Gone away

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Disclaimer: *this one is kinda fluff but also some yelling and cussing is involved*

Kai was confused how did her brother know? She could care less but still she was so confused. "How did you know?" She asked. "Listen to me right now, I know you won't believe me but Felix killed dad. All because of his dad, and I don't want you to believe everything he says." She just looks at the phone. "What do you mean because of his dad?" She said looking at Felix. "His dad and mom had the affair, more like they both got drunk and decided to do it. But mom always set him out as the bad guy. But after dad found out he left her alone and didn't want anything to do with her. And come to find out that Felix's dad wanted to kill mom because she had claimed that he raped her when he didn't. But when he found out she was dead he killed dad." She was confused about how to feel. "Ok so it was all misunderstanding?" She said trying to think. She possibly thought Felix was a good guy from this can she? "No dad had told him that she killed herself. Dad and him were friends Kai so it hurts even more because it was his friend who killed him." She looked down trying to understand everything. "So your fucking telling my that because of mom dad and Felix's dad went out of hand and did some stupid things? You mean to fucking tell me to hate someone who had no part of it? You mean to tell me all this now? Why not earlier? I'm staying over send the address." She said hanging up. "I really can't fucking believe you and your friends. You guys act like you really care but don't want to tell me that you guys are the reason my dad died? Fuck y'all, fuck all y'all. I'm taking the car and not coming back. Oh and lee know I quit. End of discussion I'm leaving." She said as she walks out. She doesn't look back at them and walks into her car driving away.

A/N: YALL didn't tell me I forgot to finish this? By the way I am updating this later but why y'all not tell me. I'm upset about that. Anyway love y'all and have a good night!!!

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