Chapter 27

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The three of them visited the next few districts trying to gain their trust. They came upon district 5 and Iris couldn't believe her eyes. Every little part of town was burnt to a crisp there was no house, no shops, no people. Her mother was dead and her brother got kidnapped and now her only home has been burned to the ground by the capital. Iris looked down at the controls of the hovercraft as her eyes teared up. "Keep moving." She said to Finnick. "But-" "That's an order!" She yelled over him making him stop and nod continuing onto district 4.

Gale didn't do very much when it came to trying to talk to the districts but Iris didn't mind because he wasn't very good with words anyways. Iris pushed the picture of her district out of her mind as she approached the microphone. She talked for a little bit and as before the districts were a little hesitant but quickly joined Iris in her plan on defeating President Snow. They all applauded but Iris couldn't hear any of it as she walked back to the doors behind her. It was like everything was going in slow motion as she walked back to the house they were renting out from a poor family. Iris walked in and saw Finnick playing with lily and Buttercup, then she saw Gale sitting in a chair getting a drink of water. Iris turned to her and Finnicks bedroom and got her pajamas on before lying down. "You okay?" She heard Finnick ask after he opened the door. "Yeah I'm ok." Iris said not turning over to look at him. "Hang on I'll be right back." Finnicks had stepping out of the room. Iris could hear him telling Gale that he was going to lay down but she didn't hear Gale respond. She didn't really think anything of it though because he hasn't really talked this whole trip.

Finnick came back into her room and got his pajamas on before lying down on the bed on the other side of the room. "Is Gale going to be okay on the couch for one more night?" Iris asked. "Yeah....or at least I think so." Finnick said sarcastically making Iris giggle but it quickly faded. "Hey Finnick I have a question." "Fire away." Iris turned over so that she was facing Finnick. "Where did Max come from?" There was a long pause before Finnick started speaking again. "Well we hadn't really revealed ourselves to the world yet so when you say we found him it was more he found us. We were quite surprised with how smart he was and how strong he was for being that young." "Finnick" Iris said as Finnick started getting off his train of thought. "Right sorry.....One of our groups goes every year to view the districts making sure the capital is not doing anymore harm than they already have. Anyway when we went to district 5 your brother started tugging on the troops suit. The troop looked and saw him trying to get his attention. He asked where is parents where but the kid never responded he just kept tugging and pulling on his arm. The troop decided to follow the kid to see what he was trying to show him. He followed the kid all the way to a house and as soon as he went inside he saw a woman lying on the floor deceased. The troop went back and told his group what he had found them the rest of them decided on keeping the boy and taking him back to 13 and  as soon as he was getting taken to his apartment you bumped into him and now we are here." Iris looked down at the ceiling as visions of Max getting taken away flashed through her mind. She turned back over to face the wall, "Goodnight Finnick." "Goodnight Iris." She heard Finnick say as he also rolled over. Iris didn't really plan on sleeping even when she tried to. Everytime she closed her eyes she saw Max sitting there getting beat by presidents Snows guards.

   Iris rolled over and saw the sun peaking through the window and she decided she couldn't lay in bed any longer, so she got up and put her clothes on along with packing everything up since they were leaving for district 3 today. Iris grabbed her bag and headed for the hovercraft.

   She threw her stuff on one of the seats and sat down next to it taking a deep breath and rubbing her face. After sitting there for a second she decided to go back and get Lily and Buttercup.

   As soon as she walked into the house she saw Gale packing up his things, "Well you're up early." "Couldn't sleep." Was all Iris said as she grabbed both the animals and headed out the door without another word. She stepped back onto the hovercraft and set down both the animals as they ran around exploring. Iris sat down once again admiring the cat and dog, "I wish I could be like you.......not having a worry in the one to one to worry about.....and also you get someone to feed you 24/7." Iris smiled as Lily looked at her and cocked her head in confusion. She heard footsteps coming onto the hovercraft as she looked over and saw Gale walking up with his things. Iris didn't say a word as he set his stuff down and sitting down beside it. "Couldn't sleep huh?" He said mimicking what she had said earlier. "Yeah after you've seen enough things sleeping is almost just a side note not a priority." Iris said still watching the animals run around the hovercraft. She saw Gale nod out of the corner of her eye then quickly turned her head when she saw a figure walking up the metal ramp into the hovercraft. "Y'all ready to do this?" Finnick asked with a half smile on his face. "As ready as I'll ever be." Iris responded getting up and heading to the cockpit with Finnick right behind her after he set down his stuff.

   They hit district 3 and everything went as planned and they joined the rebellion, but now came the time Iris was dreading....district 2. Iris had heard not very good things about district 2 from Clove. "And autopilot." Finnick said pressing a button in the middle console in front of them. "Finally I can sleep." Iris said jokingly. "Well even if you were joking I will actually be taking a nap." Finnick said resting his head on the back of the chair then falling asleep. Iris decided to do the same but she couldn't go to sleep so she just watched the trees below her pass by quickly.

    They landed in district 2 and Iris stepped onto the concrete looking around. "Oh what a treat." Finnick said looking down at the concrete, "All we ever got was dirt." Iris hummed in agreement then they headed towards the market to find out where the mayor lived just like the rest of the districts. Iris walked up to one of the people working the front desk at the store. "Can you tell me where the mayor lives?" Iris asked as politely as possible. "You." The person at the desk said. Iris looked down at them with confusion, "I'm sorry have we met?" "Not formally." The person said standing up from the table and walking around standing face to face with Iris. Iris looked at Finnick and Gale who shrugged their shoulders. Iris rolled her eyes then looked back at the woman in front of her. The woman took a few steps forward being cautious. Iris looked her up and down seeing if she could take her. The woman was shorter than Iris and she was skinnier than the bone itself. The woman walked up to Iris and Iris got ready to fight but instead of fighting the woman put her hands around Iris hugging her. Iris hesitantly put her hands around the woman patting her on the back. The woman pulled away, "Sorry I just got ahead of myself... I'm Mrs. Kentwell but please just call me Sally." Iris looked at the woman as her mouth hung open, "Your-your Clove's mother?" Iris asked in amazement. "Yes I am and I am so thankful you kept her safe through those games." Sally turned to Finnick and Gale, "May I help y'all?" "Oh they are with me." Iris said making Sally's attention go back to her. "Now what did y'all come here for?" Sally asked going and sitting back behind the desk. "Well we wanted to see where the mayor lived." Iris said stating her question again. "Oh of course he lives two house down from here, the tall one with a blue roof. You'll know it when you see it." Sally said giving Iris a smile. "Thank you...Sally." Iris said hesitating then walking away. "Wow" Iris said as Finnick and Gale walked behind her. Sally was nothing like Clove had explained her to be even if she was telling the truth it was going to be hard for Iris to see it. Suddenly Iris saw a house that had a blue roof, she walked up to it and knocked on the door. A older man with a cane and glasses stepped out into the light. "Yes, may I help you?" Iris stepped out of the way and let Finnick talk to the mayors since he was way more professional. Once they were done talking the mayor closed the door and Finnick turned around and gave Iris and Gale a thumbs up. Iris smiled as they all headed for the stage.

   (We are getting close to the end!! I am really excited how this story is going to turn out. How do you think it will turn out. Anyway, you guys are the best stay safe out there :)

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