her knee, then a body slowly get closer to her. Iris had enough and stood up. A man on the other side of Clove looked at Iris. "Hey your not allowed to be standing it's a safety rule." He said whisper shouting at Iris. Iris rolled her eyes at him then walked to the other side of the hovercraft and sat down. She looked across and saw Clove looking back at her with hurt in her eyes. Iris rolled her eyes once more before resting her head on the chair behind her and closing her eyes.

   Iris woke up to a small tap on her shoulder. She shot up and observed her surroundings she was still in the hovercraft with a few other people. She saw Clove exiting with a frown on her face. Iris looked back at the people in front of her and stood up. One of them grabbed her arm and led her off the hovercraft. The other walked infront of her leading the way. The got off the hovercraft and Iris ripped her arm away from the guard, "I can walk just fine on my own." The guard didn't try grabbing her arm again he just walked behind her. She was led to an elevator, she got in along with the two guards beside her. She looked at both of them, the one that was holding her arm was scrawny but the guy to her left was a little intimidating, she would've tried to escape if he wasn't here.

   The elevator came to a stop and the guy on her left lifted it up. The scrawny guy walked in front this time and the other guard walked behind her. There were tons of doctors running around and others were just hanging out and talking but when they saw Iris they instantly stopped their conversation and looked down scared. Iris furrowed her eyebrow and looked at another group of doctors who did the same thing. Iris brought her eyes back to the ground in front of her and continued walking. She was led into a very bright white room with a hospital bed in the middle of it. The room was very bright compared to the hallways outside the door. "Lay down." The big guard said. Iris did as she was told and laid down on the bed not wanting to get her butt kicked. The guards went and stood by the door, Iris just looked at the bright ceiling and started fidgeting with her fingers. This might be where they kill her, Clove could walk through that door right now and shoot her. The door opened bringing Iris out of her thoughts. She brought her attention to the doctors walking through the door. There was about five of them and they all had masks on. The guards nodded at the doctors then left the room, leaving Iris alone with the doctors. She heard all the doctors talking and getting things ready around her, she didn't know what to do or say she was frozen to the spot. One of the doctors came and gently grabbed her arm, "I'm going to give you a shot okay." She said warning Iris. Iris was used to shots by now but she wasn't used to the doctors being nice or being careful. The doctor who just gave her the shot was turned away getting something else ready, her voice was so gentle and soothing it could almost put Iris to sleep. The doctor turned around and said something else to Iris but Iris couldn't hear her and her eyelids started getting heavy. She held them open as long as possible looking at the doctor until darkness surrounded her.

   Iris woke up in the chair back at Snows home. Tons of doctors came in with loads of equipment. There were needles, syringes, saws, and tons more of scary things. Snow walked in the door as the doctors started setting stuff up. He slowly got closer, "Don't worry my dear this won't hurt a bit." All the doctors surrounded her and started stabbing her with knifes and syringes. Some of them started slowly getting closer with saw and other blades. Iris screamed out in pain as one of the syringes came and hit her in the neck. "Hush now, you arnt as strong as I thought." Iris heard Snows voice ring through her head over and over. "She is going to kill you if you keep acting like that, stop being to soft that's is your weakness, you let other people know your story that is why you are easy to kill, stop being so vulnerable." Iris's eyes popped open and saw the nice doctor infront of her holding her hand. Iris looked down at their hands. "Are you okay you didn't look like you were sleeping to good." She said softly. Iris nodded quickly pulling her hand away remembering Snows words. Iris could see the Doctor smile under her mask before walking out. Iris was left by herself for a few moments before she heard the door open again. Iris groaned then turned her head toward the door to see worried brown eyes looking back at her. "Get out." Iris said putting her hand on her face and rubbing between her eyes. She didn't hear Clove respond, all she heard was shuffling coming closer. "I said get out!" Iris yelled making the shuffling stop. Iris looked up and saw that the worried on Cloves face had disappeared and was replaced with fear.

Clove pushed past her emotions and stepped closer. Iris gave her a challenging look. Clove stepped closer once again. "Get out Kentwell before I make you." Iris said staring at Clove. Clove took one more step closer and Iris jumped up punching her in the face. Clove fell to the ground and Iris got on top of her. Clove quickly rolled them over and quickly got of Iris. Iris smirked, "Oh so you want to kill my whole family but you don't wanna kill me!" She yelling spitting towards Clove.

Iris stood between Clove and the door. Iris waited for Clove to make her move. Clove just tried pushing past Iris and going to the door but Iris pushed her back to where she started.
"Uh-Uh princess you already made you decision to stay." Iris had a crazy look in her eye as she rubbed some spit off her chin. Clove jumped at her grabbing her face trying to block Iris's view. Iris reacted instantly and brought her leg up and kicked where she thought Clove would be. The hand came off her face and Iris heard a thud on the ground in front of her. Iris looked down and saw Clove on her stomach gasping for air. Iris straddled her and grabbed her arm pulling it back. Clove screamed out in pain once Iris reached a certain point. Iris was just about to break her arm when a needle hit her in the neck making her feel instantly tired. Iris fell over ontop of Clove passed out.

Iris woke up in a even brighter room with nothing in it. She tried to swing her legs over the edge of the bed to get down but she couldn't move. She looked down and saw the her arms and legs had been strapped to the bed. Iris started yelling and throwing her head around hoping someone would hear her and they would come and tell her what was going on. Iris screamed and screamed until no more voice came out. Her body got tired and started slowing down. The darkness kept coming back trying to consume Iris. Iris fought and fought but you could never win against the darkness.

(So sorry for not updating in a while it's been very hectic with school and everything. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I try not to make it the same as the movies to spice it up a little. Anyways, Stay safe out there and you guys are the best! :)

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