Chapter 28

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    Iris stepped infront of all of district two, she had never really felt nervous speaking in front of so many people but there was something about this district that made her uneasy. "Hello I am Iris may of heard of me when Snow released a reward for my capture." Iris took a paused as she looked out into the crowd all looking up at her with faces of confusion or hope, she couldn't really tell. "That is the problem with our nation today.....the fact that Snow can put a target on anyone's head and kill them while everyone else looks the other way....the fact that Snow can put your kids in the Hunger Games and all you can do is watch your own kid get's I ask of you today if you will stand with me and join the rebellion against president Snow." The crowd went silent just staring up at Iris. Iris looked back at Finnick and Gale who gave her and I don't know look. Iris looked back out into the crowd and opened her mouth to say more but then she heard a clap. Iris looked around to see who was the front row to the left Sally sat there clapping for Iris. Her husband looked at her for a second then decided to join as he also started clapping for Iris. Then suddenly the whole crowd erupted into clapping and whistling. Iris smiled at the crowd then headed back towards the doors as Finnick and Gale stood up also following behind her.

    "I've got a bad feeling about this." Iris said as the door closed behind them. "And why's that the crowd out there loved you." Gale said giving her a look that Iris didn't know how to interpret. "That's not what I mean....somethings off and I don't like it." "Hey we got our shipment of weapons in." Finnick said walking towards them putting something back into his pocket. "Great when will it be here." Iris said heading out a side door and back to the hovercraft since no one gave them a place to stay for the time being. "They are already on the ship." Finnick said following behind Iris. Iris hurried over to the ship eager to see what arrived.

   When she got there Iris saw a crate on the ship that hadn't been the before. She unlatched one of her small knives from her belt and opened it up. Iris slid the lid off and found a beautiful metal axe along with some little throwing axes, and a black vest to put them in. Iris picked up the vest putting it on, she didn't have to fill it with the little axes since they were already in it. She buttoned the front then reached back into the crate and picked up the beautiful double sided  axe with evenly distributed weight. The metal was cold against her skin as she did a circular motion to see how easy and swift she was able to move the axe around. Iris smiled at the axe then went over to her bag and unzipped it pulling out her homemade axe holder. Iris slid it over her head then put the axe in it, a perfect fit. Iris smiled at Finnick, "Now are you ready?" Finnick asked smiling at her, "Oh I am so ready." Iris said smiling. She headed up to the cockpit ready to get out of district 2. Finnick sat down next to her, "Closing the ramp.....turning engine on." Finnick always whispered what he was doing which was sometimes helpful when he needed help with something Iris already knew what it was. The hovercraft lifted off the ground with a small jolt, "All right district 1 here we come."

   When they reached district 1 Iris sat up in her seat as her mouth fell open from how beautiful and rich this district looked. It almost looked like the capital just a smaller version. "No way" Finnick said before Iris could even get any words out of her mouth. Iris got out of the cockpit as soon as the hovercraft landed and made her way onto the concrete ground. All the people walking around like they owned the place gave them weird or surprised looks when they saw her step out of the hovercraft. Gale was right behind her, "I don't like the look of all these people." "At least you're not the one talking infront of them." Iris said taking off towards the nearest store as Finnick stepped off the hovercraft and followed behind her.

   She opened the white polished door and stepped into a nearby store. Everyone stopped shopping for a second and looked at her some gave confused looks other were happy or pleased looks. Iris shrugged them off but in her mind she was losing it. She walked up to the counter, "If I may ask where does the mayor live?" "I'm sorry I'm not allowed to tell an outsider like you something like that." A young woman across the counter said giving Iris a glare. "Ma'am this is a very important matter and I must speak with the mayor." "I'm sorry but that is not possible-" "He lives up on that hill in the distance." A little girl shouted running up to Iris and pointing. Iris looked and saw a huge White House sitting perfectly on top of a hill. Iris turned back to the little girl, "Thank you very much, you just helped so many people." The little girl smiled but her mom came up behind and pulled her away from Iris. Iris looked at the mom for a moment then looked at the woman behind the counter giving her a small glare before exiting the building. They made their way to that hill but the walk was so long that when they got to the bottom of the hill their legs were already hurting. Iris took a deep breath then looked around and saw a gate that had a brick staircase behind it. Iris made her way over there and looked through the gate and sighed when she saw how long the staircase was. "Ready?" She asked Gale and Finnick. "For what?" Finnick asked confused. "To hop this fence." Iris said as she turned around and pointed to the fence. Finnick looked at her hesitantly, "I don't know Iris....trespasser isn't really the title I was going for in a place like this." "Well then you can stay here while I go." Iris said hopping down on the other side of the fence. Finnick rolled his eyes and looked at her before sighing and starting to climb the fence.

They walked up to the door and knocked on it quickly hearing footsteps come closer. A man opened it, he had on a suit along with a bow tie and his hair was slicked back, "What is your business here?" The man asked bringing Iris out of her observation state. "We need to talk to your mayor." Iris said as the man eyed her up and down. "For what business?" The man said, "I'm sorry but we cannot give you that information." Iris said as the man tuned his full attention onto her. He sighed but it was almost like he even sighed properly as he pursed his lips together looking at them, "Sir there are people here to talk to you." He called out as Iris heard some commotion coming from the room to the left. Suddenly a man entered the room walking up to the door. Iris's breath hitched as she looked at the slim good looking man as he nodded to the man who opened the door originally. The man with the bow tie walked away going up some red carpet stairs to the right. Iris looked at the man infront of her before quickly looking away as soon as he made eye contact. "Please come in." The man said gesturing for them to come inside. He even had a a great sounding voice, like that one that's not too high but not so deep you cant even hear what he is saying. "I am mayor Rumulus." The man said as he guided them to the living room and sat down in a chair. "Um.. Mr. Rumulus-" "Please just call me Pollux." He said interrupting Finnick. Everything about this man was perfect, his name, his voice, his appearance, and so far his personality. Finnick nodded his head, "Pollux we have a request." Pollux lifted his chin up looking questionably at Finnick. "We have a plan to take down the capital." Finnick said putting his elbows on his knees. Pollux lowered his chin and looked over at Gale then to Iris and then back at Finnick. "I have heard about this......rebellion... and the three of you." He paused for a moment looking over at Iris then back to Finnick. "What is this plan of yours?" Iris's mouth started moving before her mind could even think about it, "We are planning on bringing all the districts together and fight against the capital, because all of us combined will be more than enough to take on the capital." Finnick looked over at Iris as he gave her a questioning look. Iris flicked her eyes over to him then back to Pollux. He licked his teeth thinking for a moment, "I have to say....I am pretty sick and tired of Snow running everything around here." Iris stared smiling as Pollux clasped his hands together. "But I have one request." "Of course." Iris said as Pollux turned his attention on her. "I have to be on the front line with y'all..... I would much rather fight for my district and die than die while hiding out of fear." Iris smiled then stood up and walked over to him and stuck her hand out. He looked up at her and smiled as he shook her hand along with Gale's and Finnick's as they stood up as well. "Laub pack my things." he said as the man from earlier came downstairs and nodded his head quickly heading back upstairs.

  (Thank you so much for 2k reads on my first book and 1k reads on this book and my second one. I love writing these and I love that you guys are enjoying them. I do have a plan after this book ends but please give me suggestions about what you want me to write about and I will try my best to do it. Once again thank you so much for everything, stay safe out there and you guys are the best. :)

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