Chapter 13

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Iris woke up when someone shined a bright light in her eyes. She opened them and looked around to see some of the guards looking around with flashlights to make sure no one got hurt and everything was okay. She tried to get up but she felt a sudden warmth around her hand. She looked down and saw hers and Max's hand loosely holding onto each other. She smiled looking over at him, having so many questions she wanted answered but she kept quiet and pushed them to the back of her mind for now. She untangled her hand from his and covered him up with the blanket more tucking him in a little bit. Once she was satisfied with how he was bundled up she swung her legs over the side of her bed. She went to stand but her foot quickly gave out from under her causing to have to grab onto the bunk above her so she wouldn't fall over. She sat back down on the bed and brought her ankle up and looked at it. It was still pretty swollen and it hurt to even touch. She set it back down on the cold concrete as she looked around. Most people were asleep, some were up occupying themselves with something. She scanned over the room but her eyes went back to a young man sitting by himself on his bed holding something in his hand. She watched him for a little bit longer but he didn't move he just sat there staring at the object in his hand. Iris stood up and grabbed the bunk above her not putting any weight on her other foot. She hopped with the support of the beds and made it over to the man sitting on the edge of the bed. She quickly recognized him from some of her memories with Clove, but he never seemed to be a threat or trying to kill her. He looked up at her and a hint a fear filled his eyes before he covered it up. "Can I?" Iris asked pointing next to him. He nodded looking back down to what looked like a picture in his hands. She sat down beside him but didn't say a word. They sat there in silence for a little bit before Finnick spoke, "That doesn't look to good." He said pointing to her ankle. "I'm sure it will heal. But what won't heal is the look on your face before I came over here." Iris said looking down at the picture in his hands. "Who's that?" She asked "Um...It's just someone that's back home." Finnick said putting the picture away. "You don't have a picture that you stare at for hours of just "someone at home"." Iris said sarcastically. Finnick didn't respond as he clasped his hands together on his knees and started twiddling his thumbs. "I'm not trying to push I was just wondering." Iris said trying to reassure him. They stayed in silence for a little bit and just as Iris was going to get up Finnick spoke. "Um...Annie." Iris turned and looked at him confused. "She was the one on the picture, she um..... she is the one special girl I have at home." Iris didn't say anything afraid of making him even more nervous than he is already, so she just decided to nod instead. "I'm going to be honest there is a lot we need to talk about but I don't even know where to start." Iris said fake laughing. Finnick nodded then continued to stare at his hands. "But we will leave that for another time." Iris said standing up. "Where are you going?" He asked worried. "Just back to my bed." "Oh okay." He said frowning a bit but hiding it quickly. "I will be back soon I just have to do a few things." She said before limping back to Max to see if he was awake.

   As she limped over she saw Max sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. She walked over to him then grabbed his wrists pulling them away from his face. "What's wrong?" She asked sitting down beside him. "Nothing just tired." He said shrugging his shoulders. "Max, I'm your sister I think I can tell when your lying." "No I'm being honest." He said throwing his hands up in the air. "Fine whatever you say." Iris said putting her hand on his forehead and pushing him backwards onto the bed. Max started laughing and so did Iris. "I missed you." Max said sitting up. "I missed you too." Iris said bringing him into a hug. They sat there for a second then Iris felt someone tap her shoulder. She pulled away from the hug and turned around to see Grain standing there. "What's up?" Iris asked. "President Coin said she wants to speak with you." Iris sighed then nodded and looked over at Max then grabbed his chin and smiled at him before quickly letting go and following close behind Grain while limping. "Who's that?" Grain asked as Iris caught up to him. "Um... long brother." Grain stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at Iris. "What!" He whisper shouted at Iris. "I will have to tell you later because right now it doesn't look like we have a lot of time." Iris said seeing Coin standing in the doorway of her door waiting. Grain quickly got moving again and took Iris to her.

