Chapter 10

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   Iris opened her eyes and squinted as she looked around the bright room. There was no one there and she was once again alone. Iris sighed as she racked her brain on where she could be. One of the guards from before came in, "Your food." He walked over and set it infront of her. "Yeah thanks sarge, but how am I supposed to eat it if I can't move my arms." Iris said as she darted her eyes from her food back to him. He smiled and almost laughed a little bit, "First of all, there is no reason to call me sarge, call me Boggs. And second, I will have to ask someone about that." He said walking out. Iris's eyes lingered on the door as it closed behind him, she thought about his name but didn't recognize it from anywhere. Her attention was brought back to the food infront of her when a delicious aroma filled her nose. She tried lifting her hands to the food or putting her head down to the plate but nothing worked because those stupid straps were so tight. Iris huffed then laid her head back down on the back of her bed.

   The door opened and Iris looked up and smiled when she saw a familiar face, "Wow looks like you fit right in." She said keeping her smile. "Yeah, I told them I was a doctor and they were so happy they put me into training almost immediately." Barz said nervously. "Really." Iris said amazed, "They didn't make you go through any tests or treatments!?" "Yes of course they did but it wasn't long before I was out into training to become a field doctor, which is what I have always wanted to be." Barz said proud of his accomplishment. Iris smiled at him, he reminded her of little Max. Now Max wasn't the shy timid type like him but he did have high goals in life, just like Barz wanting to become a field doctor. "Anyway back to what you need, which is food correct?" Barz asked looking down at her lap with a tray full of food on it. He grabbed the fork on the plate and started picking up some mashed potatoes on the fork. He brought it up to Iris's mouth and Iris opened and he slipped the fork into her mouth. She closed her mouth and ate the mashed potatoes as he pulled the for out. "Are they cold do I need to heat it up?" Barz asked worried. "No Barz, their perfect." Iris said ready for her next bite of food. He smiled before continuing to feed her.

Barz took her tray of food and walked towards the door. A loud buzzer happened then the door in front of him opened and he walked out. The door closed behind him and once again Iris was left alone. There was no use in trying to get out of the straps so she instead decided to look around. She looked around the bright white room but it was all empty, all she found were some windows in front of her, but she couldn't see out of them. She rested her head back on her bed closing her eyes and falling asleep. The door buzzer happened making the door open again. Iris shot her head up and looked at the door. She saw someone slowly walking in. She tried to make out the figure of who it was but she couldn't. Suddenly they came into the light, Iris looked into those cold revenge wanting brown eyes. Iris's eye flickered down to her hand which had a syringe full of red liquid. Clove started getting closer, and a smirk started to appear on her face. Iris looked back up at her as her heart started beating out of her chest. Clove slowly raised the syringe, and Iris finally wasn't frozen anymore and got her voice back. "Clove what's in that syringe!" She shouted at her just before Clove stabbed her with the syringe. Clove still held it above her head looking down at Iris, "Oh it's just something I mixed up in the lab." "Okay but what does it do?" Iris asked lowering her voice but still asking firmly. "Oh once it gets into your blood it will slowly kill you very very painfully." Clove said keeping that smirk on her face. Iris didn't know what to do except for look up at her in pity hoping she would stop. "Awww" Clove said as she started laughing. She took the syringe in one hand then came down fast and stabbed Iris in the neck making Iris clench her jaw. Clove slowly injected all of the red stuff into Iris's neck as she watched her go through pain. "Oh yeah not so funny now when your the one being hurt." Iris heard Clove whisper into her ear. Clove took the syringe out and dropped it on the floor before slowly walking out. Iris felt pain all throughout her body. She couldn't move and she wanted to scream but if she did that Clove would know she won. Iris squeezed her eyes shut ready for it to be over. Suddenly all the pain went away and darkness overcame her.

   Iris woke up sweating and breathing heavily, she saw Clove sitting next to her bed watching her. "What are you doing here mutt." Iris said turning her head away from her. Clove looked at her hurtfully before moving on, "Well....." Clove took a long pause making Iris look back at her. "I came to see how you were doing." Iris fake laughed, "Oh yeah let me just sincerely come check on you after almost breaking your arm..... on purpose. Do you know how stupid that sounds." "I don't think it sounds stupid." Clove said keeping her eyes on Iris's. Iris rolled her eyes and looked away once more. "That's not how I am, and maybe if you took more time to get to know instead of trying to kill me you would know that." "I have never tried to kill you." Clove said trying to defend herself. "Yeah, and Snow said that everything that you say is a lie." Iris said still not looking at Clove. Clove didn't respond so Iris decided to go on. "I should have never went to the rooftop with you all you did was make me feel worse about myself. You killed all my friends and family but yet you still get to be alive. The killing of my mother is on your hands, you have tons of blood not only on your hands but in your head to. Your head is sick, and no matter how hard you try you will never be good enough for anyone.  I wish we never met. Then none of us would be in this situation." Iris ended her statement, she then hear the door buzzer once more and she looked over to see Clove walking out of the door. Iris smiles to herself knowing she got into her head.

   Iris laid her head back on the bed, but she didn't dare go back to sleep. So she instead ran through that conversation over and over in her head. She thought about where she could have made better points and used so many things against her. Iris eventually got lost in her little own world of thoughts and didn't even hear the door buzzer as the door opened.

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