Chapter 7

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"So what do you think is happening?" Iris asked Johanna looking around the dark room. Johanna didn't respond making Iris's eyes land on her. Johanna shrugged and Iris gave her questioning eyes before looking away. "What about you Grain?" Iris asked the guard by the door. Grain raised his head, "I don't know but being in the dark in kinda making me even more tired than I was before." Iris chuckled a little at his statement before looking around again. Suddenly she felt very unsettled. There was always sound going on either nearby or in Iris's room, but right now it was dead silence, no screaming, no sounds of heavy boots running down the hall, no doctors scrambling to hold everything while walking down the hall, it was silent. A shiver went through Iris's body making her uneasy.

"Hey Grain are you allowed to untie us?" Iris asked wanting to get out of the ropes. "I mean I'm not supposed to but I can since nobody is around." Grain said walking back over to Iris. He knelt down behind her and started undoing her ropes on her wrists. Once he was done he got in front of her, "Oh don't worry about me Grain I can do these, but go help Johanna." Grain looked up at Iris then moved over to Johanna. Iris quickly got her ropes undone then stood up, almost immediately falling back into her chair as she got light headed. Grain stood up quickly and tried to catch her but he wasn't quick enough as she fell back down. She looked over at him and he burst out laughing. "What are you laughing about?" Iris questioned looking at him with her mouth open. "You- you had-" Grain couldn't even finish his sentence because he was too busy on his hands and knees laughing. Iris rolled her eyes and smiled as she got up to help Johanna who was asleep. Grain had already got her ankles done and the only thing left was her hands. Iris got behind Johanna and started undoing the ropes. Once she was done she stood up to see Grain still laughing on the ground. Iris walked over and softly kicked him making him fall onto his back. "I don't even know what your laughing at." Iris said giggling. Grain tried to contain himself as he slowly stood up. He wipes tears away from his eyes and looked at Iris. "You okay now?" Iris asked still smiling at him. "Hey I'm doing great." He said walking back to the door. "What are you doing?" Iris questioned as he put his ear up to the door. "I'm listening for anyone and if someone starts coming close you can go sit back down." Iris hummed and started walking around the dark room once more. Everything was still in place as it was before except for one thing on the table that wasn't there before. Iris walked over to it and picked it up. It was a rose but it was kinda hard to see what color when it was dark. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. She quickly turned around see Johanna walking closer. "That's Snows signature white rose. I guess you could say beside this whole President thing it's kinda his signature." Johanna said plainly. Iris looked at the rose once more before bringing her eyes back to Johanna.

Johanna stepped beside her and started looking at the picture on the table of Snow and his granddaughter. She picked up the picture and brought it closer to her face. "Snow and I'm guessing his granddaughter unless he is dating a thirteen year old little girl." Iris said with a strait face. Johanna didn't show even a little hint of emotion she just blankly stared at the picture. Iris looked away looking at other things on the table even though she had seen all of them already. She heard Johanna mumble something to her left. Iris turned and looked at her with a questioning look. "I wish they were dead......... I wish we were all dead......then this wouldn't even be happening." Johanna said coldly. Iris put her hand on Johanna's shoulder. "Don't say that. Trust me I have been there too, I wished everyone was dead and I guess I got it because well I am already practically dead, I don't know where any of my friends are so I am assuming they are also dead, and my mother and little brother...........are also gone." Iris said as a sudden feeling of loneliness and pain washed over her. She pushed it to the side and brought her mind back to reality and focused on Johanna.

Johanna shook Iris's hand off of her and set the picture down. She walked back to her chair and sat down. Iris looked over at Grain who was practically falling asleep while standing up. Iris rolled her eyes and walked over to him. She lightly tapped him making him fall over into the wall behind him. When he hit the wall his eyes opened wide and he looked at Iris. "Wow you really weren't joking about the tired thing." Iris said surprised. "Of course I wasn't I don't get very much sleep as is." Iris furrowed her eyebrows, "Ok well that kinda sounds like a you problem." Iris said walking away from him and back to her chair. She sat down and got comfortable as she brought her knees up to her chest. She got used to the silence and now it was almost bearable. She closed her eyes for a second before she heard footsteps running down the halls next to her. She looked at Grain who had fallen asleep against the wall. She looked over at Johanna who was also sound asleep in her chair. Iris didn't move as she sat in her chair and listened to all the chaos happening outside. There was screaming and yelling some people crying for help and others yelling just to yell, gunshots upon gunshots kept happening. Iris squeezed her eyes tight and tried to think of anything else but it didn't work her mind was filled with darkness. She heard some light footsteps getting closer and closer until they stopped at the door. Iris tensed up ready for whatever was going to happen next.

The door opened and Grain shot up pointing his gun at the young scrawny doctor in the doorway. "Grain wait!" Iris yelled as Grain held his gun at him but didn't shoot. Iris jumped up and pulled the doctor into the room and closed the door. "Grain stay guard." Iris told him as she brought the doctor to her chair. "Barz your okay right?" Barz nodded then looked over at Johanna. "Don't worry she's okay just sleeping is all." Iris said reassuring him. She put her hands on his shoulders, "Barz can you tell me what's happening out there?" Iris questioned him softly trying not to be to pushy. "I-I don't know, first we-we we're walking around getting more tests set up and then boom gunshots and explosions everywhere. Some of us didn't make it but I sprinted out of there and got here as fast as I could." "Ok..... Do you know who attacked you?" Iris questioned. "No, I don't I turned and ran before I even saw anybody." Barz said shaking his head aggressively. "Ok ok it's okay I believe you." Iris said bringing Barz into a hug. Barz instantly melted into her arms and hugged her back and started sobbing. "Shhh it's okay don't worry. Your safe for now." Iris said trying to comfort him in any way possible. Johanna started moving around and soon opened her eyes. She shot up and look at Barz. Then something else caught her attention as she heard all the gunshots and yelling from outside the door. She looked at Iris with wide eyes. Iris looked back at Barz and kept comforting him. "No......" Johanna said as she hung her head. Iris looked over at Johanna. Johanna picked up her head, "Iris you don't understand this is just the beginning." Iris furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Johana, "The beginning of what?"
"The beginning of the end."

  (Thank you so much for 130 reads on this book. Also thank you for over 1k on my first book! This means so much to me. I hope y'all are enjoying the story and I am sorry for not posting as often as I used to. A lot of things are happening right now but I will update as much as I can. Stay safe out there, you guys are the best. :)

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