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Y/n's POV

Yesterday was the day I arrived in Amphibia. Today is the day I begin my training to become a soldier.

Yesterday, after Zula told me I would be a soldier, Cricket led me to my new tent, gave me my uniform for the next day (Today), and told me that I would be living with someone else.

I'd nodded and he'd left. A few minutes after I arrived, Fizz entered the tent saying that she was my tentmate.

Anyways, right now I'm getting my uniform on for training, it looks like this.

After I equip my armor, I go over to Fizz who is in a corner, polishing a greataxe

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After I equip my armor, I go over to Fizz who is in a corner, polishing a greataxe. She also has her uniform on.

"Hey Fizz, time to go." I say to her. She looks up, nods, and starts to get up. "Well, let's not waste any time then. Let's go." She says.

She starts walking out of the tent and I follow her. A couple minutes later, we reach a wide open space with training dummies.

Fizz turns to me and stops walking, "Okay, so you'll get your weapon in the tent over there-" She points to a big tent on the far side of the field, "And then you'll come back here and talk with me."

I nod and start walking to the weapons tent. I pass a lot of axolotls on the way, giving me glances full of suspicion.

After being judged for a minute, I reach the tent. "Hello?" I say as I enter.

I hear rustling before I see an enigma axolotl come out from behind some boxes.

"Hello, hello! You must be the new recruit, right?" They ask. I smile, "Yes, yes I am."

They nod, "Okay, well, my name is Zuki, and I'm assuming you're here for a weapon?"

I nod, "Yes." Zuki turns around and starts rummaging through some boxes. A few moments pass before they pull out two things: a steel sword and a steel dagger.

They turn to me and hand me the weapons, "These seem like a good fit for you. Now go train!" Zuki says enthusiastically.

I salute and walk out of the tent, sheathing my sword and dagger. I jog back over to Fizz, who is waiting for me by one of the dummies.

When I reach her, I speak, "Hey! I'm back!" Fizz turns to me, smiling, "Good, now let's get started."

The rest of the day consists of Fizz demonstrating attacks with her greataxe and me copying her.

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