Back again

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Disclaimer *this is going to have a lot more yelling and a lot more serious topics* YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

She makes to the location her brother sent her. She doesn't want to be there, everything in her body is telling her to go back to Felix. Why would she want to go back, he is the reason her family is dead. She walks in to the house and notices that there are 7 other men sitting with her brother. "Ok listen to me Mr. Jongho, I don't care what you have to say about how you feel just let me know WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND." She said looking at her brother only, not caring for the other people in the room. Her brother looks at her confused. "Well as you know all of the story but that's exactly what happened, I'm sorry" she looks at him a little mad, she doesn't know why she is mad but she is. "So basically his dad did horrible things to our family and caused both mom and dad to die. BUT YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING SUPPORT YOU! WHEN YOU ARE DOING THE SAME FUCKING JOB AS HIS DAD?" She said raising her voice. He looks at her even more confused. Who told her about their job? She wasn't supposed to know. "And how my best friend was killed because hongjoon is her ex? Because she "knew to much"? So yall killed her and framed it as a suicide?" She is even more pissed now. "Why should I trust either of yall fuckers when both of yall killed someone close to me?" She said raising her voice again. Her brother looks at her and then hongjoon. "Kai listen it's not like that we just went to talk to her she then did killed herself we didn't do anything" he said trying to get her to believe him. She looks at him and scoff. "Really that's all you go to say? THATS ALL YOU GOT TO SAY ABOUT MY OWN FRIEND?!" She yelled throwing the paper work over her friends case. Hongjoon looks at her. And he says trying to calm her down "Kai listen it's not what it looks like she wanted us to do so and cover it up and she wanted to tell you but your father didn't want you to know bc it would break you so we didn't tell you." She looks at him and scoff. "Even if my dad said not to tell me you still should have, look I'm staying at our home jongho and if I go back to Felix is my decision not yours to make end of discussion I'm leaving" she said walking out the door confused on what to do. Should she go back to the one person who made her feel free but he is the reason for her parents passing or should she go to her brother who does the same job as Felix's family and the ones who hid what actually happened to her friend? She just decides to go home and sleep and try to figure it out later. She walks in sighing not wanting to deal with this. She walks to the bathroom and takes a shower and putting clean pajamas on getting ready to sleep. "I'll figure out what to do later" she say laying down and finally closes her eyes.

A/N: what do yall think? I honestly don't know about this chapter I had writer block this whole time. On top of that trying to get ready for school 😭. But hey at least I got it done I know it's kinda late and I'm sorry about that I'll try to get better at post chapters hope yall have or has a good day! 🩵💙

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