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(Hey, sorry for the wait, let's get into it)

Y/n's POV

Marcy and I are walking through a forest right now, on our way to Newtopia, the capital of Amphibia.

I look over at Marcy while we're walking to admire her features. In doing so, I forget to watch where I'm going, and run into a tree.

I stumble backwards and started rubbing my forehead. I groan in pain.

I hear Marcy laughing from beside me and I look over to her. She's doubled over, holding her abdomen while laughing.

I rolled my eyes at Marcy and walked past her, lightly pushing her on my way past her laughing figure.

I was a little ways away when I hear hurried footsteps, "Hey, wait up N/n! I didn't mean to laugh!" Marcy says while, ironically, laughing.

I turn back to her and cross my arms and raise my eyebrows, "Uh huh, sure you didn't." I say before turning back around and continuing to walk.

Marcy walks beside me, her laughter finally subsiding.

I break the silence after a moment, "You know, it's kind of unfair that you were laughing at me for being clumsy when you do clumsy things all the time and I don't laugh at you."

Marcy chuckles softly, "Yeah, sorry about that." She says while rubbing the back of her neck.

I shrug, "It's fine."

The shorter/taller girl next to me lets out a sigh of relief.

About half an hour later, I decide to get payback for Marcy laughing at my clumsiness.

I glance over at her then down at her feet, then proceeding to trip her before catching her before she fell, and pulling her into a dip(The catradora one from 'Princess Prom', you know what I'm talking about).

Marcy is below me and I'm holding her up so she doesn't fall. She blushes a deep red and I notice her eyes flicker down to my lips for a moment before reconnecting with my own eyes.

I smirk and lean further down, stopping only a centimeter away. I lean further, brushing my lips with hers, before pulling away and standing upright, making Marcy stand up with me.

I let an innocent smile spread across my face, "You almost fell there Mar-Mar, you've gotta be more careful. Come on now, we'd better get going." I say, starting to walk away.

I hear a scoff of disbelief come from the noirette behind me before she catches up with me and walks with her arms crossed in frustration.


We finally exit the forest and come upon a lake.

Once I notice that the ground has changed from beneath my feet, I look up from the floor and spot a giant city.


My eyes widen. The axolotls told me that was Newtopia was big, but I didn't think it was this big.(Okay, for some of you, get your minds out of the goddamn gutter)

The Orange Gem (Marcy x NB!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now