A Spy

98 5 18

(Isn't Marcy hot? I mean, look at her!)


Y/n's POV

"I have a proposition for you."

I tilt my head slightly, "And what would that be?"

"You go with the girl to Newtopia and spy on them for us." Zula says.

I raise my eyebrows in shock. "Oh." I think it over for a moment before deciding on an answer.

"Okay." I say as I nod.

Zula gains a smile, "Good, because you didn't really have a choice." She mumbles the last part.

I hum in confusion, "What was that?" I ask.

Zula smiles, "Oh, don't pay it any mind. Anyways, every week you will report back to us via the communication device you made-"

"Walkie talkie." I interrupt. Zula nods, "Right, you will report back to us via the walkie talkie every week with any information you have gathered, got it?"

I nod and salute, "Got it, ma'am."

Zula nods, "Now, leave me and start your mission soldier."

I nod, bow, and leave the tent. I start on my way back to Marcy.

I reach the clearing quickly to find Marcy starting to walk away.

"Hey, wait!" I shout after her. She turns around, and when she spots me, she starts beaming.

"You came back!" Marcy says happily. I stop in front of her, putting my hands on my knees while breathing heavily, "Yeah- I could- never leave- you." I say in between breaths.

She smiles and grabs me, pulling me close to her body, embracing me. I chuckle and wrap my arms around her.

I pull away after a moment and stand up fully. I then look up/down at the noirette in front of me.

"I have some good news!" I say to Marcy. She smiles, "What is it?"

"The axolotls are letting me come with you to Newtopia!" I say excitedly.

"No catch?" She asks.

"Nope! No catch!" I lie.

She grins and hugs me again. I smile and wrap my arms around Marcy in an embrace.

Soon enough, we pull away and Marcy grabs my hand and starts walking.

"Come on, we have a ways to go if we're going to get to Newtopia by sunset. We better hurry!" Marcy says.

I smile and nod, following her.

I hope she doesn't find out. I think, while looking at the enthusiastic smaller/taller girl in front of me.



Sorry for the shorter chapter, I just didn't have a fuck ton of motivation today. Hope ya don't mind though. (Also, I started a cult, if you aren't already a member, go check it out and at least consider joining! Thank you!). Anygays, bye!

- Finn

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