Anne's Birthday

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Y/n's POV

It's Anne's birthday today and I'm trying to find the perfect gift for her, even if I have to spend a lot of money, it'll be worth it for her happiness.

It's before school and I'm looking around town and searching for the best gift. I'm walking through the fourth store when I see the perfect thing.

A ring with a cat on it.

It's perfect.

I go up to the counter where the ring is at and I ring the bell in front of me.

I see a man come over to me from the other side of the display case.

"Hello, what can I get you?" He said. I pointed at the ring I wanted, "The ring with the cat on it please."

He nodded and opened the display case, getting the ring out. He put it in a bot and then looked at the cash register.

"That'll be 120 dollars." He said.

I nodded and pulled the cash out of my wallet, handing it to him. He opened the register, putting the money away before handing me the box.

"Have a nice day." He said. "You too." I replied.

As soon as I got out of the shop, I checked the time on my watch. It's almost time for school.


It's after school and Marcy and I are in the library, studying for an upcoming test. I've already finished my studying so I'm just reading 'The Good Witch Azura' right now.

I see Marcy get up in my peripheral vison, I'd also get up but I need to finish this chapter.

After I finish it, I bookmark it with a random piece of paper I found earlier. I stand up to see Marcy take a picture of a book. I shrug it off, it's probably not important.

I hear a ding come from Marcy's phone. I assume it's a message because Marcy says, "Oh, sorry Y/n, I gotta go. My parents need to tell me something. Bye!"

I nod and wave goodbye to her. I sigh and leave the library, book in hand. I only ever come to the library because Marcy does.

I own all the books I need, so when I want to spend time with Marcy, but she wants to study in the library, I bring my books and study with her.

My family is the fifth richest in the state of California. My parents originally wanted to send me to a rich kid private school, but I didn't want to. Rich kids are mostly spoiled assholes, I didn't want to spend all my time around them, still don't want to now.

Anyways, I'm gonna head home now.


I'm in my bed, reading Azura when I get a notification.


Marcy: I think I just found the perfect birthday present for Anne.

Sasha: Haha !!

Sasha: LOL !! 😂

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Sasha: LOL !! 😂

Cool 👍 Where's it at? :Y/n

Marcy: Thrift Stop

Kk, omw :Y/n


I get out of my bed and walk downstairs, trying to avoid my parents. I open the front door and jog over to my bike.

I hop on the bicycle and start riding to Thrift Stop.


I arrive at the shop and see Marcy on her phone outside of it. I park my bike nearby and go to her.

"Hey, Mar-Mar!" I shout while running to the noirette. She looks up at me and smiles, "Hey N/n!"

When I reach her, I pick her up and spin her around. It's my way of greeting her.

She laughs when I put her down, so do I. But, our laugh fest is interrupted when Anne and Sasha appear.

They come up to us, "Hey Boonchuy, hey Gaybright." I say. Sasha comes up next to me and rolls her eyes, punching my shoulder playfully.

I laugh and they all join in. We stop after a moment, then we all look at Marcy. Instead of answering, she points inside the store.

We turn our gaze to a shelf in the shop that contains a music box with frogs on it.

I nod and start towards the door, "Okay, I'll pay for it." But before I can get to the door, Sasha grabs my shoulder and stops me.

I look back at her, "Huh, what are you doing?" I ask her. She responds, "I think Anne should steal it, it'll be more fun!" I look back at Anne and say, "Are you sure that's the best idea? We could get caught and-"

Sasha interrupts me, "Anne will steal the music box, End. Of. Discussion."

My pupils dilate and I nod hesitantly before going back to the group, standing by Marcy.

Sasha returns as well and tells Anne to, "Get in there, and steal that box, it'll be fun, I promise!"

Anne pauses for a moment before nodding and going into the shop. She stands in front of the self, talking to herself before looking at the old lady at the counter, turning back around and grabbing the music box.

She looks out the window towards us for conformation. Sasha gives two thumbs up, Marcy nods, and I hesitantly nod as well.

Anne turns back around after that, and puts the box in her backpack, before leaving the store.

When she comes back to us, Sasha high fives her while saying, "Good job Anne!" Anne smiles weakly.

"We should head to the park now, what do you think?" I asked. Everyone turns to me and nods. While we're walking away, I quickly slip my gift for Anne into her pocket.


We arrive at the park and Anne sits down on a bench, pulling the music box out.

Sasha, Marcy and I stand behind her, waiting for her to open it.

After a moment, Anne takes a deep breath and opens it.

A colorful energy consisting of different shades of blue, green, pink, and orange, comes bursting out of the box, knocking us all out.



That was the first chapter, I hope that it was good. Okay now, bye!

- Finn

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