chapter 6

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The 118 had been called to a wedding that didn't go to plan. The third floor wasn't secures correctly and had crashed through the second floor right down to the ground floor.
"16 DOA so far mostly blunt head trauma or crushing and one impelled"Sam informed her caption
"They fell through two stories I wouldn't be surprised if that number goes higher" Bobby said
"Cap the bride hasn't been accounted for" hen told her caption
"We'll find her buck I'm going to need you up to the top access to the second floor is blocked we're going to have to take it from both ends" cap explained
"Ok cap " he said before running of to get geared up.
"Savita " the groom yelled as he dug through deadbury.
"Step back it's ok we will find her sir let us do our jobs"Bobby said moving him away
"Just have a set" hen said guiding him to a seat the groom continued to move around as he tried to watch the group
"Let us do our job" Sam repeated as she began to examine him
Buck abscale down from the top floor slowly landing on to the second floor.
"Help " a man yelled
"I got you" buck said running to the man
" My leg it's pinned"
"Ok hang tight " he said as me begin to move the deadbury.
Boy began to cut and remove the deadbury that might have trapped the bride. As Bobby did that buck brought the man down handing him off to hen and Sam to look out.
" Buck get over here"
The begin to move the rubble.
"She's not moving"
"Is she breathing?"
"She is coming to"
" Stay still" Bobby said to the girl as they helped to pull the girl out. Sam watched as the pain in the man's face turned to relief.
"Is the owner here" Bobby asked sam
" He's over there" Sam said as she took the girl from him. Apart for a few bruisers she seamed to be ok.

"When do you put in the third floor? Do you think I don't know what this is"Bobby said throwing their chunk of metal on the floor as he approached the owner
"What your problem?"
" That is kal-pal " he said grabbing the man.
"You didn't reinforce of steel instead you use this crap this used to be a two-story building the floor that collapsed that was the roof wasn't it"
" Bobby'" hen said trying to get his attention
"You know what you did you son of a bitch" cap yelled getting more aggressive
"Cap" buck yelled
"Captain" sam said
"What" he yelled turning around. Sam felt fear fill her. Her face dropped as fear and panic filled her. Despite her best effort it felt like she was a child again getting yelled at for a stupid mistake. As much as she tried she couldn't move it was like she was trapped in that moment.
" Come away what's wrong with you?" Hen asked
"Back off"
"back off really? Not only 24 hours ago you were saying help what happened?" Bobby didn't answer instead he just left.
As the scene was unfolding Sam went to pack away equipment hoping to distract her self. Buck noticed something change Sam who was normally calm and confident was now nervous and a shell of herself.
"Hey you ok?" Buck said leaning down to help . He knew she wasn't anyone could tell she wasn't and this worried him.

"Yeah it just... I have never seen him like that"
"He will be ok" buck said placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder
"I hope so" she said as she slowly left heading back to the truck right now she just need to be alone.

The first thing Sam did when she got home was called Eddie she needed to talk to some one.
"Hey you ok?" He asked picking up the phone
"Yeah I just needed to talk to someone" she said Eddie was the only person she felt ever understood her.
"We were on call today a billing had collapsed during a wedding and Bobby was shouting at owner and then snapped and started yelling at us"
" Shit. Are you ok?"
"No it was like I was a little girl again getting yelled at by him and I felt so helpless I couldn't even move " she said as she began to cry
"Fuck. But from everything your told me Bobby wouldn't hart anyone but if he dose me and Chris will come down there and sort him out our self" this caused her to let out a small laugh at the idea of seeing Chris again. She missed him with all her heart.
"Thank you"
" I promise thing will be ok" she knew calling him would make her feel better after all him and Chris were the only family she had.

The next day there was enough tention between hen and Bobby you could cut it with a knife. Hen and Bobby were in the kitchen while Sam sat at the table reading. it was peaceful till buck entered in a good mode.
"It is a beautiful day Samantha" buck said with a happy tone
" Call me Samantha again and I will throw you over the balcony" she said back shutting her book
"Ok Bobby oh caption my handsome caption"
" Are you high?"
"No I am not high I met a women" while Sam knew this was not out of the ordinary for him it still pained Sam as much as she tried to ignore her feelings she liked him.
" Two women actually I'm a woman and her mother and I didn't have sex with either" buck rambled
" Well done" Sam said sarcastically trying to hide her sadness.
" Why is it so cold in here?" Buck said finally addressing the tension just as the alarm rang . On the way to the call buck told them about how he met abbey from the call center and how her mum had Alzheimer's . Sam watched as a wide grin speed across him face as he described her to them. She turned to look out the window trying not to listen to him.
When they arrived they found out a man  had been trapped in a car wash whilst trying to clean it."I have told a million times wait till everything shut off that he doesn't listen"the owner rambled
"Sir can you hear me?" Hen asked the man
"Ok dose anything feel broken?"Sam asked before the man could answer Bobby went to move him
"You want to wait till we say he's ok to be moved" hen said in an icy tone causing Sam to tenses up as buck to shared a confused expression.
"I will be glad when chimney is back " Bobby muttered
" We'll be glad for that" hen replied
As they loaded the man into the ambulance they could hear the fate sound of laughter.
"Play is again" buck said between laughs
"It's not that funny" Sam said trying not to laugh.
"What are you doing?"Bobby questioned the duo
"Play it again"
"That man could have be hurt" Bobby said trying not to laugh
" This is so ..." Hen started
"Unprofessional" Sam finished as the group laughed it felt like all the anger of the last call washed away.

When the group returned to the firehouse Bobby began to tell them about how his wife and kids died in a fire how he was still recovering from his addiction and explained everything that happened to him before he joins the firehouse. Sam could not help but feel sorry for him. He made one mistake and it cost him everything he ever loved or cared about

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