chapter 4

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the 118 had been called to a plan crash. the team staring at the crash it wasn't like anything they had ever seen before. the plan had split in half the fuel had leaked causing the water to catch on fire. "you guys ever seen anything like this ?" buck questioned with an worried tone

"never" Sam said as she watched the people thrash around in the sea with desperation.

"alright I am going to need you to take point hen I need you to cheek on the coast grad cooper and buck I need you to cheek in with the diving team." cap ordered.

" we got at least 20" buck answered as they climbed into the boat. "the water in on fire"

"jet fuel" bobby expanded as the group slowly made there way by.boat over to the masker

"12 to 15 on the wing" hen pointed out as they began to pull people about.

"how long we got" Sam questioned anxiously

"not long" bobby answered as everyone worries were conformed. as the boat got closer people in the water were climbing on to the boat as the got on hen and Sam were quickly cheeking them over.

"we have to get everyone to the beach this thing is going down fast" bobby reminder as everyone split off. hen thinking quickly inflated the reuse raft.

"everyone to the raft!" hen yelled from one side

"go to the raft now!" Sam yelled from the other side

"Sam we got someone in here " bobby yelled

"I got it" she said leaning down to asses the man

"I cant get my seat belt off" the man said as he started to panic

"ok stay with us " Sam said as she cheeked how deep the seat belt was.

" I am going to pull the seat belt off" hen said before pulling it out as the man screamed " Sam help me get him out" hen said as the pair lift the man out taking him to the boat.

bobby stopped to help a lady who's legs wee stuck " buck keep going " he ordered

"alright" the man answered as proceeded back .

As the group went to the back they heard yelling "help it filling with water!" a girl yelled from the bathroom.

"hold on we are coming " hen yelled

"there are trapped " Sam told the group behind her. they group began to pull the curt but with no luck.

" pleas hurry I don't want to drown" the girl yelled

"tie the rope to the cart" buck said

"what?" Sam questioned

"give me the other end" buck yelled before running off to tie the rope to the boat Sam and hen moved out of the way

"were all good to go" Sam yelled to the boat buck came running down the ile diving in to the water to avoid the cart. "apart from nearly getting your head taken off good plan "

"thanks"  buck said not to sure weather it was a complement or not

hen and Sam were checking over the couple on the boat when buck claimed on and told the bobby was still in there. He had been helping a mother who was trapped in her seat. He had refused to leave her not even letting buck stay to help he know it was going down quick but he did not care he had to save her.they began to worry till they say him and the women being air lifted.

Hen banged on the door as buck and Sam anxiously. waited outside bobby's place hoping for even a sign of life. After the plan crash Bobby had stopped Coming to work at first they thought he was ill but when he didn't answer they began to worry.
"Bobby open up. Bobby!" Hen yelled as she continued knocking.
"Has he ever gone Mia like this?"buck questioned in a worried tone tone
"I don't know much about before he took over the house just that he's in recovery"Sam answered.
Buck continued to frantically calling bobby's phone" you here that" buck could hear his phone ring "I'm kicking the door down"
"No no we exchange keys in case one of us could come home"hen said stopping buck from kicking the door down. They looked around at the bar  apartment all they could see was the table with four plates. They proceeded into the bedroom where they found Bobby facedown next to a bottle of jack Daniels at that moment the group knew what has happened.
"Bobby" hen said
" Hey Bobby" buck said leaning down
"Lets get him up" Sam said the group managed to move him out of the bed into the bathroom where they turned on the shower hoping to wake him up. Bobby woke up to the faces of his friend staring at him he knew he had messed up he didn't know to say.

" How long?" Buck asked as him and Sam sat on the sofa with Bobby
"546 days 45 and a half if we're being specific 18 months"Bobby rambled as hen made tea
"That crash was hardcore"buck said as hen brought over the tea.
"Thanks "
"We all have a breaking point"hen said hoping to add some comfort
"Who were you cooking for there are plates out"Sam asked
"I don't know I was drunk look I'm going to be fine this is the one time thing I promise I'm good I'm sorry"Bobby rambled
"Do you know why redwoods grow so high? They move and to bend with the wind stays over rigid they will eventually break"hen explained
"She's called me uptight"Bobby said in response
"Maybe ask for help once in a while"buck added
"We're always gonna be here for you"Sam said if she plays a reassuring hand on his shoulder
"Help"with that word Bobby broke he started crying they all began to hug him hoping to offer him some comfort. In this moment Sam's head started racing think about her step dad how different people can be . Bobby was so sad and truly sorry over what had happened but her step dad didn't care well maybe he did when he was sober but unfortunately that's a side that she never got to see.

"18 months that crazy poor guy" Sam had just called Eddie on her drive home.
" Yeah I can't explain what it was like finding him like that"
" It made you think of him didn't it?" Eddie was the only one she told about her home life
" Yeah but he was sad not angry"
" Everyone is different "
" Yeah your right ok I got to go"  after that all she could feel was sorry for Bobby they needed to help him as beast as they can that's for sure

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