Be with you

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"Disclaimer: this is a fluff one*

Felix sighs. "That is something I won't mention just yet, want you to get to know me and see that I'm not my father" he looks at her biting his lip. Kai looks at him wanting him to spill knowing it's bad, but understands why he is doing this. "Ok it's fine but I won't forgive Seungmin just yet, but you can help me do so." She said walking out of the room looking at the 7 different men in the other room. "Ok so how many of you guys have heard of me lino and Minnie don't say anything" she said pointing the the 2 boys that obviously know her very well. 2 of the boys raise their hand one kinda tall and one is short. "Ok, so not a lot so I'm going to need your names sirs." Quickly the 2 answer "I'm bangchan the oldest" said the short one. "I'm hyunjin and Seungmin won't shut up about you" he said smiling the biggest smile. Kai sighs. "So your telling me out of 8 of you only 2 of you guys know me other then lix Minnie and lino?"
Felix walks in laughing. "I already have a nickname yay!" Kai rolls her eye. "Yea ok whatever Minnie had his longer" she said jokingly poking Felix. "Hahah very funny, but I'm the better one" lee know said cockily. "Ok well your her boss" both Seungmin and Felix said at the same time. Kai and lee looks at them surprised. "Well ouch I hope you know he's a better boss then you guys" Kai said linking arms with lee. "Yea right you don't know me like that love" Felix said in a flirting way. "Ok and we are done lee Felix you don't need to flirt-" Kai's phone rings. "Sorry let me answer this really quick" as she says this she walks out answering her phone.
"Hey Kai is hongjoon I want to tell you that you should stay safe and I'm working on trying to see if you can move in with us" she was shocked. Why would he care her own brother didn't care for her. Why would he? "No I don't want to live with you I found someone else who can protect me" she said sounding really angry. "Are you sure about that you don't know what Felix does for a living" he replied. Wait how does he knows it Felix? How does he know what he does?

A/N: how does he know? I'm gonna leave it there today it took a lot of time to think about what to write in this one so hope you like it. Have a great day!!

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