Chaos Ensues

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(It has been quite a while since I've updated this. Let's go over what happened in the time we were absent 🙃)

Y/n's POV

It has been quite a while since Anne and the Plantars arrived in Newtopia.

It didn't even seem like that long, apparently the Plantars bring fun wherever they roam, so the time passed by fairly quickly.

Tomorrow is the day the Plantars are supposed to head back to Wartwood- but let's go over what happened whilst they were here.


Within their first two days of arriving, Sprig had managed to wreck the hotel with his golden credit card powers, all by himself.

Goes to show that you just can't leave that little gremlin by himself.


About one or two days after that, Anne and Polly-  the name of the pollywog that I finally learned- decided to attempt and travel around Newtopia like locals.

They failed miserably.

They set things on fire- Arson.

Stole peppers from a vendor- Thievery.

Hit actual locals with fake tails- Physical assault.

Danced with the mascot of Igor the Brave- Dishonoring a hero.
Not illegal, but very much looked down upon.

I had to eventually burst in to stop a horde of townspeople from attacking them.


Sprig somehow got into Newtopia University.


I have no idea.

All I remember is alarms, and having to go over to investigate it, just to see Anne and Polly sneaking in for a party, while Sprig was trying to escape.

These people are going to be the death of me, I swear.


Yet another reason why you should never leave the Plantars alone.

Hop Pop discovered that his old friend was running a new business the hard way.

Like c'mon man, why not get someone who's actually experienced to do it?

He could've just asked Marcy or me, we both knew where he worked.

He went through an entire thing...


Okay, let me calm down, and then we can get into the next thing.
[Deep Breath]
Alright, here we go.

Thankfully, this day didn't have as much illegal stuff as the last week did.

Still had a bit of chaos though.

Hop Pop took Polly, Sprig, and Anne to go shopping, while Marcy and I went on a date.

Sprig and Anne ended up entering the Smash and Mash Derby.

They won, surprisingly.

Later that day, I found Anne and Sprig on the balcony, talking about their moms.

I decided not to interrupt, but I did end up thinking about my parents for the rest of the night while cuddled up next to Marcy.


Within the weeks, I had forgotten to give my weekly report to Zula.

So I did so during the sleepover that Anne and Marcy wanted to have.

Under the trapdoor.

I almost got caught when the group decided to come down the trapdoor after discovering it, and I quickly had to hide my walkie-talkie.

I had to give an explanation as to why I was down there/how I knew about this place.

My panicked brain came up with, "Oh, I was just sleepwalking, and I found this place!"

Marcy seemed suspicious, but soon shrugged it off, not believing that I would lie to her...
I'm sorry, Marcy.

After that, I followed the group around on their adventure in the basement.

They discovered the weird creatures that I had discovered a few weeks prior.

They freaked out while I stood there unfazed, following them around calmly.

After the whole fiasco, Marcy was even more suspicious of me. 


That's all that happened in the past couple weeks.

I can't wait for the aquarium trip tomorrow!



Have a recap of things that happened while we were away.
See ya next time!


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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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