   Coin greeted Iris then moved letting Iris into the room. She saw Boggs in the corner then Grain followed behind her standing by the door. Coin was turned around facing the door then quickly turned around with a smile on her face. Iris rolled her eyes scanning the room, finding Clove sitting in her seat at the table. Iris uncomfortably stood there as she watch Coin take her seat on the other side of the table. Iris took a step towards Coin ready to take a seat next to her. "No, go sit." Coin stated pointing to the chair right next to Clove. Iris slowly limped over there and sat down. "I don't know what going on but you two need to figure your crap out." Coin said sternly like she was their mother. Iris rolled her eyes and leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms, Coin gave her a look. "So what we are going to do is I am going to walk out of the room and leave you two alone......try anything funny" she paused looking over at Iris before continuing, "The guards will come get you.....and let's just say the aftermath won't be to good for you." Coin said clasping her hands together in front of her on the table. "Do you understand?" She asked childishly. Both of them nodded, "Good." Coin got up and walked out of the room followed by Grain and Boggs.

   There was awkward silence for a long time before Clove finally spoke up. "Your ankles hurt." She said worried. Iris nodded still refusing to speak. "Look if we don't figure things out like Coin-" "I don't give a crap what Coin said, I refuse to speak with you ever again." Iris said cutting her off and leaning up in her chair facing Clove. Clove went silent just staring at Iris. "Iris let out a sigh and put both her elbows on the table and her head in her hands, squeezing her eyes shut. "You killed my family." Iris spoke so softly it was almost like a thought in her head. "That's not true." Clove said. Iris shot up and slammed her hand on the table, "Yes it is and I know I got my brother back but.....h-he isn't my little Max anymore. I feel like he's just some guy I never talked to in school, l-like I know him but I don't know anything personal, because I haven't even been in most of his life, all because of you." Iris didn't even have anymore tears left to cry as she sat there staring at Clove. "Come on Clove, I don't even know his favorite color." Iris sighed putting her hands over her face. She saw Clove reach for her through her hands but Clove quickly retracted her hands remembering she can't just reach out like that anymore. "Try asking." Clove said trying to be nice. "I-I can't just walk up to someone especially my brother and ask what his favorite color is." Iris said putting her hand back down on the table and taking steady breaths trying to calm herself. "I-I don't know what's real or not real." "Come ask me." Clove said this time fully reaching out and taking her hand. Iris wanted to give in so badly but she pulled away as Snows voice came booming into her head. Iris put her hand up to her ears, "Go away go away go away." She kept whispering. "She is trying to get you to be vulnerable so she can kill you. She didn't really care for you she is just tying to get you in the right spot." Iris shook her head side to side as Snows voice kept ringing through her head. She squeezed her eyes shut waiting for it to be over.

  The voices stopped and Iris opened her eyes taking her hands off her ears. She looked around, no Clove, no Coin, no guards. It was almost eerie being in a room by yourself. The door behind her opened and Iris whipped her head around to see Snow walking towards her. "I really did think you were better than this Ms. Stoll, but one's actions must come with consequences." Snow walked closer to her and grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him. "Think about your next move." He said with a knowing tone in his voice. He dropped her head making it fall. He walked out and Iris closed her eyes in guilt.

  She opened her eyes again and felt a hand on her back. She shot up making the chair fall over, she looked around seeing Clove sitting there with wide worried eyes. Iris's eyes flicked to the chair on the ground as she back up towards the door. She looked back at Clove then turned around and limped as fast as she could to the door ready to be out of that situation. She reached for the door handle but she couldn't open it, it was locked. Realization hit her when she remembered seeing Coin doing something to the door. She must have locked them in there to "sort things out" as she said. Iris started banging on the door yelling for Grain or Boggs but no one came to one the door. Iris turned around and looked at Clove who was now stood up looking at Iris with fear.
Fear was the one thing Iris hates seeing in people eyes when they looked at her, but now that's all she has ever gotten. Every person that has taken a even a small glimpse at her has been out of fear, to make sure that she isn't coming to kill them.
It's always

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