Meeting the maknae

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A/N: so sad news!!! I wont be going to school today! Well that's good for me and you guys, but not for my friends. Hehe anyway I'm hoping to finish a lot of chapters tonight/morning. It is currently 1:16 in the morning for me. TvT no sleep for me I guess. Anyway into the story but before we do read the title! Today our kai will meet your baby bread, well some of y'all call him daddy bread now. Anyway here we go!

5:56 that's what the clock read. You look over at the alarm. you sigh and groan not wanting to get up you try to roll over. you felt arms around you. you look to see who it is, you see seungmin holding on to you tightly. "Minnieeeeeeeee~~ I've got to get up!" you softly say into seungmins ear. you hear him groan. "5 more mineutes please." he said, you laugh at his response. "minnie, I have to meake breakfeast." You say trying to move his arms off of you, but you fail. You chuckle, you then hear a loud crash in the kitchen. Both of you guys jump up and look around trying to find a weapon. "What was that?" You whisper. "I don't know, Hans asleep on the floor over there." He stated pointing at han. You were even more concerned. What was in your house, who was it. Both you and him grab something as a weapon and start to head down.

You guys soon make it down there. Slowly you guys make it into the kitchen, you slowly go into the kitchen. You then hit the person over the head and you hear a huge yelp. You look at seungmin and he just shrugs. Then you guys both look at the person. "Noona hyung, why would y'all do that!" The person said. You looked a seungmin confused. He sighed. "Damnit IN you scared us." He said yelling at the younger one. You are still confused. Who is IN how does he know him why is he in your fridge. "I'm sorry who?" You said confused the boys look at you. "I'm sorry Noona I'm IN, the youngest of the group." He said smiling. "I'm glad you can be happy, I mean I did just hit you over the head," you said looking at his head trying to see if it will leave a mark. "Shit sorry, that will probably leave mark." You said still looking at his head. "Yea it will probably will but he deserves it. Not gonna lie, I was gonna kill ya." Seungmin said hitting the youngest's arm. "Hung stooopppppo~!" IN said whining, looking at you for help. "Don't look at me for help, you raided my fridge in the ass crack of dawn." You said slightly yelling at the young boy and look at seungmin. "Help him into the living room, I'm gonna make breakfast. And make sure to wake han I don't know how he is still asleep." You yelled kinda loud hoping that it would wake han up. After you see the boys go upstairs and you walk into the kitchen.

After an hour you got done cooking. You decided to call the boys over to the table putting the food down. They come down and sit down. Before you could sit down you got a call, you answer it. "Hello." You say answering the call. "Hey kai!" You hear a voice a reply back. You smile. "Felix! How are you?" You ask. "I'm ok, things are ended sooner then what we thought. Chan says that we will be back for dinner!!" He said all happy, screaming a little. You wince. "Wow felix that's great. But you didn't have to scream in my ears." You said with a annoyed voice. "Right sorry- shit, Kai love I gotta go something came up. But I'll see you soon." He said hanging up quickly. "Well then that was fast." You said putting your phone down. You sigh and sit down, looking at the boys you state. "Eat before it gets cold!" You start to put food on your plate. You then start to eat.

A/N: y'all I'mma leave it there. I started this 1 in the morning or something and fell asleep for like the whole damn day. TvT I just finished and time is 2:38 the next damn morning. Y'all I need help TvT. Anyway I'mma try and write another chapter but I don't know y'all it might go down to a chapter a day!

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